All Chapters of Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
73 Chapters
Chapter 21: Scrolling on The Internet and the Shock Message.
Since he asked me to keep the phone, I didn't think twice before signing out his information and logging mine in. In my heart, I wished every piece of evidence Tyler destroyed along with that phone could be returned, as it could have been saved on iCloud.However, after fully signing in and refreshing my iCloud over what felt like a thousand times, I couldn't retrieve those videos and pictures. Nevertheless, it wasn't why I wanted to borrow the phone, and I didn't spend too much time on it, finding a needle in the bottom of the ocean.Immediately, I launched Instagram. Since the beginning of our marriage, Tyler's number was the only one I knew offhand. And with it, I knew most of my contacts were gone with the phone Tyler destroyed.Scrolling on Instagram, I tapped my finger on the search icon, and as it displayed, it felt like unlocking a treasure chest of endless possibilities. I entered the name "Attorney James."As soon as I saw that the search result displayed his profile, I clic
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Chapter 22: How Diana Knew?
My hands continued to shake as I held the brown file document, and while I sat on the lawn again, feeling sad and defeated, I brought out the document from the brown file. “Divorce Agreement This agreement was entered into on 12/02/2024 between Tyler Harrington, hereinafter referred to as the “husband,” and Alda Morgan Harrington, hereinafter referred to as the “wife.” "Dissolution of Marriage: The parties agree to dissolve their marriage effective immediately. Division of Assets and Debts:Real Property: The marital home shall be awarded solely to the husband, Tyler Harrington, who shall continue full ownership and responsibility for the property. The wife, Alda Morgan Harrington, hereby relinquishes all claims to the marital home.Eatery Business: The eatery business known as Tasty Bites, located in Chicago, America, shall be awarded solely to the husband, Tyler Harrington, who shall continue to assume full ownership and control of the business. The wife, Alda Harrington, hereby
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Chapter 23: Homeless Not Hopeless
Having pushed me to the ground, I felt like a leaf with no strength in me. With this, they mocked me, their silly laughter resonating louder in this bitter moment of my life. It seemed they had never been happier about a situation than they were with this. Sadly, realizing I had lost everything due to the silly mistake I made, I rose to my feet. It was okay to cry; it was okay to be sober; but what was not okay was to remain there and allow them to use me as comedy to laugh away their sorrows. I was unable to pick up all my clothes, but I managed to grab a few that I needed. Certainly, I was not homeless before I bought this house; I still had my parents' house to return to. I packed the few clothes I could into my luggage along with my makeup kits, and my heart reddened with tears. It was more than heartbreak at this moment; however, there was nothing more to be done. Life had shown me its ugly side, and all I could do now was accept it. I accepted my fate. Perhaps "fate" was not
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Chapter 24: The Way Forward
I was frozen in shock, still staring at the man who stood a few paces away from me like a statue carved from marble. Nevertheless, no matter the level of shock I felt, it did not stop the man from gently approaching me.As he walked, his shoe's solid heel made the sound of authority and confidence, like a man marching to the beat of his own drum, each step echoing with a sense of purpose and determination. It was as if he feared nothing and believed nothing could defeat him.“Good evening, ma’am. I am Robert, your assistant and also your bodyguard,” he bowed once again like a courtier paying homage to his queen, his demeanor exuding grace and deference.Even as he bowed, I still couldn't believe what had happened in just the blink of an eye. Barely three minutes ago, I was a downcast, defeated, sad woman who had just been divorced, and now, I was someone before whom this perfectly dressed man bowed and addressed as ma'am.'“It’s understandable to be confused, ma’am, but I have been in
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Chapter 25: The Words of The Uncle 
As they bowed to me, I did not know what to say or do. I simply continued to look at them, feeling perplexed, waiting to see the next course of action. Nevertheless, I didn't have to wait for too long. "This way, ma'am," Robert gestured toward the front door of the mansion and bowed, as he had been doing. Just as he gestured in this direction, the group of women and men right in front didn't raise their heads, even as I followed behind Robert, who was leading me through the mansion. Stepping foot into the mansion, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I was greeted by a grand foyer adorned with intricate marble flooring and towering columns. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow over the space. Similarly, elaborate tapestries lined the walls, depicting scenes of historical significance. Plush velvet furnishings filled the room, inviting guests to relax in luxury. "This way, ma'am," I heard Robert's voice call me out of my
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Chapter 26: The Truth.
