All Chapters of Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
Chapter 51: The Step To Selling
Without further ado, Tyler rose from his seat. He had already finished his food, and from what I could tell, he was well satisfied; he wouldn't go hungry again for another three or four days.Again, he bowed, not indicating his departure as I had hoped. He bowed and said, “If I may, Matriarch Alessandra, can I change these clothes for fresh ones? As you know, we donated the house to charity, and everything inside it also went to them.”*Scoff*If only he knew what he was up against. Did he dare to ask for a new pair of clothes? A new pair of clothes, my ass. I looked at him as if he weren't human. Then I said, “No new clothes for you, Tyler. Wear those to the eatery. Wear them back here to rest for the night, and you'll be fine. Maybe, just maybe, if you do that to my satisfaction, you can have that new pair of clothes by nightfall.”“Yes, Matriarch Alessandra!” Tyler bowed once more, then walked out of the dining room and left the mansion.As he were driven to the mansion, he thought
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Chapter 52: Selling
Well, maybe not everyone could drive by a person who needed help in the middle of nowhere. This old man with shaky hands, like autumn leaves in a gentle breeze, drove an old truck that groaned with each turn of the wheel, finally decided to give Tyler a lift to the eatery.It could be that the old man had decided that he had lived enough and had seen everything life has to offer him that even if anything were to happen to him, he did not mind, or that he saw the kind of car he was driving, saw his own pocket, and thought no one would have wanted to kidnap or hurt an old man like him.In his truck, as he drove slowly, in the space of one minute, he had already asked Tyler more than fifty questions. From what his name was, to how old he was, to if he had a wife or children, and many others, Tyler kept answering.I knew how much Tyler hated too many questions flying at him in the space of seconds. If he had the choice, he would have nagged at the old man to keep his mouth shut. But then,
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Chapter 53: Selling ii
“With regard to your employment status, I want you to listen attentively. I've called this meeting because I need to be honest with all of you. Recently, there have been some changes in the financial state of our eatery. And since I already mentioned earlier that we are going bankrupt and that this eatery will be placed for sale, I have to do this even though it’s hard.”“I understand if you will get upset or angry with me. I take full responsibility for my actions. But I have to let everyone go. Today marks the last day you all worked at this eatery. Please go to your respective offices, pack your bags, and leave the eatery. This eatery is closing down today.”“What?” one employee exclaimed.“But what about our jobs?” another employee asked.“I’ll do everything in my power to help you find new employment. I’ll provide references, assist with job searches, and offer any other support you may need during this transition.”“But this isn’t fair, especially when we are still profitable.”“
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Chapter 54: SOLD! 
Having confirmed it to my sister, Tyler knew he had no choice but to sell it off to her. Or better still, he had a choice, but the love of my money blinded him, and he prepared the sale document. “This is the sale document, Mr. Tyler; all that is needed before the sale is your signature." Mr. Reynolds said as he was handing the document to Tyler at his office, and hence, as Tyler heard Mr. Reynolds, he received the document and signed it. Just as he signed, Tyler headed back to the restaurant, where Jasmine and the other employee were waiting for him. Entering the restaurant, Tyler passed the document to Jasmine, and Jasmine, in this strength, sighed on it in the appropriate space provided. Hence, she handed the sum of 1500 dollars to him. *scoff* This was a laughable amount that was visible to other employees. This was so laughable that, though the other employees did not know the events happening in the background as to why Tyler had sold the restaurant or why he sold it so chea
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Chapter 55: SOLD The Car 
Just like I said before, giving a piece of bone to the obedient dog was sacrosanct so that the dog would always be a good boy. Such was the case with Tyler, whom I allowed to sleep in my mansion all night.But to think that he slept in a cozy bed and a beautiful room was a lie, even though each room in my mansion was luxurious. Of course, my uncle made sure that this mansion was nothing less than the palace of the Queen of England.“Sleep at the bottom of that staircase, will you, Tyler? After all, it’s the same place you slept drunk the other day,” I said to Tyler, and he responded with,“Yes, Ma’am. Goodnight and have a wonderful night’s rest.”It's somewhat funny that people will do anything for money. Even a mighty man could easily become an errand dog for the sake of money. This reminded me of a story my uncle told me when I was a child.There was this man in the country who was the only one with a horse; the rest had to walk on foot, no matter the distance. Of course, this was i
