Semua Bab Ripped My Title, He Loves Me More: Bab 21 - Bab 30
50 Bab
21-Mia's Fear
Mia closes her eyes, finally settled down in the taxi.The fading shadow on the roof drained her.She gathered all her energy and spent the whole night dealing with Richard Ryan, but even that didn’t drain her. She didn't feel tired at all when she climbed the stairs to her fruit of the day. But now, she seems to have lost all her energy.She slumps her shoulders and lowers her head, huddled in the car seat, becoming a weak ghost.Her hand was scratched by Ryan's lampshade, and now it’s starting to throb, but even the pain feels meek.The driver glances at her several times in the rear view mirror, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Miss, are you OK?"He is an older Latino with a gentle look. Mia raises her eyes and looks at him through the rearview mirror. She purses her lips, and tries to smile, but fails. In the end, she could only shake her head slightly: "Not really.""Then today is not your day. But everything will be fine. Don't worry too much."A light comfort, yet it suddenl
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20-You Stupid Scumbag
"It's okay, we will bring her back." Bruce says softly, his eyes lost afar.His words are like a decision, but also like a promise to himself.His tone worries Sophia.Something not too pleasant would happen to this mighty Alpha if he can’t solve this one, Sophia could tell.He has always been calm, sharp and wise. But when it comes to Luna, his just completely lose his ration. If she is being honest, Sophia would prefer the latter because only in those moments she feels the Alpha is also a living person, with a soul and all.But now she would rather that he doesn’t. His anxiety and despair have reached their limit, and the man looks like he would lose it at any moment.The Alpha is too important to the pack. There are all the pack affairs that needs him to manage, thousands of people's lives depend on his leadership, and countless things are waiting for his decisions. He has to hang on, even if he is on the verge of collapse, he has to stick there without making any mistakes.Therefo
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23-The Most Important Thing
"Scott, the scumbag is yours."Bruce is much calmer after his outburst. He strides out of the house in a together composure, and the driver runs over to open the door for him.He gets into the car and asks Sophia what’s going on on Robert’s side."The Luna has been silent," Sophia replied, "Robert is very cooperative and everything is under control."Next to her, two men are observing Robert's entire house, looking for suitable locations to install surveillance. And Robert sits like a quail, huddles in his chair.His computer has been searched through by Sophia, and the remote control toolbox has been installed. Right now she's fixing his cell phone."Okay," Bruce nods and signals the driver to set off, "I'm coming back now. Keep a close eye on him, any interaction with Mia I want to know.""Yes, Alpha.""I have some questions for him," Bruce loosens his tie and says in a deep voice.Cold sweat breaks out on Robert’s forehead. He heard Bruce, but it sounded like Bruce isn’t coming for
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24-Bad Luck
"Shit!" Mia curses in a low voice, "I missed the cell phone he mentioned.""Huh?" Robert already knew about this from the Alpha, but he has to pretend to be surprised, "The one that holds the client's information? That phone?""Which other can it be?!" Mia is very frustrated.After the whole night of work, she got only two leads, with half of them left in that safe...For a moment, she doesn’t know whether to blame Bruce for messing up her mission, or herself for being too sloppy.Obviously the gang leader said that the mobile phone was hidden in the uppermost part of the safe."Then...without that, can we still continue the investigation?""Who knows." Mia leans back in the car seat, feeling even more tired. "There is the other party's bank account in the bank statement. But no one would be stupid enough to use their own account to pay a killer, right?""Well... the possibility is indeed... not very high."Robert agrees hesitantly, glancing at Sophia, who is sitting across to him.So
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25-Who Is He?