Hearing that all I have known about myself, my parents, down to my younger siblings, was a lie all along, my eyes were filled with tears. I knew I should have been happy about the fact that I suddenly became wealthy, but the contrary was the case. How could I have been living a lie all along?This prompted me to burst into tears. It felt like a nightmare instantly as I rushed out of the living room and ran towards the corridor, down the stairs, and out of the mansion.Getting out into the compound of the mansion, I saw Robert running after me, and at my sudden halt as I looked around hastily for what to do, I saw him bow and say,“Ma’am, please come back inside. The acting boss…”“Just leave me alone!” I exclaimed, interrupting him from completing his words. And quickly, I reached into his suit's outer pocket and picked out the car key.Pressing the unlock button on the car key, I immediately saw the same Bentley he drove me with to this mansion flash its lights at me as if it signifi
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Chapter 27: Sign The Document
Stepping out of my mother’s house, with my mother and sister behind me, we exchanged smiles once again, like rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds after a storm. Then, when we saw Robert approaching, we saw how he bowed to me like a knight paying homage to his queen.“Ma’am, the acting boss has less than four hours to live. Please come with us, and you may be able to see him before he passes,” Robert said.As he spoke, I noticed Robert bowing slowly again, his movements graceful, like a dancer performing an elegant bow on stage. I nodded gently at him in acknowledgment. With this, I turned to my mom and sister, then glanced at the car key in my hand, its metallic glint catching the sunlight like a precious gem sparkling in the palm of my hand.I instantly took a deep breath. Surely, I was about to embrace my true lifestyle, but I could still feel some level of fear within me, like a lingering shadow that refused to be dispelled by the light. And it seemed as though my mother co
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Chapter 28: The Letter   
It was my second day in the mansion, yet I was not able to sleep throughout the night. My eyes were as swollen as if I had been beaten up by bullies. The death of my uncle still weighed heavily on me, and I wished I could turn back time and perhaps help him in the situation through any miraculous means available.No matter the luxurious food my private chef had prepared for me and the wait downstairs for me to eat, I did not. I was up in the room Robert had shown me since the night before, still sobbing like a child who had lost her dearest parent.Nevertheless, the death of my uncle had not gone unnoticed, and the television in my room had been left turned on since the moment I had taken to the room.Though I was not focusing on the TV but only on my imaginary thoughts for my uncle and my watery eyes, I was able to tell that every TV news channel was reporting news about my uncle's death.“Good evening, I’m Sarah Johnson, with a special report. At the late hour of the evening yesterd
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Chapter 29:  Burial
I shed tears as I read the letter, like raindrops falling from a stormy sky, and instantly I understood that though my uncle had not been present in my life since the death of my adopted father, he had indeed kept his eyes on me and shared in each of my pain and endurance like a guardian angel. But it was all good, just as the letter said; dwelling on the wounds of my heart served no purpose. With that realization, I turned off the television, rose from the bed, and addressed Robert with a resolve as steady as the North Star, ready to face the day's challenges head-on.“You said the burial is today?”“Yes, ma’am. The late boss emphasized that his burial should not be delayed, so this is why we are burying him this early,” Robert explained.“Great! I will be taking my bath now and getting dressed for the burial,” I said to him, then he bowed to me before leaving the room like a loyal servant.***About thirty minutes after he left, I was finished with my bath and had put on the perfec
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Chapter 30: Tyler Could Not Take It
March 1st, 2024, was the day Tyler knew he had made the terrible mistake of his life. He was seated in the living room with his siblings and his dearest mother. They were all sharing a large pizza, each of them holding a glass of wine. With each sip they took from their glasses, their mouths twisted into mocking expressions aimed at me. Foolish beings, if only they knew what had happened. "A donkey and a tired buffalo—that bitch monster is. I am glad you divorced her at the right time," his mother said of me. And at that moment, Emily chimed in, "Avanna is a beautiful woman that I like. Not like that ugly woman called Alda." With every name and insult directed at me, they laughed and cheered in their amusement. But little did they know that this camaraderie would soon dissipate. Tyler turned on the television. It was 11 a.m., and it was time for him to see what was happening in the city. Tyler, as I remembered him, was more of a person who loved to stay on the edge of the news so
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