All Chapters of Ripped My Title, He Loves Me More: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
31-Disappointed and Abandoned
"Huh?" It’s so ridiculous that Mia doesn’t know whether she should yell or laugh. It has been more than a year since the incident happened, and everyone in the Duncan family is living well under his eyes. Now he wants to help her and take revenge on that family? Is it just to show that everything is just for her? This is too ridiculous! If he wanted to help her get revenge, what had he been doing for more than a year until now? Or is this a new way to deceive her? What benefit could he possible gain by tricking her again?! She couldn't figure it out. This thought stirred her head into a much. She seriously begin to wonder if she had really forgotten something, like if there was some big secret that the family hadn't had time to tell her, and it was worth Bruce's best efforts to take her
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32-Hardlife Serving the Alpha
Bruce realizes for the first time that as long as Mia made up her mind, he couldn't really change her mind. He was afraid that he was too hard and hurt her, and he was also afraid that if he held on too tightly, she would show the same dissatisfied look as before. Their relationship is too fragile to withstand too many such dissatisfaction now. He observes her nervously, but he could only helplessly let her wrist slowly pull away from his hand. Finally, he took several deep breaths in succession, suppressed his emotions, and reluctantly accepted the result: "You don't have to come back, but let me help you." He is indeed the best alpha. After a few simple adjustments, he had broken away from the pitiful posture he had just revealed. This kind of resilience made Mia feel familiar and at ease. At the same time, she could see from his bright eyes again that this proposal was his bottom line. If she didn't agree, she might not be able to leave at all. "Okay. How can you help?" Mia
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33-Fine, Let's Meet
n't receive a word from Mia for two days.On the first day, he felt normal. He had just packed her up and handed her ass over to alpha. Even if she agreed to accept help from the Alpha, she would not be in a good mood. Being cold and expressing dissatisfaction can help calm the mood. Robert understood.The next day, Sophia was ordered to ask about Mia’s the progress of her plan according to three meals a day. He came up empty-handed three times in a row that he felt guilty himself. Didn’t dare cross the Alpha, he bravely called Mia.The call was hung up.Immediately afterwards, he received the message:[Upset. Stay away!]The fire was clearly visible through the distant signal.Robert was scared again.It seems that selling her to an alpha is indeed serious. She is in a bad mood and should be allowed to digest it. The traitor who betrayed his friend is very self-aware and understands Mia well - not being completely silent means that everything is still under control.On the third day,
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34-Talking about Presumptious
Bruce and Mia conducted several rounds of negotiations regarding the meeting place.Specifically, Bruce proposed various location suggestions, but Mia rejected them one by one:[Bruce]: Kade Club.[Mia]: No. That's your territory. There are many people from your pack coming and going, and someone will recognize me.[Bruce]: Blue Star then.Blue Star is a place invested by Pack Daimos. It is convenient for pack members to carry out activities. Most of the VIPs are pack members.[Mia]: How is that different from Kade Club?[Bruce]: How about Nightingale?This is privately opened by Beta Rockwood. Robert’s family name is Rockwood.Mia had enough, and pressed the screen hard to reply: Can you choose a place that has nothing to do with you? I won't go to your territory!Bruce smirked.He seemed to have learned a skill without a teacher fire up Mia just so he could get more words out of her.That's not bad either. The anxiety in his heart was somewhat soothed.The final meeting place was de
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35-Forward or Backward
Mia's behavior, which she thought was dry and cold, seemed to Bruce to be full of energy and cute like a small animal.Like a wolf cub that has just left the den, it learns the fierce postures from the wolf king and thinks itself intimidating. In fact, because of its size and face, it only makes people want to reach out and rub it.After a year of separation, he saw a lot of emotions in Mia that he didn't noticed before. She is still kind. Even if she has a little temper like now, she will never hurt an innocent soul. At the same time, she was indeed much more lively than when she was around him before, and she was more responsive to what was happening around her.When she was in the marriage, she was gentle, sensible, and always cared about him, but she was also so perfect that she was like a doll that could be manipulated.She is better this way now.He didn't know where these emotions came from. Maybe it’s the experience this year? Or maybe it's because of the distance between them
