All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1038 Chapters
Chapter 151
Before "Inkwell" could make a move, Suzanne had picked up the paintbrush. Despite her memory loss, she had no intention of relying on her previous works. Instinctively, she smoothed out the paper before beginning to paint."That's definitely Inkwell. I'd recognize those beautiful fingers anywhere," one viewer remarked."I knew it! Those hands are unmistakable. She's the real deal," exclaimed another."It's been three years since we've seen Inkwell. What masterpiece will she create this time?" someone mused."Support Inkwell! I can hear the charities weeping tears of joy over her paintings once again," another urged. The reporters watched Suzanne at work with a mixture of awe and admiration, moved by the outpouring of support in the comments. Deep down, they had unequivocally acknowledged Suzanne as the true Inkwell and felt honored to capture her remarkable moments firsthand.Sally seethed with frustration at the sudden turn of events. Under the scrutiny of cameras and branded
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Chapter 152
As the assistant made a dash for the door, they were intercepted by Norvanian military soldiers. The lawyer quickly interjected, "We could sue you for defamation."However, the appraiser sneered in response. "Watch your own back. That woman has committed a crime."In a panic, the imposter fought her way through the crowd, attempting to flee. Onlookers observed her futile attempt to reach the exit before being apprehended by the waiting soldiers."What are you doing? Let go of me! I'm calling the police!" she protested as she struggled against them."No need. We'll take you there ourselves," Cole retorted.With that, the imposter and her assistant were escorted away in a technical vehicle and transported to the police. Back in the hall, the remaining spectators were left with mixed emotions.In particular, Lindsey wore a somber expression at the unexpected revelation. Despite their initial reluctance, Duke and Layla begrudgingly acknowledged Suzanne as Inkwell.In contrast to t
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Chapter 153
Nathan strolled over to Suzanne, captivated by her portrayal of his backyard on canvas. "I'm offering a hundred million for this masterpiece. Any particular charity in mind?" he inquired with genuine interest.Caught off guard, Suzanne hesitated before responding, "Any charity will do…"Locking eyes with her, Nathan directed Cole. "Arrange a one hundred million donation to an educational institution in rural areas."While Cole hastened to carry out the order, Suzanne carefully rolled up her artwork and handed it to Nathan. "On behalf of the institution, we express our deepest gratitude," Suzanne stated earnestly.As Nathan accepted the painting, his stern expression softened into a smile. Confused by the distant exchange, the onlookers couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of Nathan and Suzanne's relationship.Meanwhile, the internet erupted with excitement over the breaking news. Inkwell, the acclaimed painter, had returned after three years to expose her imitator
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Chapter 154
Nathan peered into Suzanne's bright and hopeful eyes, captivated by her gentle yet resolute demeanor. Despite her apparent meekness, she exuded a quiet confidence and radiance.As Nathan remained silent, Suzanne grew uneasy and hurriedly asked, "Can you help me run a background check on Inkwell? I'm curious to uncover the truth behind this persona.""I've previously looked into them. They've covered their tracks well," Nathan replied.Suzanne persisted, "Are you certain there's nothing to uncover?""The only lead we have is your voice during conversations with charity institutions. Mrs. Potter has confirmed your identity as Inkwell earlier," Nathan explained.Suzanne was about to refute his assertion when doubt crept in. She cast a nervous glance at Nathan, unsure whether she could trust him."Can I trust you, Nathan?" she asked for assurance.Yet, Nathan let out a wry chuckle. "What do you think?"Suzanne hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. Too many weird things ha
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Chapter 155
Nathan's expression crumbled instantly. As he released Suzanne's arm in sorrow, he silently retreated a few steps with eyes downcast.Suzanne was confused about the sudden shift in his demeanor, but she couldn't have cared less. Her heart had already shattered when Nathan sent that disappointing message. She no longer desired to remain his wife, especially knowing he intended to marry Sally immediately following Vera's passing."No need to worry about upsetting Grandma, Nathan. Her illness has taken away her memory of me. Let's not delay any further and proceed with the divorce," Suzanne murmured, suppressing the pain throbbing in her chest.With a heavy heart, Nathan questioned softly, "Is that what you truly want?""It is," Suzanne affirmed, her heart heavy with sorrow as tears welled in her eyes.For three years, She had harbored deep affection and admiration for Nathan. Whenever he visited Vera, she would watch them interact from afar while losing in her own reverie. She
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Chapter 156
