All Chapters of A deal with the playboy: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
169 Chapters
ELLA'S POV"Oh no," I breathed, panic surging through me. I glanced at Trent, his expression mirroring the dread I felt."And who exactly are you people?" The nurse demanded, her eyes narrowing.Trent straightened his shoulders. "We're her family. We were just coming to check up on her." But the nurse wasn't having it. She reached for the phone on the wall. "Security, we have a situation here in room 315," she barked into the receiver. "Two individuals claiming to be social workers, but I believe they're imposters."Desperate, I surged forward and gripped her arm. "Please, you have to listen to us. But the nurse pulled away, her expression hardening. "Security is on their way. I suggest you two come quietly before this escalates further."Trent leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Ella, we have to get out of here. Now."I hesitated, my gaze darting between the nurse and Lydia's prone form on the bed. But the sound of pounding footsteps in the hallway spurred me into action.
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ELLA'S POV"I thought I said you shouldn't bother coming," I told Susan as she pulled me into a tight hug.She leaned back. "Yeah, like you really expect me to miss how Amelia's gonna look when she finally knows the truth?"I couldn't help but laugh at that, picturing the utter shock on her face. But as my gaze drifted past Susan, my amusement quickly changed into dread."Oh no..." I groaned, watching as more figures approached - Lucinda and her clique of friends. "Please tell me you didn't invite them.""What? of course not! why would I?" Susan looked just as bewildered as I felt.Soon, I spotted even more familiar faces - half the class, it seemed, were making their way towards us. "This is a disaster," I groaned. "I can't have everyone here for this."Lucinda came up to me, her ruby-red lips curled into a pout. "Oh, Ella, I'm just so hurt. Your mother is getting married and you couldn't even invite me, your best friend?" She placed a hand dramatically over her heart.I hissed in ir
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ELLA'S POVThe security guards descended upon Mr. Stewart, their hands clamping down on his arms and hauling him back. He thrashed against their hold, spittle flying from his lips."You'll all pay for this!" Mr. Stewart bellowed, as he struggled to release himself. "I'll make you regret the day you crossed me!""It's over now, Mr. Stewart," Trent said firmly, stepping forward to stand by my side. "The truth has finally come to light, and there's nowhere left for you to hide."Mr. Stewart let out a harsh, mocking laugh. "You think this is over? I'll get out of this, you mark my words. And when I do, I'll make you both pay."And just then, the police arrived. "Mr. Stewart, you're under arrest for assault and battery, as well as the attempted cover-up of domestic abuse." one of them stated, stepping forward to cuff his wrists. "Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law."As the officers led the still-raging Mr. Stewart out of the sanctuary, I finally allowed myself to b
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ELLA'S POVTrent's car raced down the streets, the looming structure of the bridge coming into view. My heart pounded with each passing second, the fear of being too late clawing at my chest.As Trent pulled up, I flung the door open, my legs pumping as I sprinted towards the bridge.I scanned the area, my breath coming in gasps. And then I saw her - Amelia, standing close to the edge, her gaze fixed on the rushing waters below. "Amelia!" I cried. "Please, don't do this!"She stiffened at the sound of my voice, and for a agonizing moment, I thought she might jump. But then she slowly turned, her red-rimmed eyes widening as they landed on me."Ella?" she breathed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What are you doing here?"I slowed my pace as I neared her. "Amelia, please. You have to step away from the edge. This isn't the answer, I promise.I ached to move closer, to wrap my arms around her and pull her to safety. But the haunted look in her eyes gave me pause."Don't come any close
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EIGHT YEARS AGOIt was a sunny afternoon in the Donovan's expensive backyard. The sound of dribbling basketball and the laughter of two teenage boys filled the air. Trent, aged 10, his face a mirror image of his twin brother Tom, maneuvered the ball between his legs, dodging his best friend's attempts to steal it. With a well-timed jump shot, the ball arced through the net, and his friend groaned."Man, you're too good at this," Damien complained, swiping the sweat from his brow. "I'm about ready to call it quits."Trent grinned, tossing the ball back to him. "What, giving up already? And here I thought you were supposed to be the star player."Damien rolled his eyes, twirling the ball on his finger. "Yeah, yeah, rub it in. I'm only the star because you allow me to be, you know."Trent's smile faded slightly, his gaze drifting towards the house where the faint sounds of raised voices could be heard. "I don't know, Dames. Dad's been on my case about basketball lately. Says it's a wast
