All Chapters of A deal with the playboy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
158 Chapters
ELLA'S POV"Well isn't that just precious?""Shut your mouth, Lucinda," Amelia snapped. She turned her furious glare on Damien. "So this is why you went so cold on me out of nowhere? You were just waiting to get your hooks into the next available set of legs?" Lucinda just rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh please, don't act so shocked. We all knew Damien's motives from the start.""Is that true?" Amelia demanded, rounding on Damien again. "Was I really just some way to pass the time for you until Slutty McSlutterson over here became available?""Babe, don't be like that," Damien began. "You know you meant something to me..."All I felt was to gag.Lucinda scoffed loudly. "Uh, could you be more pathetic right now? If the loser actually meant anything, you wouldn't have come crawling right back to me the second I snapped my fingers.""You bitch!" Amelia's hands balled into fists at her sides. I could practically feel her anger. "How dare you act like you're some prize to be won? You're
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TRENT'S POVI paced the length of my bedroom as my mind swirled with anxious thoughts.. How could Mom and Dad be so blasé about Tom's deteriorating condition? Didn't they see how much worse he'd become since being transferred to that new hospital? I climbed down the stairs towards the sitting room where my mother spent most afternoons. I had to make them understand, had to convince them to get Tom out of that place before it was too late.As I entered, Mom glanced up from her book. "Trent? Is something the matter?""Mom, we need to talk about Tom and getting him transferred out of that hospital." The words tumbled out as I moved closer. "His condition is only worsening there instead of improving." She sighed, setting her book aside. "Trent, dear, Evergreen Memorial is one of the finest medical facilities in the country. I'm sure they're doing everything they can for your brother.""Are they though?" I shot back, unable to hide my bitterness.I'd been going to visit Tom regularly si
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ELLA'S POV"Aww, they are so cute," I heard someone whisper as Trent and I walked down the hallway after class, our fingers locked together.I felt my cheeks flush slightly at the comment, but Trent just grinned and pulled me a little closer against his side. It still felt so surreal, being able to walk the halls openly as a couple after all the secrecy and charades."But don't you see? They are way cuter!" another voice piped up.I followed the sound and couldn't help rolling my eyes at the sight - Lucinda and Damien, brazenly making out against the lockers like they were the only two people in existence. So they'd decided to go public with their little fling as well, huh?As if sensing my gaze, Lucinda pulled back just enough to shoot me a triumphant smirk over Damien's shoulder before reconnecting their lips with a wet smacking sound. Ughh.I still couldn't believe Damien had the audacity to flaunt his new conquest so easily just like he did to me. I felt bile rise in my throat an
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ELLA'S POV."Welcome to our home, not as a student again but now as my teacher," Ryan said as I stepped inside. I laughed lightly. "I'm not sure 'teacher' is the right term when you're the one needing math tutoring. But I appreciate you inviting me into your home, Ryan." "Well, whatever the title, I'm glad to have you here, Ella."Then I heard the sound of footsteps and I looked up to see his dad suddenly running from the stairs towards me. "Ella, my dear, it's so good to finally have you here!" he boomed, crossing the space to engulf me in a tight bear hug.I tensed, my eyes going wide as I was crushed against his broad chest. This...was not at all what I was expecting from a first meeting with my new employer's father. Is this how personal assistants are usually treated? I wondered with a laugh. Well, aren't I just the luckiest girl?Mr. Walker pulled back, holding me at arm's length as he looked me over with a warm smile. Ryan cleared his throat beside us."Don't mind my dad," h
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Ella's povMy leg bounced anxiously as I waited for Amelia's call. When my phone finally trilled to life, I quickly swiped to answer, unable to mask the frantic edge in my voice. "Hey! So how far? What did your mother say - does she recognize that drug?"There was a pregnant pause on the other end before Amelia's shaky voice filtered through. "Yes...oh god, yes she recognized it right away. Said they were giving her the exact same capsules for some month's."A chill ran down my spine at the confirmation. So our suspicions were sickeningly accurate - Lydia, like Tom, had been deliberately drugged with that dangerous, experimental chemical. The very thought made my stomach roil with anger."But she mentioned they haven't given it to her for a while now," Amelia added hesitantly. "Like, a few months at least."I frowned, turning to glance at Trent beside me as he listened intently. "But why would they stop administering it to her mom, while continuing to dose Tom?"Trent's expression dar
