All Chapters of A deal with the playboy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
171 Chapters
ELLA'S POVTrent's gaze remained fixed on me as the tension-thick silence stretched between us. Finally, he spoke in a low tone."I followed you here." His stare drifted down to my uniform dress, raking over me slowly before returning to my face. "Don't tell me you actually work at this place now?"I bristled slightly at his tone but met his stare. "Yes, I do work here. Is that a problem?"He simply stared at me, seeming to weigh his response. Then he gave a slight shake of his head. "No, no problem. It's just...I need to talk to you, Ella. Privately.""Well, you can put that on hold," Ryan's voice rang out as he joined us, positioning himself half in front of me shielding me from Trent. "Ella's in the middle of training with me right now. Official business."Trent's jaw tightened before he reached into his back pocket and slapped some bills down on a nearby table with a loud smack. "Fine, then I'll order the wagyu steak - premium cut, aged thirty days. And a bottle of your finest cab
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ELLA'S POVI stared around my childhood bedroom, feeling a heaviness settle over me. Boxes were scattered everywhere, half-filled with my belongings tossed inside. This was really happening - we were leaving this place behind."Ella?" Mom's voice drifted in from the doorway. "Are you almost done packing up in there?"Letting out a weary sigh, I turned to see her hovering in the door, wringing her hands anxiously. Our eyes met and I immediately looked away, Unable to hold her gaze for long these days.An uncomfortable silence stretched between us until she finally spoke up again. "We could really use your help getting the rest of the kitchen boxed up. He'll be here any minute from now.""Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I mumbled, grabbing an armful of clothes and dumping them into one of the open boxes. Mom hesitated briefly before retreating back down the hallway.Once she was gone, I sank down on the edge of my bed, burying my face in my hands? How had things become such a mess so qu
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ELLA'S POV"That two-faced little snake." Susan blurted out as soon as I told her what Trent had revealed about Lucinda.Her eyes flashed with anger. "I never trusted that girl in the first place. It was just so weird how she started befriending you suddenly after hating you forever."I sighed heavily, raking a hand through my hair. As much as hearing the 'I told you so' grated on me, Susan had a point. "Well, I haven't gotten the full truth from Lucinda herself yet. For now, I have other matters to focus on."Like how the hell I'm going to keep living here with Amelia without wanting to kick her snotty face in every five minutes.Susan must have sensed where my mind had drifted because her expression softened. "I'm so sorry, Ella. Everything is just so fucked up for you right now." She reached over to give my hand a squeeze."You're telling me," I muttered darkly. My jaw tightened as I recalled the hushed conversation I'd overheard between Amelia and her father the other night. "Wha
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ELLA'S POVI pushed open the classroom door, the dull roar of chatter instantly washing over me. Frowning slightly, I made my way to my usual desk, weaving through the clusters of gossiping students."Did you hear the latest news about Amelia?" A group of girls near the front turned towards the source of the new voice, eyes widening eagerly."No, what is it?" another chimed in.The first girl leaned in. "I heard her dad and Ella's mom are getting married! Can you believe that?" Then another girl let out a loud scoff."Yeah, well apparently Ella's mom was just another homewrecker who intentionally threw herself at him. I heard she's even pregnant with his kid now - probably why they have to get married in the first place."My hands clenched into fists at my sides as I fought the urge to spin around and set them straight."God, what a trashy slut," a third girl declared with a shake of her head. "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to Ella and her mother."T
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ELLA'S POV"Mom, they are hiding something from us."She sighed deeply. "Ella, you've been saying this for the past few minutes and I keep asking why do you think so?""I overheard them talking last night," I pressed on urgently. "About keeping a secret from me and you.""Okay, okay," Mom held up a hand. "So what exactly are they hiding then?"I hesitated, realizing I didn't have the full context either. "I don't really know all the details," I admitted slowly. "But it has to do with the reason Amelia's mom left them years ago.""So how does the reason she left matter to me?" Mom shook her head. "Daniel said she simply fell out of love with him. That's all there is to it.""Mom, according to what I heard..." I took a deep breath. "It sounded like there was something dangerous that happened before she left. Amelia mentioned something about not wanting you to find out 'about that' if we got married into their family.""She reached over to grasp my hands. "Ella, I know everything is so o