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TRENT'S POVElla took off, bolting out of Lydia's room before I could even call out to her. I stood there, momentarily frozen, wondering what could have upset her so. After a few minutes passed with no sign of her return, I decided to go search for her myself.I found Ella a short distance away, standing in front of an open hospital room door, her gaze fixed intently on something inside. Without a word, she stepped through the doorway, and I quickened my pace to catch up to her.As I entered the room, my eyes were immediately drawn to the figure lying motionless on the bed. My breath caught in my throat, all the color draining from my face."Tom?" I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper. But there was no response - my twin brother looked far worse than when I had last seen him at the other hospital. His face was gaunt, his skin a sickly pallor, and he seemed so much more lifeless than before."Tom, can you hear me?" I tried again, my fingers trembling as I approached the bed. But
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ELLA'S POVAfter dropping Amelia off - no, more like she dropped me off, since Trent had decided to leave with his car to God knows where - I entered our small apartment and heard the sound of Mom in the kitchen. I dropped my bag, already feeling exhausted."Ella, is that you?" Mom's voice called out as she emerged from the kitchen. To my surprise, she was looking happier than I'd seen her in a long time, a bright smile on her face.I raised my brows at her. "You look happy. Any occasion?"She just beamed and closed the distance between us. "Come here, I have a surprise for you," she said, covering my eyes with her hands."A surprise?" I echoed as she guided me further into the kitchen."Close your eyes," she instructed, and I felt her hands slip away. The tantalizing aroma of my favorite foods - crisp bacon and fluffy pancakes - immediately assaulted my senses.When she gave me the okay to open my eyes, I found the counter laden with my favorite dishes, steam still rising from the fr
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ELLA'S POVI hurried into the restaurant, my gaze quickly scanning the crowd until I spotted Damien sitting in a far corner booth. With a small wave, I made my way over and slid into the seat across from him."Alright, Damien, what's this all about?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "What do you have to say about Trent?" "Whoa, calm down, Ella. This is...a lot to unpack. Just sit tight and let me explain, okay?"Damien flagged down a waitress. "Can we get two waters, please?" As the waitress hurried off to fetch our drinks, I drummed my fingers impatiently on the table. "Well? I'm waiting. And I'm keeping someone else waiting too, you know."Damien's brow furrowed. "Oh? And who might that be?" his gaze sharpened. "Wait, let me guess - it's Trent, isn't it?" "No. Trent doesn't know I'm here."Damien let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. "Good. That's...probably for the best.""Why shouldn't he know I'm here?" I pressed. "What are you about to say, Damien?"Before he could
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TRENT'S POVAs I lay in bed that night, my mind was racing. I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right - the timing of my brother Tom's accident with Lydia being admitted to the same hospital, also the fact that he was now being treated there, the same facility as Mr. Stewart's ex-wife. It all just felt too coincidental.There had to be some connection, some deeper conspiracy that I was missing. The way my father had reacted when I'd confronted him, the threat to keep me away from the all pointed to him being involved in something sinister that I couldn't quite place.I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I had to get to the bottom of this, to uncover whatever they were hiding. But first, there was something I needed to do - I had to come clean to Ella about what had really happened that fateful day.The mere thought of opening up about the accident sent a chill down my spine. I was terrified of Ella's reaction, dreading how I would find the right words
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ELLA'S POV"Take a deep breath, she isn't gonna bite."Amelia stood before me, her eyes lowered as she played with her shirt. "I can't do this. She's definitely not going to forgive me." "Amelia, I accepted you back, and Susan definitely would too. She's not as scary as me, you know." I gave her a playful wink, hoping to ease the tension.I Guided Amelia gently and led her towards the corner where Susan sat with Liam. The two had been bonding surprisingly well, and I was relieved to see that Susan had finally gotten over her crush on him.As we approached, Susan looked up, her eyes widening. "Ella, come sit with me," she said, patting the spot next to her.I pulled Amelia, who was behind me, forward. Susan immediately frowned upon the sight of Amelia. I gently gave her a squeeze and turned to Susan . "Amelia needs to talk to you." "Guess that's my cue to say bye. See you around ladies." Liam smiled at us before darting awaySusan's gaze darted between Amelia and me. "Ella, can you
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