All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 661 - Chapter 670
922 Chapters
Chapter 661
When John and the others saw Eric's reaction, they were excited. John was confident that everything would work out as expected. He immediately said, "Young Master Levy, please allow me to introduce you to my granddaughter, Lydia.""She's the CEO of Miller Group, in charge of the entire organization."Eric finally regained his composure when he heard that. He was less arrogant than before. He stepped forward with enthusiasm and said, "Hello, Ms. Miller. I didn't expect you to look so stunning. You're more beautiful than a fairy."As he spoke, he extended his right hand, intending to shake Lydia's.Lydia hesitated, and she did not extend her hand in the end.Jennifer quickly introduced them, saying, "Why are you just standing there? This is Mr. Levy from Aurelia. Greet him right away."Eric immediately responded, "It's fine. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Miller. You must be nervous as this is our first meeting. Come, let's sit down and talk."It was clear he was not going to leave.
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Chapter 662
"Henry, do you think there's someone behind supporting you who can help you get out of here?" Jess's question was obviously a trap."No, I didn't say someone was supporting me.""Why are you so confident then that someone will be able to help you get out of here?""I didn't say anyone would bail me out. I'm confident I can get out because I haven't done anything illegal. Since I haven't done anything illegal, of course, I can get out of here." Henry smiled.When Jess heard that, she cursed discreetly. 'What a cunning person. He didn't say anything at all.' She said coldly, "You managed to escape the last time, but we have concrete evidence this time. Let's see how you'll be able to get out of this."Henry smiled and said, "Officer Drayson, do you want to make a bet? If I can't leave the police station today, I'll listen to your instructions in everything from now on.""Are you sure?" Jess sneered. With her ability and the fact that Henry had indeed committed a crime, keeping him
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Chapter 663
Sebastian put down the phone helplessly. He looked at his father's eager eyes. It was obvious that he was asking what Henry's reply was.As several previous calls were unanswered, he did not turn on the speaker on his phone for the call. As such, the people near him could not hear the content of their conversation clearly."Mr. Truman said to call him when Eric arrives," Sebastian said helplessly."It's still the same."Bowen smiled bitterly and said with frustration, "That's it. We can only listen to Mr. Truman's instructions. Besides, Eric didn't come here as soon as he came to Hodbridge. He must be waiting for us to compromise.""So, we can still afford to wait for Mr. Truman to get here.""I'm afraid that he'll abandon us. If he doesn't show up, we'll be in trouble," one of the family elders said."He won't do that." Sebastian shook his head and said, "Since Henry had promised us, he'd definitely do it."On the other hand, Jess was worried that Henry was plotting something.
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Chapter 664
Donald hung up and inquired about the matter immediately. He then learned that the other party had offended Frankie, the deputy mayor. He called Frankie immediately.When Frankie heard Donald on the phone, he was extremely respectful. Donald had served as secretary for quite some time, even though he was about to retire.As a result, Frankie agreed to let the Miller Group go.As for Henry, nothing was mentioned. Hence, Frankie would not let him go so easily. He even wanted him dead.That was the only way to dismiss the hatred in his daughter's heart. Since he could not take action against the Miller Group, he decided to punish Henry severely.Eric hung up the phone and then returned to sit down. He said, "Don't worry, Lydia. I've already spoken with Mr. Chapman, the top leader in your city. He'll take care of it. It's perfectly fine.""That's fantastic. You must have many connections, Mr. Levy. With just one phone call, you can reach the most powerful person in the city," John s
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Chapter 665
Jess kept calm and avoided getting angry. After some simple questions, she said, "Henry, you should take the initiative and explain everything immediately."Otherwise, if I discover the truth through other means, you'll lose your only opportunity to reduce your sentence."Henry appeared frustrated. He shook his head and asked, "What's there to explain? I didn't do anything illegal.""Are you sure? This is your only chance. No matter who begs for your mercy this time, I won't let you go.""There's nothing to explain.""Well, you asked for it."Jess became angry and said, "Bring them in."When the others heard her order, they immediately brought in Neil and Edward. As soon as they entered, they noticed Henry sitting there.Despite having his hands cuffed, Henry remained calm. However, his facial expression shifted slightly.Henry also glanced at them. He had a cold, sharp look in his eyes.Both men's hearts trembled slightly, and they could not help but break out in cold sweat.
