All Chapters of Dear CEO Ex-Husband, You Had Your Chance!!!: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
328 Chapters
Chapter 0181
Damian parked his car in the parking lot of Hamilton Towers, feeling a surge of nervousness in his chest. His heart was pounded. Would Sasha even want to see him? He couldn't believe that he'd done that to her, but at that time, he had convinced himself that it was the best thing for him, even when
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Chapter 0182
Later, Desiree was in her office when Lena informed her that Gerald wanted to see her. “Please let him in.” As soon as Gerald entered, she slowly stood up, the hairs on the back of her neck standing with awareness at his mere presence. “Hello, Desiree.” He said softly. “Gerald.” Desiree swallowe
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Chapter 0183
"Good morning, Mum and Dad," Desiree greeted cheerfully as she approached the dining table. Her parents responded while she kissed them both on the cheek."How are you feeling this morning, Dad?" she asked."I'm feeling well, dear. In fact, I'm feeling better than I've ever felt," her father answere
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Chapter 0184
Tears brightened her father's eyes, reflecting in his voice when he spoke. "And I truly appreciate that, sweetheart. But you can't deny that it has become too much ever since the doctor said I didn't have much time to live. You and your mother have been sacrificing so much for me, your mum especiall
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Chapter 0185
“How the fuck did this happen, Renzo? How the fuck?" Gerald was currently at the port, ripping into the manager of the crew who handled his shipments. They'd called him hours ago to inform him that one of his shipments which was currently the most important one whose items were worth billions of do
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Chapter 0186
Liam felt a surge of panic. "I am, Michael. I am all those things. Why do you suddenly think otherwise?”"Stop calling me by my first name, Liam,” Michael snapped, glaring at him. “Only my loved ones have the privilege to do that. And you are no longer one of them.”Liam gritted his teeth, forcing h
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Chapter 0187
The next moment, Michael picked up his phone and was about to call someone, but Liam was quick, slapping the phone out of his hand. "What do you think you're doing?" He gritted out harshly, grabbing Michael by the collar. "You now think so highly of that bastard, don't you? Well, your dear Gerald i
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Chapter 0188
After stepping out of the study room, Liam darted his eyes around as casually as he could, trying to see if there was anyone nearby. To his luck, there still seemed to be nobody around.Still, he remained casual as he slipped out of the house, knowing that there were CCTV cameras outside. He wasn't
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Chapter 0189
Staring at her mother, Desiree let out a sigh. Even though her mother looked ahead at the platform, clapping her hands along with the other guests at the Carnival of Love, she was obviously distracted. Lines of worry and anxiety marred her forehead and swirled around her mouth, making her appear a
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Chapter 0190
"Gerald, how's my father doing?" Desiree questioned. Her mother stepped ahead of her, gazing at Gerald with tears in her eyes. "How's my husband doing, Gerald? How's Michael? Please tell me he hasn't left me. Please tell me he's still with me." She threw her arms around Gerald, breaking down into
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