All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1066 Chapters
Chapter 171
Betty's gaze softened as she looked at Suzanne, her smile turning affectionate. "Oh dear, you've changed so much. I never imagined my little girl would blossom into such a wonderful lady. You make me proud." Unwilling to bask in Betty's compliments, Suzanne leaned in, resting her hands on the table. "What exactly had I changed?" she asked. Betty folded her hands and leaned closer to Suzanne. "When you were young, you took after your father and weren't particularly pretty. You often talked about getting plastic surgery when you grew up. "But now, you've grown into a natural beauty. Your graceful demeanor, those youthful features, and your round face are simply enchanting." As Betty spoke, Suzanne couldn't help but touch her own cheek, as if seeking confirmation. Betty continued, "And your personality has softened. You used to be aggressive, but now you've become gentle and sweet, with a soft, mellow voice. "No wonder you've captured the leader of the military base. You
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Chapter 172
The realization of Nathan's worry about her late return without prior notice stirred a mixture of guilt and nervousness within Suzanne. Approaching Suzanne with deliberate steps, Nathan's gaze held a depth that seemed to elude comprehension. "Have you been out of town?" he inquired gently.Suzanne's heart skipped a beat as she watched him, her mind swirling with questions. "How would he possibly know? Could he have tracked me?" she pondered, though she had settled all expenses at the hospital, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. Observing her suspicious expression, Nathan's lips curled slightly as he pointed to the departing vehicle. "The cab from other cities have issues with local traffic regulations. They rarely pick up passengers in Phoenicia," he explained. Suzanne turned her head to glance at the distant vehicle, suddenly comprehending the situation. She nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes.""Do you mind sharing the reason for your trip?" "No," came Suzanne's immediate re
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Chapter 173
The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity, leaving Suzanne's lips and tongue ached from the intensity. She gasped for air as she pushed Nathan away, fearing the kiss might render her breathless. Summoning all her strength, Suzanne pressed against his chest, slowly breaking the kiss. Nathan reluctantly released her. Both of them panted as their foreheads met, their warm exhalations mingling in the heated atmosphere. His voice, deep and magnetic, resonated, "I have to return to the camp tomorrow. Come with me." Suzanne was taken aback, her heart racing with nervousness and uncertainty. Nathan had just returned, yet here he was, speaking of departure again. Nevertheless, she understood his demanding schedule, brimming with responsibilities at the military base and beyond. She knew well he couldn't be tethered to home forever. For a man like Nathan, even a single day off was a rare luxury. Florence had mentioned how Nathan had been making more frequent visits since their marriage,
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Chapter 174
Suzanne supported Betty's decision to divorce, but she drew the line when it came to providing her a place to stay. Instead, she encouraged Betty to look for a job, to enrich herself with knowledge and skills, and to become a better self. Betty, seeing no benefit in further conversation, retreated to the comfort of the York family with disappointment. A week passed, and the long-awaited DNA test results were finally ready. Despite mentally preparing herself for the outcome, Suzanne found herself shattered by the reality they revealed. She stood dumbfounded outside the hospital with tears clouding her vision as she saw the words confirming her lack of biological relation. The report validated all the suspicions and inconsistencies surrounding her identity. If she wasn't Suzanne, then who was she? Where were her true family and friends? And what dark motives lay behind the elaborate scheme to mold her into Suzanne? On her ride home in the car, her mind swirled with these
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Chapter 175
Suzanne lowered her head with a smile on her face as she replied, "Okay." Nathan let out a sigh of relief. Though he was reluctant to end the call, there was a meeting in progress. "If there's nothing else, I should go," Nathan said. A wave of disappointment swept over Suzanne. "Would he really end the call after just two minutes? How did other long-distance couples manage to talk for hours, or even half a day?" she pondered. But she soon realized that those conversations were reserved for couples deeply in love. There was no such affection between her and Nathan. Even if he had the time, he wouldn't indulge in romantic exchanges with her. "Alright." Suzanne's voice carried a hint of sadness as she murmured softly, "Bye." With the call ended, Suzanne set her phone aside and turned to gaze out the window, a mixture of uncertainty and longing swirling within her. "Would Nathan send someone to pick me up tomorrow?" Suzanne wondered, a glimmer of hope flickering in her heart