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36-Hidden Blade
What to do?Mia has always taken things one step at a time. She just got the materials now and haven’t read them carefully yet. How does she know what to do next?But facing Bruce, she didn't want to admit it. Especially when he asked questions like this, he obviously already had some ideas. In contrast, it became even more apparent that her abilities were lacking.She hasn’t even figure out the problems he caused her, and now she has to figure out more questions he asked?What should she say to make herself appear less incompetent?"Are the finger sandwiches delicious?"Mia said nothing. Bruce waited for her quietly for a while, then suddenly changed his question."Huh?"What does planning have to do with sandwiches? Mia looked up in confusion.Probably because the anticipation in his eyes was so dazzling. Her mind wandered briefly and she answered the question uncontrollably: "It's quite delicious.""What about tea?" Bruce's eyes curled up, and he probably smiled softly."Also...ver
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37-A Bold Gamble
Mia's definition of herself made Robert roll his eyes.He has already had a face-to-face conversation with the alpha. He could see clearly with his own eyes what the purpose of that Greek god came to him was.But since that god is willing to cooperate with Mia in playing a revenge game, what can he say?So, he changed his words calmly: "Okay, no problem, Miss Hidden Blade. So, what are you going to do next?"According to the agreed upon plan, Mia should go back to her place, understand all the information in her hand, have a deep understanding of the Duncan family's business and the relationship between the family and branches, and then get a thorough understanding of the situation of Jason Howard.After knowing enough about the past and present situation of the Duncan family, she can put forward her own opinions and direct his people to do her bidding through Bruce.In addition, once Bruce finds an opportunity while monitoring the guy, she can give him a mental shock with a surprisin
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38-A Dangerous Race
Mia has escaped the malicious searches of the Duncan family several times. Those people were menacing and had good intentions at first glance. They followed some clues and found her near where she was hiding, trying to find out her whereabouts. Though difficult, she managed to hide from them excatly because she was a small target and her activities were inconspicuous. After hiding, she became very concerned about anti-tracking knowledge and the accumulation of tips. For example, the method just now was used to determine whether a car was following her. At least that protected her. After hanging up the phone from Robert, she began to focus on how to deal with the two cars following her. She did not turn off the car's GPS and kept her cell phone with her. These are the clues left for Robert and Bruce. Seeing how they would act would tell her
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39-Unexpected Rescue
There are more and more vehicles and pedestrians around. The speed of the car can finally slow down a bit.The two cars following her were pushed a little further away by the passing traffic, but they were still only one or two cars away from her.Mia is able to breathe a little.The tight feeling in the heart finally dissipated, but the rapid but powerful heartbeat became extremely clear. The beating of her heartbeat hit the eardrums in her ears, vibrating her chest and abdominal cavity, making her more panicked and short of breath.She gently put one hand on her thigh, wiped the sweat that was almost forming beads of sweat with her pants, let it shake gently for a while, gradually relaxed, and then switched to the other hand.This way, she could finally hold the steering wheel without much effort.In the traffic flow, Mia tried hard to find gaps and seized every opportunity to put as much distance between herself and the two cars as possible.While constantly observing the situation
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40-Flirting? Flirting!
Mia is completely stunned.Not sure if the afternoon has passed and people have gone home, or if these two rows of books are not popular. There is no one around them.The dim lights of the library shone on the two of them, and together with the seemingly endless bookshelves and books, they built a small world.When she looks up, she would look into Bruce's eyes.She doesn’t know why, but during the last three meetings, she saw too many emotions in these eyes.Suddenly, Bruce seems to have taken off his perfect alpha coat and becomes easy to understand.For example, she could see now that he was happy. There was a little bit of pride in his happiness, probably because he felt proud that he had accurately found her.Wait, how did he find her?Where is the person who came in after her? Where have they all gone?She becomes vigilant and turns around to look in the direction in which she came in, wary of searching for those people."Scott has brought people to stop them. It's okay, it's ok
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