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ELLA'S POVOur gazes remained locked, the tension crackling between us in the space. Trent's intense green eyes seemed to bore into me as his face began drifting closer. My breath caught in my throat when I felt the ghost of his exhale fan across my skin.."You should...probably go check on your parents," I managed in a strangled whisper, fighting to keep my voice steady.Trent didn't so much as flinch, holding my stare boldly. "That's true," he murmured in a low rumble that sent a shiver coursing through me. "But I don't think it's them. My mom would have already come barging up here by now."I gave a nod, mouth suddenly dry. "Well, all the more reason you should go see who it is then," I insisted, struggling to inject some resolve into my tone. "It could be Lucinda."One dark brow inched up. "And what would she be doing here?""How should I know that?" I fired back, feeling nettled all of a sudden. Hadn't he been the one to take her back?Something flickered across Trent's expressio
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TRENT'S POV"Quit basketball before I make you." My father's cold voice sliced through the air, his eyes boring into mine with intensity.I felt my breath catch in my throat. "I can't," I managed, forcing the words out. "Basketball is my dream, and now that I finally got the captainship, you can't just take it all away from me."His eyes narrowed to slits as he took a step closer. "It was never your dream in the first place, boy," he spat, jabbing a finger towards my face. "It was your brother's, but you stripped him of it the moment you did that to him." The memories came rushing back in a torrent, threatening to drown me. I clutched my head, desperately trying to keep them at bay. "I didn't do anything," I rasped, my voice sounding foreign to my own ears. "I didn't..."But he was already leaning in, his hot breath fanning across my face as he hissed in my ear, "You remember the blood, the glasses, the car." He hissed, his words like venom into my ears."Stop it," I choked out, sque
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ELLA'S POVI rushed into the restaurant, already running late after staying behind at school. As soon as I stepped inside, the workers who were wrapping up for the night immediately stopped what they were doing. Hushed murmurs rippled through the group. "Oh my god, do you see how handsome he is?" one waitress whispered loudly to her friend, fanning herself. "I wouldn't mind him taking my order, if you know what I mean."Her friend giggled before leaning in. "I heard he's coming in to look for work here. Can you imagine having someone like that on our staff?"Who were they talking about? I frowned slightly, turning to try and spot the supposed new potential hire. That's when the harsh voice of Agatha cut through the chatter."You," she barked, jabbing a finger at me. "Why are you stumbling in this late? Your shift started over an hour ago."I swallowed hard, caught off guard. "I'm so sorry, Agatha. I had some delays after school that set me back and--""We don't allow lateness here,"
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ELLA'S POV. "What are you doing here, Lucinda?" Ryan's firm voice cut through the noise of the restaurant.I looked up from where I was assisting with some prep work to see Lucinda standing there, hands on her hips as she leveled her gaze at Ryan. "It happens that we have some people coming in to book reservations for a celebration," he continued sternly. "This really isn't the best time."Lucinda tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I actually came to discuss our class project," she stated in a sugary-sweet tone that immediately set me on edge. "And see my love since I heard he's started working here too."Her eyes bored into mine as she said the last part. My love? Did she actually just refer to Trent that way?Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Look, this really isn't the appropriate place or time for that kind of thing right now. We're incredibly backed up with work as you can see. Please leave.""Not until I see Trent," Lucinda stated, crossing her arms.
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ELLA'S POVMr. Donovan's slow smile spread as his eyes searched me. "Who would have believed we'd cross paths again in such a manner?"I tensed, swallowing hard as unease prickled my skin under his stare. "So I see you're working here," he remarked.My mouth felt dry as I forced out a stammered, "Yes."Mr. Donovan's gaze sharpened. "Did you happen to be the server who waited on us yesterday in the VIP lounge?Panic surged through me, but I forced myself to meet his stare evenly. "Yes, that was me.""Excellent." He laced his fingers together atop the table. "Then you must have overheard part of our private conversation as well."My breath caught in my throat as the implication hit me. They knew. But how?Forcing a tight smile, I shook my head. "No, sir. I simply dropped some plates by accident which caused a loud noise. But I didn't hear anything from inside the lounge." Mr. Donovan's smile only seemed to widen further. "Is that so?" He reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved his
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