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Chapter 176
Suzanne found herself teetering on the brink of losing consciousness. It was as if she had been swallowed by an endless abyss of despair and fear. She trembled in the water, unable to catch a single breath. In that fleeting moment, death loomed close, and Nathan's image flashed through her mind. Confronted with the specter of death, he was the sole anchor she clung to desperately.In a startling twist of events, Sally abruptly released her grip, instead simulating a struggle as if she were drowning, her cries for help piercing the air. "Help!" Suzanne faintly heard Sally's desperate pleas, followed by the sound of two splashes. Her consciousness teetered on the edge as fear filled her, yet she persisted in her struggle, bobbing up and down in the water. As she emerged from the water's surface, her hazy eyes caught a glimpse of Nathan's figure, carrying Sally toward the shore. Was it an illusion? Why was Nathan here? Did he just save Sally? The unsettling sensation of dread
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Chapter 177
Nathan exited the ward, with Oliver trailing closely behind, closing the door as he followed. Observing Nathan's somber demeanor, Oliver questioned coldly, "Nate, deep down, do you still love Sally?" Nathan paused in his tracks, his expression turning icy. "Sally may have made mistakes in her attempts to win you back, but it's all because she loves you too much. The incident at the pool must have been an accident."If you can spare a moment, perhaps you should check on Sally. Her fear of water might have traumatized her," Oliver suggested. Despite Oliver's words, Nathan remained silent, his back to Oliver as he strode away with purposeful steps, leaving no room for further discussion. Watching Nathan's retreating figure, Oliver's eyes flickered with determination. Sally had crossed a line. Despite his multiple warnings to keep her hands off Suzanne, Sally persisted in harming her. Nathan walked out of the hospital and entered the military base's armed vehicle.Cole and Lu
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Chapter 178
He sighed and leaned back into his chair, his tone incredibly gentle as he spoke, "Did I wake you?" After a day of contemplation, Suzanne could now face him calmly. A hint of detachment flickered in her eyes as she replied, "You should get some rest. I'm fine now. You don't have to stay here with me." Nathan attempted to clarify the day's events. "I didn't see you underwater. Besides, Sally can't swim." A bitter smile tugged at Suzanne's lips. While she could accept the first explanation, the second seemed absurd. How could a wealthy heiress not know how to swim? Her tone grew sharper, more frustrated. "You don't need to explain. It's unnecessary." Noticing her anger from her cutting and unforgiving words, he replied helplessly, "Suzy, I can't leave Sally alone in that situation." It was the true test of loyalty. In moments of dire need, thoughts became muddled, and instinct dictated every action. Nathan loved Sally deeply, and Suzanne had no grounds to blame him for his
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Chapter 179
Cole and Lucas rushed to restrain Loretta, preventing her from getting closer to the pool. Sally's desperate struggles in the water were chaotic, far from the movements of a proficient swimmer. "Help me! Nate, I can't swim!" she cried. Hearing the screams, Oliver, who was on the second floor, hurried outside the balcony. Startled by the commotion, he quickly rushed to the scene. Nathan stood silently at the pool's edge, observing Sally's floundering with an unsettling calm. Despite her frantic efforts, she had yet to sink. Loretta's tearful pleas for help from the butler and Oliver echoed through the air.As Oliver rushed down, Lucas restrained him. "Nathan, have you lost your mind? Sally can't swim. You need to get her out of there!" Oliver's voice thundered with rage, the veins on his neck bulging. "Are you trying to kill her?"Equally distraught and furious, Loretta begged, "Nate, please save Sally. She's in trouble. She can't swim!" Nathan remained unmoved, his demean
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Chapter 180
Oliver seethed with rage, but his voice was stifled, unable to break free from the force that dragged him away. Sally, pretending to be weak, stumbled and leaned on Loretta. "Nate, I nearly drowned. Why would you do this to me? You knew I couldn't swim. Did you want to harm me?" Despite her claim of being unable to swim, Sally managed to stay afloat for 20 minutes. After finally getting out, she appeared remarkably composed. The most perplexing part was her complete lack of symptoms related to aquaphobia. Noticing something was unusual, Loretta tightly grasped Sally's hand, scrutinizing her with astonishment. "Sally, have you overcome your fear of water? Are you no longer afraid?" Sally hesitated for a moment before bursting into tears. "Grandma, I'm terrified. I'm shaking all over, and I'm scared to death." Nathan's expression darkened. Without a word, he turned and walked away, with Cole and Lucas trailing behind. "Nate!" Sally cried out from behind them, sobbing uncontr
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