In despair, Suzanne pleaded, her voice trembling, "I beg you, Nathan. Please, don't let my last admiration for you crumble into disillusionment. I can't take this anymore. I—"Before she could complete her sentence, Nathan seized her arm and pulled her into a tight embrace. Nestling in his arms, Suzanne tensed up at the sudden intimacy as her heart raced with anxiety.As he held her delicate frame, Nathan breathed in the scent of her hair, feeling a sense of solace wash over his pain. At that moment, he wished he could keep her close forever.Drawing near, Nathan whispered into Suzanne's ear, "You said you married me out of love, and I admit I long to build a life with you. I assure you, I only spoke the truth. "While I once had feelings for Sally, that's all in the past. I may not understand women well, but I wish you could tell me plainly if Sally's presence upsets you. I can't bear to hear talk of divorce."The mere mention of divorce stabbed at his heart, a deeper agony than
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Chapter 157
Suzanne finally regained her composure as she met Nathan's earnest gaze. His touch brought a soothing warmth to her cheeks."Were we pitted against each other?" she asked sheepishly.When Nathan affirmed with a nod, Suzanne attempted to pursue further. Yet, she found herself stumbling over her words.With a deep sigh, Nathan stated sternly, "Next time you're upset, don't jump straight to divorce. Talk to me about it, alright?"Suzanne stared at him with tearful eyes and nodded obediently. Seeing that, Nathan felt a wave of relief wash over him as his fingers hesitatingly trailed down her delicate face.An uneasy silence then settled between them. Suzanne fidgeted, her gaze shifting nervously until it settled on Nathan's shoulder."Is your wound alright?" she asked with concern, oblivious to Nathan's intense stare fixed on her rosy lips.When Nathan hummed in response, Suzanne breathed a sigh of relief at his reassurance. "Let's head back then," she suggested, her embarrassmen
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Chapter 158
Layla arrogantly jabbed a finger in Suzanne's direction, her voice dripping with disdain. "Don't let your fame as a painter get to your head. You don't hold a candle to Sally! "She's the only worthy match for the general of the Norvanian military. You? You're nothing!"Rendered speechless, Suzanne clenched her fists tightly. She wasn't experienced in arguing with someone so unreasonable.In that tense moment, Nathan entered the scene. His cold gaze cast an icy chill over the room.Everyone was visibly unsettled by his arrival. Even Layla, whose arrogance faltered in the face of his presence. Yet, she remained convinced of her assertion—that Nathan's heart belonged to Sally, and he would shield her from any harm.Contrary to her expectations, Nathan strode toward Suzanne and enveloped her in his embrace. Stiffening at his touch, Suzanne cautiously looked up at him. "Listen, Layla. Whether you accept it or not, Suzanne will be my one and only wife," Nathan declared firmly.Layla
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Chapter 159
"We can hold hands and head upstairs together," Suzanne shyly suggested. Her intention was to piss Sally off by appearing intimately close to Nathan."You want us to hold hands?" Nathan questioned, arching an eyebrow.Realizing he might not be on board, Suzanne awkwardly explained, "I just want Sally to see that she doesn't stand a chance and hopefully back off."To her surprise, Nathan suddenly leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Simply holding hands won't be enough."Caught off guard, Suzanne was stunned when Nathan pressed his lips softly against hers. The onlookers were astounded, inwardly questioning if that was the same serious and aloof Nathan they knew.Before anyone could collect their thoughts, Nathan lifted Suzanne off her feet. Startled, Suzanne instinctively encircled her arms around his neck and nestled her head against his chest. Although Suzanne had initiated the idea of appearing intimate to provoke Sally, she couldn't quell her fluttering heart at Nathan's une
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Chapter 160
With his arms gently resting on her sides, Nathan stared down at Suzanne intensely and swallowed hard. His breathing grew heavy with anticipation, stirring an ambiguous tension in the air."Could you please let me up?" Suzanne urged, her voice trembled with urgency."Oh, Suzy…" Nathan's deep, baritone voice caressed her ears, dripping with desire.At the sound of his intimate address, Suzanne felt her heart practically explode. Even her veins pulsed with uncontrollable excitement. At that moment, she had sensed his intentions. Before Suzanne could utter anything, Nathan pressed against her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. A soft moan escaped Suzanne, and Nathan seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss.The kiss was so intense that Suzanne struggled to maintain her composure. She slowly succumbed to the overwhelming bliss, instinctively wrapping her arms around Nathan's neck. Nathan gently tilted her head, running his fingers through her hair as he deepened the kiss.
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