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Chapter 666
"May I be struck by the thunder if I had lied to you."Neil was dumbfounded. Edward had lied, but he dared to swear on his life. Was he not afraid of the swear coming true? However, Edward's fear of facing Henry was apparent.Jess was infuriated. Fortunately, they had another eyewitness. She turned around and said, "Neil, didn't you say earlier that Henry used his skills to act recklessly and harm people as he wished?"Neil immediately denied it, saying, "No, Mr. Truman is a very nice person. We were cruel to him, but he refused to harm us. How could he harm others as he wanted?"When Jess heard that, she became enraged. "Neil, you think you can undo everything you've said by changing your story now? We have surveillance videos."Neil's facial expression changed several times after learning about the surveillance videos. What should he do? He had no choice but to confess truthfully out of desperation. He replied, "Yes, I said that before, but someone asked me to say that intention
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Chapter 667
"Why? Do you feel wronged?Despite Jess's pitiful expression, Sergeant James continued commenting about her. He grumbled, "If you can't stand me or still want to act the way you want, please ask to be transferred."Our station can't accommodate someone with a huge ego like you."His words were very hurtful. Jess's tears of grief streamed down her cheeks directly. She could not help but say, "There's clearly something wrong with Henry. What is it about his identity that compels you to defend him like this?""There's something wrong with him?"Where is the evidence, then? How can you claim that he has a problem if there's no evidence?"Can I arrest you for interrogation simply because I have a passing suspicion that something is wrong with you?" Sergeant James asked when he saw that she had not repented."I—"Jess wanted to say something but was unable to refute it."You have nothing to say now?""If you still want to work at the police station, apologize to Mr. Truman immediat
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Chapter 668
"That's better. You should have behaved like this long ago." Henry smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I am a forgiving person. Since you're so sincere, I'll forgive you.""Thank you, I'll see you out."That was Sergeant James's request. Jess stepped forward, unlocked Henry's handcuffs, and then led him out.Sergeant James was waiting outside. He stepped forward and said, "Mr. Truman, I'm really sorry. My subordinates are ignorant and have offended you. I'm here to apologize to you.""It's fine. It's the past now," Henry said."Thank you. Jess, did you see what a generous person Mr. Truman is? You must not make such a mistake again," Sergeant James said."Yes, I'll remember that.""Remember it deeply. See Mr. Truman home personally.""This—"Jess wanted to reject, but when she looked into Sergeant James's eyes, she nodded and said, "Sure."Someone had offered him a ride, so Henry did not refuse. He got in her car and asked her to drive him back to the office. After all, he
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Chapter 669
"I'm very sure," Jess said coldly and firmly.Henry shook his head. There must be something fishy about her sudden change of mind. However, how would she be able to outwit him?They arrived at the office lobby after a while."Here we are. Baby Jess, would you like to come and sit in my office for a while?" Henry said with a smile.Jess almost vomited when he called her that. She glared at Henry fiercely, then got out of the car and stepped forward to hug him.Henry was confused. 'What's going on? Is this girl in heat or something?'However, Jess quickly let go of her hand and said proudly, "Alright, I've just become your woman. However, I now find you ugly and have a bad character, so I am breaking up with you.""Break up?" Henry finally understood what she was up to.Jess looked at Henry, feeling stunned and proud.'I finally tricked this bastard for once.' However, she realized he was not annoyed when she hugged him.Henry smiled and said, "Sure, let's break up. So, you're
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Chapter 670
"Well, it's just a small problem. Of course, I'm fine," Henry said."That's great, Henry. After you left, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Tax Bureau arrived..." Herman explained what had happened.Henry frowned as he listened to Herman. His face turned cold. He did not expect so many things to happen in such a short period. He immediately asked, "How was the matter settled later? Where's Lydia?""Lydia?"Herman was slightly startled. Was that not Ms. Miller's name?As expected, Henry did have a close relationship with Ms. Miller. He replied quickly, "Ms. Miller received the news, too. However, she didn't return to the office. It seemed that Ms. Miller found someone to help solve the problem.""Alright, I understand now."Henry called Lydia immediately.Lydia had just left Eric. After all, Eric had greatly assisted her family; she could not ignore him.Furthermore, John had asked her to go for a walk with Eric.Lydia even took the opportunity to mention to Eric th
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