The moment Robert sees Bruce standing in the living room of his home, the happiness of succeeding in chasing his most worshiped star surges in his heart, making his brain dizzy.The Alpha is his age! But they have never been in the same circle, of course.Bruce has excelled in sports and grades ever since he was a child. He even skipped grades in middle school twice and entered college early. After entering college, he began to participate in the affairs of the pack and his family, and was praised by everyone as the most reliable new generation leader of the pack.Robert has always been the loser of the family. His abilities are limited and his will is even more limited. His ideal life is to lie under the care of their family and be a happy dandy.But being a dandy doesn't mean that he won't envy those who excellent, especially this person who is only a few years older than him and has a halo all over his body. Who is so much more better than him in every way.Therefore, he has always
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26-Love Trap
At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the streets of Maple Wood were very quiet.In a dark gray casual clothes, Mia has a big hoodie covering her head and face. She steps on a skateboard and slides lightly into the community street.She disguises herself as a leisurely pedestrian, skateboarding and looking at the scenery, as if she just came out of the neighborhood next door to play for a while and accidentally wandered here.But in fact, she had a clear goal - turning right from the second fork in the main street, and the penultimate house was Clint Wood's home.After that extremely tiring night, Mia had a good sleep, woke up and thought for a long while, then decided to go to the gym and use a set of high-intensity equipment to force herself to regain her energy.Exercise is good medicine. Sweating not only gets you pretty muscles, but also makes you forget what you should forget and regain your perseverance.When doing pull-ups, presses, and squats, she strengthened her determ
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27-Hush Baby
Mia stands in front of the Wood's house, raises her left hand and presses it on the door.The door lock is a newly replaced electronic lock, which can be unlocked by password or fingerprint.Robert mentioned something about the lock, and Mia is prepared. She takes out a cable from her pocket, connects it to her phone, opens an unlocking tool she bought at a high price, and waits patiently.A few minutes later, three beeps followed by a mechanical hum. With a click, the door opens.Mia takes a deep breath and presses the door handle.It was very dark inside the door, as if the Wood family has closed all the curtains before going out.In order to see clearly what’s going on inside, she pushes the door open a little, opens her eyes wide, and walks in.The curtains are indeed closed, and as she knew, the living room is empty.She hesitates whether to turn around and fumble for the light switch or to go straight into the living room and open the curtains.At this moment, a figure quickly a
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28-Who's Fault Is It?
Bruce has never seen Mia like this.Her eyes filled with confusion and fear, as well as a hint of despair.Before the accident, Mia was nothing but pure and clean. She was kind and gentle, and although she sometimes looked like a carefully crafted doll, she was always smiling and her eyes were always bright.After a year's absence, all Mia gave him has been a trace of her back. And that figure from behind is always full of energy, as if she alone can control the whole world.But now, all the life in her has disappeared.She seems to have turned into a butterfly trapped in a spider web, her soft wings struggling constantly, but losing more and more power.All because he has been trying to get close to her?This realization made Bruce's heart ache.He was looking forward to it with all his heart and tried his best to realize the reunion. But for Mia, is their relationship like a spider web, something that traps her and hurts her?Why did things become like this?!But even so, he refuses
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29-You Don't Want Me
Bruce, who doesn’t know what to say at first, became even more angry after hearing her muttering.He made many mistakes, but this was definitely not a mistake!"Ha!" For a moment, he almost laughed in anger.However, before he could respond, Mia takes a deep breath and con: "Why did you made me your Luna if you didn’t think I was worthy? I never wanted it."Not worthy? Who says she is not worthy?Bruce's pupils shrink, and he suddenly has a guess. He no longer hesitates, raises his voice and demands: "Who put this idea in your head?!"Mia obviously heard his question, but she doesn’t answer him. She just stops crying and looks at him blankly."Mia, tell me. Who planted this idea in your head?"The light in the house is dim. He could only vaguely see her general posture.When he couldn't hear the answer, he simply gives up on getting to the bottom of it: "I don’t care who said what. It’s not true. They are lying to you. No one thinks you are unworthy, you are my best match. We are mate
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30-He Knew
"Really? You don't know?"Bruce's anger did not subside because of Mia's withdrawal. His eyes penetrates the dim space, staring at her firmly, and he takes a heavy step forward: "Think carefully, and tell me your true feelings."While questioning, he walks towards Mia step by step.He walks slwoly, every step heavy and steady. His confidence and calmness give huge pressure on Mia."Tell me, do you really not want to be my Luna at all?" He asks, taking another step and getting closer to her. "Tell me the truth, once and for all. I have never forced you before, and I never will."That’s true.During the years they were husband and wife, they were completely respectful to each other. He would personally discuss with her in advance everything from invitations and procedures for attending public events to commemorative jewelry to be worn at a family dinner. Even for all intimate actions in private, he would first seriously ask: "Is it okay?"He knows how to respect people very much. And he
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