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TRENT'S POVI turned back into the hospital entrance, the disinfectant smell burning my nostrils. I ran my fingers through my greasy hair, making sure it matched Tom's ghost-like appearance. Carefully, I applied some makeup to my face, mimicking his sickly appearance. All that remained was slipping into the hospital gown and settling into the vacant bed.I eyed the various tubes and wires snaking out from the bed frame, but quickly tamped down the distressing thoughts. I couldn't lose my nerve now, not when I was so close. Jaw clenched, I shrugged out of my clothes and pulled the thin gown over my head. It hung loosely on my frame as I settled back against the flat pillow.Why was I doing this again? The question flickered through my mind as I started connecting myself to the tangle of lines and monitors. But I already knew the answer. I still didn't understand why our father, who had always so blatantly favored Tom as the "golden child", would suddenly do this to him. Dosing his onc
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ELLA'S POVI tapped my pen anxiously against my notebook, trying and failing to focus on Mr. Peterson's lecture. Class had started nearly an hour ago, but Trent's seat remained empty beside me.That's...not like him at all, I mused with a furrowed brow. Sure, he misses classes from time to time But Trent always made sure to keep me updated with a call or text, never just falling completely off the grid like this. Maybe there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for his radio silence...but my gut told me otherwise.The knot of worry in my stomach twisted tighter as my mind started spinning out all the worst case scenarios. What if something had happened to him after we split up yesterday? What if he'd gotten himself into deeper trouble with his psychotic father?I shivered at the thought, my pen stilling against the paper as Mr. Peterson's voice faded into a dull buzz in my ears. If Mr. Donovan had caught Trent...god, I didn't even want to imagine the consequences."...and that's how
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ELLA'S POVI was still reeling from Damien's shocking claims when Amelia spoke up firmly. "Ella, let's not listen to him. He's just a bitter, twisted ex trying to get a rise out of us."Susan nodded emphatically. "Amelia's right. He's just a sad, pathetic loser trying to get under our skin. You know Trent would never put himself in harm's way like that."I opened my mouth to respond, but froze as my phone began ringing shrilly from inside my bag. Frowning, I fished it out and felt my breath catch in my throat when I saw the name on the screen.Trent. Oh my god, it was Trent.I turned to level a look at Damien, cradling the phone against my rapidly beating heart. "Looks like you were lying after all." Damien scoffed. "Don't get too excited. It's probably just a butt dial or some pre-recorded message from beyond the grave."Rolling my eyes, I swiped to accept the call and raised the phone to my ear. "Trent? You're okay, right? Where are you now?There was silence on the other end, and
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ELLA'S POVPressing my ear to the first door I came upon, I strained to make out any sounds from within. Nothing but silence. I crept to the next, and the next, becoming more disheartened with each setback.Until finally, a muffled shuffling noise reached my ears from behind the door marked 314. Could it be...? I pushed the door open a crack and peered inside. There, hooked up to a tangle of wires and tubes, laid the form of Trent.Oh my god...I pressed a hand to my mouth to stifle the gasp that tried to escape. So Damien was right after all - somehow, someway, Trent had staged himself in here. But why? What kind of game was he playing at?As quietly as I could manage, I slipped fully inside and crept up alongside the bedside. Trent's eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling almost with each forced breath. For one second, I thought the worst. What if I was too late?"Trent?" I rasped, reaching out with a trembling hand to shake his shoulder. "Trent, can you hear me?"Nothing,
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TRENT'S POV"You know I shouldn't be doing this, since you were the one who actually had me fired..." Nurse Veronica said, not looking up from adjusting the IV line running into Lydia's arm.I chuckled, reclining back in the hard plastic chair. "Well, at least you aren't doing it for free. I'm paying you handsomely, right?"That got her attention. Veronica's eyes flicked up to meet mine. "It's not because of the pay, Mr. Donovan. Maybe I'm just trying to pay for my own sins here. To try and make amends for the unforgivable things I let happen under my watch.""You were stuck in an impossible situation, just trying to survive like the rest of us. That doesn't make you a bad person." We were tucked away in the backroom of her small private clinic, the soft mechanic whir of the ventilator the only sound apart from our muted voices. After I had her fired from Medicare, Veronica had clearly carved out this new underground venture for herself, renting the space and converting it into a di
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