A deal with the playboy의 모든 챕터: 챕터 81 - 챕터 90
171 챕터
ELLA'S POVMy heart pounded hard in my chest as I scanned the hallway, finally spotting Damien at his locker. This was my chance. I had to warn him, no matter how awkward it might be between us.Taking a breath, I started towards him, dodging between the clusters of students. "Damien!" I called out once I drew closer.He looked up at the sound of my voice, brows knitting together slightly. There was a pause before he responded. "Ella? What's up?"I came to a halt in front of him, gnawing on my lower lip. How was I supposed to phrase this? "Look, I...I need to tell you something. In private."Damien's frown deepened, but after a moment's hesitation he gave a slight nod and stepped away from his locker. "Okay, let's talk over here."He led the way to a secluded place, out of earshot from the other students walking about. Once we were alone, I turned to face him fully, struggling to maintain his stare."I'm just going to cut right to it," I began in a low tone. "You need to warn your dad
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ELLA'S POVWe seemed to hold our breath as Mrs. Winslow cleared her throat, shuffling the papers in her hands. "And the letter of recommendation goes to..."My heart leapt into my throat, the silence pressing down on me. I could practically taste the anticipation in the air."I'm definitely going to be the one," Lucinda's voice cut through the silence. She was beaming at Trent, her smile widening. "We crushed that Romeo and Juliet scene."I suppressed an eye roll, ready to simply accept defeat gracefully. There was no way Mrs. Winslow would endorse our...unprofessional display out there as the winner thoughMrs. Winslow's throat clearing made the entire class sit up straighter. "The team I've selected to receive my highest endorsement is..." She paused, building the anticipation as she broke the seal on the envelope.My palms grew clammy, a sound filling my ears. Just get it over with already! Then finally, the name passed her lips:"Ella Thompson and Trent Donovan."A stunned silence
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ELLA'S POV"Okay from the top again," Ryan instructed, clapping his hands together.I sighed deeply, rolling my eyes as the music filled the room once more. "Ryan, I don't think this is a good idea," I said again. "You can't just assume I have some hidden dance talent just because of one drama performance."Ryan chuckled lightly. "Trust me Ella, I know raw talent when I see it," he murmured, eyes twinkling.Stepping forward, he grasped my hands, his fingers tightening around my waist as he pulled me flush against him. Our bodies moved together seamlessly in the intimate proximity."Just feel the rhythm and let your body move," Ryan breathed, his lips close to my ear. "You've got a natural grace."A flush crept up my neck at the compliment. Swallowing hard, I met Ryan's intense gaze and gave a slight nod. Squaring my shoulders, I tried again to mirror his steps, letting the pulsing beat of the music guide me.Ryan kept one hand splayed at my lower back as we moved. "That's it, nice and
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ELLA'S POV"Ella, you have to explain what's going on," Ryan said, his brow furrowing. "Why do you suddenly seem so shaken up over an old photo?"Without responding, I pivoted on my heel and hurried across the room, scooping up the duffel bag I'd brought over from the chair. I had to get to the bottom of this - now."Hey, what are you doing?" Ryan moved to block my path, catching my arm to halt my movements.I shook him off. "I need to see him," I murmured, more to myself than Ryan. "He definitely knows about my father."Ryan held my hand once more and stilled me. "Talk to me, Ella. What's this all about?"I gestured wildly towards the photo again. "You said you don't know the relationship between the man in that picture and your father, right?"He nodded slowly. "Right...""Well then I need to go ask your father myself," I stated, already turning to grab my jacket. "Because that man receiving the award from your dad...is my fucking father, Ryan."His lips parted on a soft exhale as r
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ELLA'S POVTaking a deep breath, I extracted the contents and began to read the documents from the envelope. My heart stuttered as the words on the top page leapt out at me - 'Divorce Decree'.A divorce decree? Between who? My trembling fingers flipped through the stack until I froze, eyes widening as I stared at the names - Daniel Thompson and Patricia Thompson. My parents' names...divorced?My mind spun as I rapidly flipped through the official documents. The listed date of legal separation, details of the division of assets and custody arrangements. It was all there in black and white.What the hell? How was this possible? All my life, Mom had spun the story that Dad simply up and left us, abandoning his family without a trace. She'd never once breathed a word about going through an actual divorce proceeding with him.Rage sparked within me as the realization sank in - I'd been lied to, by my own mother no less, for years upon years about the truth surrounding my father's disappear
