All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1038 Chapters
Chapter 141
The next morning dawned with radiant sunshine as Suzanne waited by the hospital entrance. It wasn't long before Sienna arrived, her breath heavy from exertion. "Sorry, Suzanne, I'm late," Sienna apologized, hands on her knees as she gasped for breath. Suzanne quickly reached out to support her. "I got here too early. You don't have to rush." As Sienna caught her breath, she glanced at the imposing hospital building and asked, "Are you sick?" Suzanne shook her head. Once Sienna had gathered herself, she asked in a low voice, "Then why did you ask me to meet you at the hospital?" Leaning closer, Suzanne whispered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I want to check if my past illnesses have recurred. I didn't dare to come alone, so I wanted you to accompany me." Sienna was momentarily surprised, her gaze locking onto Suzanne. Suzanne, feeling a touch of awkwardness, lowered her head and hesitantly revealed, "I've been married for a few months. My husband is aware of
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Chapter 142
Although they were both female, Suzanne still felt a little awkward. The doctor turned and saw her standing there stiffly without moving an inch. The doctor smiled and said, "I saw the report on your medical history earlier. You must have done this examination several times before. Why are you still acting all shy like a little girl?" Suzanne pursed her lips awkwardly and slowly took off her pants. Following the doctor's instructions, she lay on the bed and spread her legs apart. Suzanne felt her cheeks burning hot. Feeling embarrassed, she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side. The doctor stood between Suzanne's legs and briefly examined her with a speculum. Suddenly, she seemed stunned and dropped the speculum. She spoke to Suzanne with a frown, "How did you get infected previously? Did you get it through a blood transfer?" Suzanna opened her eyes. When she saw the serious expression on the doctor's face, she became nervous for fear that her illness had relapsed
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Chapter 143
Sienna was caught off guard by Suzanne's question.Suzanne closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to muster the strength within her. She continued solemnly, "If I'm not Suzanne, then the Yorks aren't my real family. Similarly, the Morrisons aren't my in-laws, either." "Suzanne, you—" Sienna stared at the woman before her. At that moment, the inferiority and weakness that weighed down on Suzanne had disappeared, along with the shackles that kept her restrained. Despite losing her memory and identity, Suzanne's renewed confidence and resilience shone from within.Suzanne grabbed Sienna's hand and gazed at her earnestly. She asked in a soft voice, "Sienna, can you help me keep this secret?" Sienna was overwhelmed by her resolve and nodded blankly. "Yes." Suzanne continued, "After I lost my memory, I sensed an unseen force trying to control me. I must expose the conspiracy behind it, so I can't afford to slip up." "Could it be the York family?" Sienna said. Suza
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Chapter 144
At this moment, Nathan's expression was unexpectedly calm. Suzanne didn't take Lindsey's words to heart. Instead, the person she cared about had always been Nathan. "Lindsey," Suzanne said, "I never claimed to be Inkwell, nor have I used her reputation for personal gain. On what grounds does she have to sue me?" Lindsey sneered. "Oh, you don't know? Wendy spent a tidy sum to restore that crappy painting of yours. She even sold the painting for five million dollars." Suzanne clenched her fists as her chest tightened with anger. She hadn't expected this to happen. She had deliberately ruined the painting, yet Wendy managed to find someone to restore it. It was even sold at a high price. Suzanne had been keeping tabs on this Inkwell person who seemed to appear out of thin air. At first, she thought Inkwell was just going to make a brief appearance. However, Suzanne didn't expect Inkwell to capitalize on her fame and make money through livestreaming. Apart from product endors
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Chapter 145
However, Suzanne's appreciative words grated against Nathan's ears harshly. The temperature around them seemed to drop below freezing point from his icy demeanor. They locked eyes, but neither of them said anything. Suddenly, Sally's voice came from the guest room, "Nate, I specially decorated the room for you. Come and see if you like it." She walked over to Nathan and linked her arm with his. However, Nathan's expression remained impassive as he pushed Sally's hand away. He turned and walked over to the door of the guest room in silence.Sally took two steps toward Nathan. Then, she glanced back at Suzanne and shot her a provocative smirk. She looked smug, as if she had triumphed over Suzanne. Suzanne didn't let her get away with her. She retorted, "Nathan isn't moving in to sleep with you. What's there to be proud of?" Sally was completely dumbfounded when she heard Suzanne's words. She never expected Suzanne to call her out and interpret her expression so directly. Natha