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Chapter 56: Let Him Sell The Car
Seeing that Tyler agreed to sell the car without even a doubt about my willingness to marry him after selling the car, I decided to do something far worse. Something that might cause him pain. After all, he did that to me before, and now it is his time to bear that pain.After going back to the house and driving the car away, Tyler took it to a car dealer like a humble servant carrying out his master's command. hoping they could buy it from him and give him cash, all for 100 dollars.“So, you want to sell this car for $100?” The car dealer asked him. Tyler smiled back and said,“Yes. A good car for that low price, yeah? Well, you don’t get to see this kind of offer every day. Jump on it now before it’s too late.”Hearing what Tyler said caused more suspicion from the car dealer, like a storm cloud darkening an already gray sky. He looked at Tyler somewhat skeptically, delaying his decision to buy the car.Several crimes have been happening in the city lately, and for a dealer to witne
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Chapter 57: To His Mother
Tyler had already taken the new car back to the eatery, and just like the good dog he was, he was rewarded with a ride back to the mansion. But if he thought he would sleep over at the mansion and that we would go see his mother the next day, he was mistaken.“Take these, change into them; we are going to your mother right away,” I said, tossing a pair of new clothes to Tyler.Tyler was already looking so dirty, and that was not nice to take to his mother. I am a lady, and I know how ladies think. Knowing the kind of person Diana was, I knew she would smell something fishy if she saw Tyler in that state.So, a new pair of clothes to make Tyler clean would suffice. If not for anything else, but to deceive the catch that there was something really going on.With this resolve, even though it was the evening of the day, I faced Robert and the chauffeur who had driven Tyler to the mansion.“Tyler will be the one driving me today. We will be back soon,” I said.“But ma’am,” Robert protested
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Chapter 58: Words To The Mother 
*Scoff*"A thorn today may bloom as a rose tomorrow, so treat it with care" was a very popular adage, but how pitiful that Diana did not remember this adage when Tyler and I were still married.Merely looking at her face, I can still see how she used to frown and how she used to squeeze up her face irritably just to have me brush the floors or wash the toilet.In the same manner, I remembered those cranky, stupid creatures she called children. Bed of the same evildoers, and just as I remembered that, I saw those evil creatures come out of the same house before us.Their gowns were the dirtiest, and their faces looked like they had not taken a good bath for the longest time.Whatever Diana was saying to me as she was corrected on what my name was, I did not listen, not that I cared anyway, and whatever her children said, I did not hear.The only thing I could tell was that Diana looked at me in this instance not with the rigid eyes she used to look at me before but with glorifying eyes
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Chapter 59: The Press 
It had barely been six hours when Diana and her two daughters dusted off their legs like they were shaking off the past, and approached the TV station. I didn't even know they could do it this fast. This made me remember the first time Tyler and I were to be married.After our parents were perfectly introduced, it took more than a month to get Diana to finally agree to the date we had picked to get married. In her defense, her son deserved someone to match his status.But excuse me, “What did she mean by someone to match his status?” I was the perfect industrious lady who had her own money in her pocket. Obviously, Diana thought of me as a dependent woman. Someone who looked to her husband’s hand even before she could afford her own pads for her monthly flow.Over my dead body!I was the vibrant and hardworking lady whom Tyler knew he was lucky to have. And so he knew how to handle it, and eventually, Diana agreed to the chosen date, and we got married.So, if I had been beautifully ri
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Chapter 60: What They Said On TV  
The day of reckoning was indeed near, and it was even more funny because Tyler and his family knew nothing about it.The instant they were allowed into the station, they were led into the channel room, where they’d be interviewed.Though it was obviously not Tyler’s first time being interviewed, it was his first time at a TV station wanting to go live on air.Right before their eyes was a lady seated behind a desk. In her hand were a notepad and a pen. Behind her was a large screen that seemed more or less like a projector, displaying the name BBC News boldly.On the right-hand side, the left-hand side, and in the center, Tyler and his family saw the media crew standing behind cameras and staring right into them.Tyler was asked to sit on a chair a bit distant from the interviewer's desk, and right beside him was a stool with a glass of juice on top of it. Emily, Olivia, and Diana were seated in the same manner, and they did not wait long before taking their first sips of the juice.“A
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