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ELLA'S POVI took the paper again and read the address, my heart pounding. Yes, this was the place - the moment of truth had finally arrived. How would this reunion go? Would he even recognize me after all these years? Was he still the same handsome, vibrant man I remembered from my childhood, or had time taken its toll?Nerves twisted in my stomach as I wondered if he had moved on, perhaps remarried and started a new family. The thought of him having other children, a life without us, stung more than I cared to admit. But I had to know - I needed those missing pieces to finally fill the void that had haunted me for so long.Steeling my nerves, I stepped up to the front door and rapped my knuckles against the wood. Silence. I waited with breath, then tried again, still no answer.Finally, the door creaked open to reveal a girl who appeared to be around my own age. She eyed me curiously, brow furrowing."Can I help you?" she asked."I'm, um, I'm looking for Daniel Thompson," I managed
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ELLA'S POVI replayed Mrs. Emerson's heartbreaking words over and over in my mind, each time feeling the dagger thrust deeper in my chest. "I'm so sorry, Ella...your father, he's gone. He was hit by a car and...he's been in the hospital, in serious condition. But there was no money, no way to afford the care he needed." All this time, my father had been alive, suffering, just mere blocks away - and I'd had no idea. If only I'd known, if only I'd been able to find him sooner. Maybe, just maybe, I could have helped, could have done something to save him. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I crumpled to the floor, my father's farewell letter clenched tightly in my trembling hands. "I'm so sorry, Dad," I choked out, the words barely audible through my sobs. "I should have found you, I should have tried harder. If I'd only known..."The sound of the front door creaking open made me start, my head whipping around to see my mother hurrying into the living room. Her brow raised as
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ELLA'S POVI struggled helplessly against the man's iron grip, my heart pounding as his foul breath ghosted across my face. Panic surged through me, as I tried in vain to break free of his clutches. But his hand clamped down harder over my mouth, muffling my cries.Tears streamed down my cheeks as the other man moved in, his hands reaching for the buttons of my blouse. "No, please!" I tried to plead, the words barely audible. This couldn't be happening, I couldn't let them do this to me.Just as I was about to give in, a movement in the shadows caught my eye and the man's hand was wrenched away from my mouth with such force that he was sent sprawling. "Don't you dare touch her!" My rescuer snarled, his frame towering over the man holding me down. Without pause, he whirled on the second assailant, hauling him up by the collar and hurling him bodily against the alley wallAs my vision began to clear, I realized that it was Trent - his green eyes blazing with fury as he advanced on the
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ELLA'S POVI finished the last bite of my decadent crêpes, savoring the rich flavors on my tongue. Trent had insisted on taking me to a fancy french restaurant. As I set down my spoon, I felt the recent emotions weighing down on me.Trent returned from the front, sliding into the chair across from me. "All taken care of." As I swallowed the final morsel, I set down my fork and dabbed at the corners of my mouth with my napkin. "That was delicious, Trent. Thank you for bringing me here, but I really should be getting home now."But before I could stand, Trent placed a hand on my arm, halting me. "Not so fast, We've got a few places to go first."I raised my brow. "Other places? Trent, we just wanted to grab a bite to eat, isn't that what you said?"He chuckled. "Yeah, well, I changed my mind. I just want to make sure you leave here with a smile on that pretty face of yours."I felt my cheeks warm at his words, annoyed at how easily he could still get under my skin. "And why, pray tell,
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ELLA'S POVMy heart pounded as Trent and I approached the hospital building. After days of searching, we had finally tracked down the location where Mr. Stewart's ex-wife was being held. Swallowing hard, I tugged nervously at the blouse we had purchased for this mission."Are you sure this is going to work?" I whispered anxiously to Trent. "What if we get caught?"He gave my hand a squeeze. "Relax, Ella. This is going to work. Just follow my lead, okay?"I took a deep breath and smoothed the blouse, trying to project an air of confidence I didn't quite feel. We pushed through the hospital's front doors, the sterile smell of disinfectant assaulting my senses.Trent walked up to the nurse's station, flashing the woman behind the counter a charming smile. "Excuse me. I'm Tristan, and this is my colleague Eliza. We're social workers from the state service office. We have an appointment to see a patient - Lydia Stewart."The nurse eyed us as she took in our blouse, assessing whether we tr
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