All Chapters of Dear CEO Ex-Husband, You Had Your Chance!!!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
328 Chapters
Chapter 0171
Sasha confidently sashayed her way into the club, fully aware that the gaze of every man she passed was riveted to her, and even some women. "One dry martini," she ordered upon reaching the bar counter. "Right away," the bartender, a man, said as he gave her a seductive wink. Sasha merely smiled
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Chapter 0172
Excitement pulsed through Sasha’s veins when she saw Damian's gaze darken even across the dancefloor and through the already dim room. “Oh damn, I knew you would change your mind.” The guy rasped after Sasha had broken the kiss. “So who was that bastard who interrupted us?” “Nobody. Just an entitl
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Chapter 0173
“Let go the fuck of her!” A familiar voice growled, and Sasha turned to find Damian storming towards them. “Back off, or I'm going to beat the shit out of you!" The guy bellowed back, glaring at Damian. Damian's mouth twisted, a mocking look on his face as he threateningly said, “I'd like to see y
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Chapter 0174
The intensity of the daylight pouring through the blinds slowly woke Sasha. As she yawned and stretched, the ache in her body, which was more pronounced at the center of her thighs, reminded her of how she’d had her senses absolutely blistered by Damian. The man had been Insatiable, waking her up c
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Chapter 0175
"Jonas, please, I really need to speak to Michael," Gerald pleaded with the security man at the gate of the Hamilton residence the next day. Jonas shook his head firmly. "Please understand, Gerald. I can't let you in. Mr. Hamilton made it very clear last time that he didn't want to see you. And he
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Chapter 0176
“That investigator was sent by Liam. So are you saying Liam was the one who set you up?” Michael questioned. “Yes,” Gerald nodded earnestly, thinking Michael was finally beginning to agree with him. But to his dismay, the next moment, Michael shook his head as a look of disappointment crossed his
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Chapter 0177
"Hey, Anna, has Sasha still not arrived?" Desiree asked as she approached the desk of Sasha's secretary. Anna shook her head. "No, she hasn't. She hasn't called or texted either." Desiree checked her watch for the third time. It was almost ten thirty, and Sasha still hadn't shown up at work. That
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Chapter 0178
"The guy turned out to be a creep even though I probably provoked him. He flipped when he wanted to take me home with him and I said no. Then he began dragging me to his car.” Sasha shuddered at the memory. “Damian was the one who saved me from him.” She paused, pursing her lips. “He and I began ar
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Chapter 0179
“You should've seen the look on her face. Fucking phenomenal!" Damian let out a laugh as he narrated his little revenge to Rafael in the latter’s office. When his laughter died down, he raised a brow at Rafael, who'd been staring at him silently all this time. “Aren't you going to say anything? I
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Chapter 0180
Gerald nodded in response. “Then why aren't you saying anything? What are you going to do?” Gerald thought for only a few seconds before answering. “Nothing.” “Nothing? Is this a joke?” Rafael stared at him as if wondering whether he had all his mental faculties intact. “Dude, you have the eviden
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