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Chapter 146
Before anyone could say anything, Suzanne pushed her plate away and demanded angrily, "Lindsey, just tell me if you have any grievances against me. Don't resort to such lowly tactics. It's very unbecoming." The reason Lindsey dared to bully Suzanne so openly was because Nathan moved out of the master bedroom and slept in the guest room last night. She was certain Nathan harbored extreme disgust toward Suzanne, just like everyone else in the room. Lindsey gestured at the others with a sweeping motion and said, "It's not just me who dislikes you. Every single person here despises a despicable woman like you. Don't you know what kind of person you are? Are you not self-aware?" Gary spoke up with a hint of anger, "Lin, that's going too far." Displeased, Lindsey said, "Gary, stay out of this. Today, I will clean up the trash in the Morrison family. We absolutely cannot let this woman continue staying in this house and tarnishing our family's reputation."I've already contacted th
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Chapter 147
Tears welled up in Suzanne's eyes as she felt inexplicably touched. Despite the possibility of her being misled, Nathan's words made Suzanne feel warm and fuzzy inside. However, it was still a fact that Nathan did move out of their bedroom last night. He was genuinely being cold and distant toward her. Suzanne couldn't help feeling confused by his actions. This man really knew how to play with one's feelings, alternating between hot and cold. Suzanne withdrew her hand slowly and shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere. I choose to stay here." Nathan's gaze was fixed on Suzanne as he pointed at Lindsey's ugly expression. "It's tough to live with a shrew like her. Either you stoop to her level, or she would trample you under her feet." Lindsey stood up with her hands on her hips. She reprimanded him angrily, "You brat, how dare you call me a shrew?" Nathan only had eyes for Suzanne. He didn't respond to Lindsey and even ignored everyone else. Pursing her lips, Suzanne final
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Chapter 148
The rest of them left the dining table eagerly and followed suit. …The reception hall in the side wing was where the Morrisons held large banquets. The space was bright, spacious, and well-lit. There were many people present, including media reporters, a team of lawyers, professional appraisers from the Artists Association, and even renowned experts in the field of art. Inkwell and her assistant were the last to arrive. Inkwell was taken aback when she saw the massive gathering. She thought it was a private invitation from the Morrison family, but the scene before her resembled a press conference. Upon entering the hall, she immediately turned to leave. Unfortunately, Inkwell and her assistant ran into Suzanne just as they took two steps out of the hall. Suzanne recognized Inkwell from the video that revealed her face. She called out hastily, "Ms. Inkwell, where are you going?" Inkwell stopped in her tracks and turned to Suzanne with a displeased expression. When the re
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Chapter 149
Nathan looked into Suzanne's clear eyes and realized her gaze had changed. The certainty in her eyes exuded confidence and self-assurance. Her timidity and self-doubt had inexplicably disappeared. Nevertheless, Nathan decided he would stand behind Suzanne regardless of whether she could resolve the situation or not. He would be her strongest support and back her up. "Alright," Nathan replied and gave Cole a meaningful look. Cole understood immediately and led the soldiers to retreat outside the door. At this moment, Inkwell lost her initial confidence. She turned to the reporters and said, "Everyone, thank you for your hard work today. I have decided not to pursue the matter of Ms. York copying my work and selling it for five million dollars under my name." Lindsey's expression darkened, and she grabbed Inkwell's arm, muttering, "What are you doing? Didn't we agree on this earlier?"Inkwell lowered her voice, "Haven't you figured it out yet? General Morrison is clearly on hi
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Chapter 150
The phone rang several times before a woman answered the call in Sunterlish, "Hello, who is this?" Feeling very nervous, Suzanne took a deep breath and pretended to be calm. She replied in Sunterlish as well, "Hello, Mrs. Potter. Do you remember me?" Emma Potter sounded surprised, and her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, "You… are you Inkwell?" "Mrs. Potter, so you still remember my voice?" Suzanne felt relieved. A few days ago, she found the number of the orphanage director. Inkwell had registered her social media account under the director back then. If Suzanne was Inkwell, they should have often talked over the phone previously, even if they had never met in person before. Today, she was forced to take a gamble, but she didn't expect to win the bet. Suzanne was quite sure that she was Inkwell herself. Emma's voice choked up, "Of course I remember. Oh my goodness, it really is you! Inkwell, have you been well for the past three years? Where are you? Is everything g
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