All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 651 - Chapter 660
922 Chapters
Chapter 651
"What?!" Lydia and Lilian were stunned as Henry had acquired the multi-million group for just 15 million dollars, especially since the group was completely controlled by the Warrens.Lydia asked in disbelief, "Are you sure about buying the Neptune Group for 15 million?""Yes, that's right," Henry confirmed with a smile."And I was the one who made the offer."But you're going to be busy. Get yourself prepared," Henry said."Why?" Lydia was flabbergasted."Because I don't have the money," Henry replied."You'll have to buy it. Didn't you want to get into the jewelry business? Acquiring the Neptune Group will instantly place you among the top in the market." Henry laughed."But…" Lydia was overwhelmed and could not believe what was happening. It was even more surreal to her when Stanley called to finalize the deal.She could not believe the Yorks had such influence to make the Warrens surrender their entire group, especially just to save someone.Why did the Yorks not take over
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Chapter 652
As Edward got back home, he was locked up in his room.When Stanley returned, he started beating Edward without a word. He got angrier as he hit Edward, especially after signing the contract and losing the entire group.Edward would have been half dead if his mother had not intervened."Dad, is it true that the Neptune Group is gone?" Edward could not believe everything that had happened.Stanley's anger had subsided. After all, Edward was his only precious son. He sighed and threw the contract in his hand. "Take a look for yourself."Edward's face paled when he saw the contract, and he collapsed to the ground.He never imagined that because of his ignorant actions, the family would lose multi-millions of assets in such a desperate way.He could not accept it. He had gone from being a high and mighty young master to nothing. He asked, "Dad, is Henry really that powerful?""What do you think?"Stanley was furious; he could see through his son's thoughts and said angrily, "You b
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Chapter 653
Henry had no choice but to accept.He said reluctantly, "Alright, I'll listen to you. But once I stabilize the group, you better spoil me.""What the—" Lydia blushed."Is there nothing else on your mind?""You're right," Henry said.Then, he said, "But I only think about you."Lydia felt pleased but scolded, "I'm not buying your sweet talk."It's getting late. I should go back and rest," she said immediately, feeling a little overwhelmed by Henry's sweet words."Fine." Henry sighed."I thought we could stay at a hotel tonight since I did so well today.""Dream on!" Lydia rolled her eyes at Henry."I'll drive back by myself. You should rest early, too. Remember to get to work on time tomorrow. We have a lot to discuss.""I'll drive you," Henry said."No need, it's too much trouble," Lydia replied."Not really," Henry said.Lydia did not refuse as Henry insisted. She did not know when it started, but she enjoyed being with Henry more and more. She felt upset and angry when
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Chapter 654
"Mr. Truman!" Richard greeted respectfully, signaling Raymond to be quiet.Raymond was there to discuss some matters with him that evening."Thank you for your help today," Henry said."There's no need to thank me, Dr. Truman. I was just doing my duty. Otherwise, who knows what disaster could have happened," Richard replied."It's a good thing you stepped in and resolved everything so quickly, avoiding bigger problems.""True," Henry said."But weren't you worried that if I didn't handle things well and caused negative impacts on your appointment?"Richard quickly responded, "I trusted you to handle it well.""Good. Since you trust me, I have some good news for you. Your official appointment will be announced the day after tomorrow," Henry said with a smile.Richard felt a surge of excitement. Even though he knew it was coming soon, the official announcement brought relief."Congratulations, Mr. Miles.""Thank you, Dr. Truman."Richard hesitated momentarily. Then, he asked,
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Chapter 655
Henry had had a busy day. After hanging up the phone, he went straight to bed. He had no idea that someone had already set their sights on him.When Jody got home, she started whining and making up stories, saying how arrogant Henry was and that he did not respect Frankie.Frankie was furious and immediately ordered people to deal with Henry and the Miller Group.Henry woke up early the next day and arrived at the company by 9:30 a.m. Everyone greeted him respectfully. He went to the CEO's office immediately and started to discuss the deal regarding Neptune Group. Then they talked about managing the sales department.Henry would be the new CEO of the Neptune Group, so he would not have time to manage things there, leaving the sales director position vacant."What do you suggest? Just appoint someone," Henry said casually.If it were a manager position, he could easily have Herman take over. Herman was capable and hardworking, even though his talent had been overlooked.However,
