All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
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Chapter 631
The hint was too obvious.Henry was not dumb. Even though Lora did not say it outright, her blushing cheeks and trembling body gave her away.However, he did not expose her. He said, "You should know by now that the group CEO, Lydia, is my wife. So, this company is mine too."If you want to repay me, I do have something for you.""What is it, Henry?" Lora's heart pounded faster.'Is he going to ask for sex right here in the office? That would be too embarrassing. What if someone heard him? How would I face anyone after that?' Lora thought.However, she had already said she would do whatever he asked. She somewhat felt excited to have sex in the office; it even made her body heat up a little.Henry said, "Just work hard and bring more benefits to the company. That's the best way to repay me.""That's it?" Lora was confused. She wondered if Henry could not understand what she tried to say."Yes, that's it. Anything else?" Henry confirmed."That's already my job anyway. Is there
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Chapter 632
Lora declined immediately. Henry had clarified that nothing could happen between them, so she could not accept any benefits from his authority.Lillian prepared herself quickly and arrived at Henry's office following Lora's lead. Lora left after informing Henry about Lilian's arrival.Lilian tried to calm herself by taking a deep breath and stepping inside cautiously. She saw Henry sitting in the office.If it had been the previous day, she would have thought he was a worthless slacker and possibly mocked him. At that moment, he appeared confident, as if he could accomplish anything.Henry looked different."Mr—Mr. Truman!" Lilian bowed politely and respectfully."What's up?" Henry asked indifferently; he was busy with his phone."Yes! I offended you yesterday due to my ignorance. I came to apologize," Lilian said humbly.She had decided to give it her all, whether it was for herself or her family. While she doubted Henry could stand against the Levies, his ability to impress J
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Chapter 633
"Oh, so I'm that impressive, huh? If that's the case, come sit on my lap," Henry said casually.Lilian froze for a moment, and her face turned slightly red. She paused and asked, "Are you sure you can protect me, Mr. Truman?""Why come to apologize if you don't trust me?" Henry countered."I have no other choice," Lilian said."Fine. We'll talk again after I handle Eric," Henry said nonchalantly.Lilian's face lit up with joy. She quickly asked, "Does this mean you forgive my mistakes?""Take it that way if you want. Anything else? If not, you can leave now," Henry said."Okay. Can you give me an account number so my family can transfer the money?""No rush. Let's wait until Eric is dealt with," Henry replied.His response took Lilian aback. She asked, "Aren't you worried that my family might back out later?""You all would've handled Eric if your family could ever choose to back out," Henry said.Lilian smiled bitterly. Indeed, if Henry could handle Eric, how could her fami
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Chapter 634
She was breathtakingly beautiful. He had often dreamed of having Lydia. Unfortunately, she only discussed business with him, showing no interest in anything beyond that. She never responded despite his willingness to make generous concessions and drop numerous hints.However, he was not worried. As long as they continued to work together, he believed he would eventually win her over, even if he had to resort to underhanded methods.He immediately stood up to greet her, "You're here, Ms. Miller. You look so elegant and graceful every single time I see you. I wonder which lucky man has the chance to be with you."Lydia did not like his tone or how he looked at her, but the deal was almost closed, so she had to be polite. She extended her hand for a quick shake, though her brow furrowed slightly in discomfort.Just then, Henry stepped forward and took the man's hand."Edward Warren?" Henry said lightly.Lydia was surprised and wondered if Henry knew Edward. His possessive move made
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Chapter 635
Despite the severe consequences, the Miller Group would have collapsed long ago without Henry. Besides, regardless of those factors, Lydia would never allow Henry to be insulted. She coldly replied, "Of course not!"Edward was stunned, thinking he had misheard."I forgot to introduce him properly. This is Henry, my husband. Which means my company is his company."If he says we can't work together, then we can't.""What? You two are married?" Edward's face turned pale with anger. He was furious that Lydia chose to side with Henry and even more enraged that Lydia was already married to someone he despised.He immediately retorted, "No way, Ms. Miller. How could you marry such trash?"Even though he did not know much about Henry, Lilian had told him that Henry was a nobody with no power or connections. In other words, a complete loser.However, Lilian mentioned that he married someone from a somewhat wealthy family. Edward wondered if it was the Millers. He was upset that Henry got