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Chapter 656
Henry looked at the two of them and smiled. "Relax, I have good news to share today."Cecilia gave Henry a playful glance and said, "Stop teasing me. I've been waiting for your good news every day."With her sexy outfit, Henry almost lost his composure."Don't worry, it's definitely good news," he said quickly."Are you serious, Mr. Truman?" Cecilia was only joking, so she was surprised."Of course I am!"I'm here to tell you I'm promoting you," Henry said."Promoting me?" Cecilia was taken aback. She was a team leader, and Herman was above her. She wondered what kind of promotion it could be."That's right!" Henry said.Henry asked, "Herman, how have you felt handling the sales department recently?""It's been tense and exhausting, but I feel very fulfilled. I've learned so much," Herman replied."Are you planning to transfer me somewhere else and promote Cecilia?"Even though Herman outranked Cecilia, he was respectful to Cecilia.Henry did not answer but continued askin
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Chapter 657
After a long moment, Herman finally spoke excitedly."Thank you, Henry. Without your help, I'd still be an ordinary salesman."No matter what you need from me in the future, I'll be there without hesitation.""Good to hear that," Henry said calmly."To be honest, I promoted Cecilia because I'm worried you lack experience. She'll assist you."So, you'll have to work hard to secure this position. Otherwise, Cecilia might take it from you.""Aren't you afraid this will cause conflict between us, Mr. Truman?" Cecilia asked helplessly."Don't worry about that!" Herman quickly reassured Cecilia."I know you well, and you've always looked out for me. I'm sure we will work well together."Herman turned to Henry and said, "Rest assured, I'll do my best.""Very good!" Henry said.Henry looked at Cecilia and smiled. "You've been with the company longer and have more experience. Please help Herman as much as possible, Ms. Leon.""I will, Mr. Truman.""Good. Even though there's only on
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Chapter 658
Jess flashed her police badge to the receptionist and said, "We're here for Henry. He's a suspect in a group fight."The receptionist was startled and quickly replied, "Please wait, let me check."Henry was not a nobody, so she could not just let them in.However, Jess ignored her and marched inside. She found someone and coldly asked, "Where's Henry?"The person was frightened and pointed the way. By then, Henry had received a call from the reception and decided to approach them. He soon encountered Jess and her team."Henry!" Jess called out."I told you we'd meet again. I didn't expect it to be this soon." Jess was furious as she remembered Henry's smug look the last time. She could finally arrest him.However, Henry remained unfazed by her irritation and smiled. "What brings you here, Officer Drayson? You want to see me?""Indeed. I'm to arrest you," Jess sneered."That's not right. That would mean you're biased against me," Henry replied with a smile.Realizing her slip,
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Chapter 659
Jess was furious after being blatantly provoked by Henry and Lydia. Her eyes filled with anger as she coldly glanced at Lydia and said, "He won't be released unless he's truly innocent. No one can make him walk free."Then, she left with her team.Lydia's expression darkened. She quickly asked the people nearby and learned that Henry had been arrested because of Edward.She had not expected Edward to lodge a police report against Henry. She needed to understand what had happened.Just then, Lydia's phone rang. It was John."Grandpa!""Come home immediately," John commanded."What happened? I'm busy right now and can't leave.""No matter how busy you are, you must come home immediately," John said."Alright." Lydia sighed and complied.John looked nervous. He instructed William and Jennifer to prepare everything.It turned out that Alfred Levy, Eric's grandfather, had requested Eric visit the Millers.About half an hour later, Eric arrived.He appeared refined and polite, w
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Chapter 660
Eric's grandfather even wanted Eric to meet Lydia. Top-notch beauties always surrounded Eric; he had no idea why he had to meet a woman from a trashy family.Alfred treated John pretty well. He hoped Lydia could get together with Eric. Of course, Eric must like her, too.John was curious and asked, "Which family dared to provoke you, Young Master Levy?""Hmph, the Yorks!" Eric sneered. He did not expect the Yorks to be so clueless and dare to go against him for a woman.He was there to offer a last chance to the Yorks, or they would end up miserably."The Yorks? They're quite powerful here." John was surprised."Bullshit!"The Yorks might seem powerful to you guys. But once I make a move, they won't stand a chance," Eric said arrogantly."Yeah, it's a different story if you intervene personally." John shook his head.He could not believe the Yorks dared to challenge the Levies.He sighed—the Yorks must have been clueless when they made that huge mistake. However, some mistake
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