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Chapter 636
Henry laughed, clearly showing his disdain and mocking Edward's threats. That infuriated Edward even more. Edward shouted, "You're asking for it, Henry. This restaurant belongs to my family, and I can cripple you now.""No! You wouldn't dare!" Lydia immediately retorted."I'm warning you, If anything happens to us here, the Millers will never let it go. Try it."The Neptune Group might be powerful, but the Miller Group is not far behind. For Henry's sake, we'll drag the Neptune Group down with us regardless of the costs to the Miller Group." Her tone was resolute and icy, leaving no room for doubt that she meant every word."Let's go, Henry. Ignore him!" Lydia said firmly."If he dares to harm us, the Miller Group will fight him to the end!"Her tone was cold and unwavering. She took Henry's hand and started to walk out. The men blocking the doorway had been intimidated by Lydia's aura and reluctantly stepped aside. Edward's face contorted with rage as they left.He smashed his
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Chapter 637
Lydia had picked up on the underlying meaning, and her face turned red as she scolded playfully, "What are you talking about? It was just to handle the situation.""So it was just to handle the situation and not because you really want me to be your husband?" Henry teased."Dream on! Unless you achieve something great and become the company's vice president," Lydia said, thinking a little incentive might motivate Henry to work harder."What kind of achievement would that be?""It has to be something that significantly benefits the company, like helping our expansion into the jewelry business. If you can make a big impact there, that counts.""What about making our company one of the top Hodbridge's jewelry business players?" Henry asked."Of course, but how is that possible? We've just started," Lydia said."Do you remember Sebastian?" Henry asked, knowing that the Yorks were a major player in the market.Lydia nodded and said, "Of course, I know their family is in this busines
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Chapter 638
Lydia felt slightly disappointed that the deal did not go through, but Henry's words lifted her spirits. As lunchtime approached, they found a restaurant nearby to eat, unaware that Edward had arranged for people to follow them.Edward was known for his vengeful nature, and Lydia's threat earlier had made him furious. As soon as they entered the restaurant, Lydia's beauty caught everyone's attention. She was indeed stunning, far more beautiful than most celebrities. Henry had booked a large private room to avoid the stares.The waiter quickly noticed their extraordinary status, especially given Lydia's elegant demeanor.Their food arrived promptly, but the private room's door burst open just as they started eating.Edward walked in with six men.Lydia's face changed as she asked angrily, "What are you doing, Mr. Warren?""What do you think? Do you think I'll let you go easily?" Edward sneered."Did you forget what I said earlier?" Lydia snapped."Of course not. I doubt you'll b
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Chapter 639
Henry's bold declaration slightly surprised Lydia. She did not expect him to boast in front of Edward, but that was typical of Henry, and his bold claims often turned out to be true.Edward was slightly stunned before bursting into mocking laughter. "You're killing me! I have to applaud your stupidity. I've seen clueless people, but never anyone as brainless as you. This is hilarious!"Henry shook his head and said, "Laugh while you can.""I'll be laughing for sure; I'll laugh for the rest of my life. But you'll die today."Get him!" Edward ordered his men.They had already surrounded Henry and were waiting for Edward's instruction.At Edward's command, one of them threw a powerful punch.Lydia could not help but feel a surge of anxiety even though she knew what Henry could do.Bang!The room echoed with the sound of impact, leaving everyone in shock.Henry had not moved an inch, yet the attacker was sent flying, landing heavily on Edward.Lydia was stunned; she had not even
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Chapter 640
Edward had not believed in Henry's bold declaration.Even Lydia found it hard to believe. However, knowing Henry's past feats, she held onto a glimmer of hope.As Henry's phone call went through, it was answered by Sebastian.Sebastian had been trying to figure out how to contact Henry since Eric was expected to arrive soon. Though Henry had downplayed the threat, Sebastian knew they needed to prepare.After all, the Levies were a major family from Aurelia, which was relatively stronger than the Yorks. Sebastian believed that Henry had called to discuss dealing with Eric."Mr. Truman!" Sebastian greeted him eagerly."Are you calling about Eric?"Henry frowned."Is he here already?""Not yet, but he'll be here tomorrow," Sebastian replied anxiously."Oh, then why worry about him now?" Henry was indifferent about that issue.With a wry smile, Sebastian asked, "Is there something you need, Mr. Truman?""Nothing big. Are you in charge of the Yorks now?" Henry asked."Absolutel
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