All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
1072 Chapters
Chapter 181
Nathan searched every possible place Suzanne could be in.Shovale, her mother's house, her old rented place—there wasn't a hint of her presence. She had disappeared without a trace.It'd only been a day, but he'd grown a lot wearier. The heart-wrenching pain he felt when he first left the country ten years ago had resurfaced with even greater intensity. At noon, an uninvited guest appeared at the Morrison Residence. A female lawyer had come as Suzanne's representative to settle matters regarding the divorce. In the study, the sun outside shone bright, and the room was airy. However, the atmosphere inside was depressing and suffocating. The lawyer, Lana Scott, placed a bank card and the divorce settlement agreement in front of him. "My client has already signed her name on the agreement. This bank card is yours, Mr. Morrison. She'll pay back the money she'd spent in installments."Nathan's expression was cold as he stared grimly at the document on the table. At the moment, his
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Chapter 182
"Why won't he divorce you if he doesn't love you?"Suzanne was hungry, but the food tasted like nothing to her. "His grandmother likes me a lot," she mumbled."Oh, he's quite the model grandson."The pair continued eating their mac and cheese in silence.A while later, Sienna picked up an apple and began peeling the fruit. "I think, no matter how fiery the relationship is, people are always madly in love before they get married. After marriage, everything changes."She continued, "In a marriage, there's no love. There's only duty and companionship. It doesn't matter if he loves you or not as long as he's willing to spend on you."Suzanne smiled bitterly at her and said, "Why are you so pessimistic when you're not even married yet?"Sienna laughed. "I've seen too many unfortunate circumstances in married life to ever want to get married. Besides, it's not that bad being on my own.""I want to be like you, too," Suzanne agreed. "After I get divorced, I'll never get married ag
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Chapter 183
"Let's talk." Nathan's tone was soft, and his gaze was laced with gentleness. Suzanne lowered her head. "My lawyer already informed you clearly. There's nothing to talk about between us," she replied.His fist tightened, and his voice hardened slightly. "You promised me," he said. "You said you wouldn't threaten to divorce again."She lifted her head and looked at him before replying angrily, "You also promised me you'd cut ties with Sally Hoffis.""I haven't been in contact with her at all," he clarified firmly.Upset, she clenched her fists. Her eyes instantly welled up with tears. So, he was still so in love with her despite no longer being in contact?Nathan was all she could think about when she was on the brink of death. Yet, this man chose to save his unattainable crush, who could swim, and abandoned her.It pained her every time she recalled the memory. "Without Oliver, I'd be your dead wife by now," she choked out.Nathan grew panicked. "Without Oliver, I'd save bot
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Chapter 184
Suzanne's body stiffened. Then, she tried to push him away in frustration.However, the more she resisted, the tighter Nathan held her. He hugged her tightly and buried his face in her hair. As he took in the light scent on her body, he said with a pained voice, "Let's not get divorced, Suzy. Please?"Fighting back tears in his embrace, Suzanne still shook her head in refusal.Nathan gradually closed his moist and bloodshot eyes. He couldn't calm himself at all.First, it was Sally's departure. Now, it's Suzanne wanting a divorce. The pain was endless.He'd been stabbed and shot before, but physical pains were nothing compared to the pain he'd received in the form of heartache.He never wanted to fall in love ever again.Nathan held Suzanne tightly. He eased the discomfort in his heart and suppressed his emotions before asking, "We've been married for almost half a year. Have you ever liked me?"She liked him and even loved him, but her heart had been broken too many times in
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Chapter 185
Nathan walked out of the small apartment with a gloomy expression. A cold and chilling gush of air was felt when he walked past Cole and Gilbert. The two had never seen him with such a desolate demeanor before. They thought they'd freeze to death from walking behind him and didn't even dare to breathe audibly.They obediently followed him downstairs, and after getting in the car, they drove away. In the backseat of the car, Nathan's expression grew colder every passing minute. He leaned against the seat and shut his eyes without saying a word.The atmosphere within the car became oppressive and icy—it was suffocating. The sound of a ringing phone cut through the silence. Cole felt like his phone was a hot coal in his pocket. Hastily, he fished it out of his pocket and answered the call for fear of disturbing Nathan at the back.A while later, he hung up and turned toward Nathan hesitantly.He wanted to make a report, but he was also afraid of provoking Nathan. After being c
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Chapter 186
Nathan didn't reply to Lucas' question. Instead, he said, "Thoroughly look into the death of her parents. Without a record of cremation, they might still be alive.""Are we still looking into Ms. Hoffis as well?""Keep investigating.""Yes, sir!" Cole replied respectfully.Nathan asked again, "Where is the research paper she published?"Cole took out his phone and pulled up the document before handing it to him.Taking the phone, Nathan studied the paper and fell into immense confusion."Core Analysis and Research on Derivative Nanotechnology of Copper, Iron, Steel and Cyanide in a Redox Reaction." "Synthesis of Molecular Metal Re-Separation and Its Chemical Application."He continued scrolling down. Although he couldn't understand the contents, he knew they were all related to chemistry.Resting his elbow on the edge of the window, Nathan rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Find a way to retrieve DNA samples of Sally and Mr. Hoffis Senior, but do it discreetly."Cole an
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Chapter 187
Samuel shot her a cold laugh. "I had no choice. You didn't want to help me pay anything, and they were rushing me for the money. "I had no choice but to tell them my dear sister is the wife of a wealthy family. A bit of spare change from them was more than enough for me to pay off my debts."He continued, "This method worked wonders! Your in-laws are so generous. They helped me with half of what I owed in a snap. "Your husband is quite the character too. All I had to do was mention my brother-in-law is General Morrison of the Norvanian Military, and you would vouch for me. Then, everyone was willing to lend me any amount I desired."Samuel sounded ecstatic. "Your husband's name really carries weight! No one dares to mess with me anymore. If they do, I'll have my brother-in-law deal with them."Suzanne clenched her fists tightly. She was shaking with rage. Her face was steely as she warned him, "Samuel York, you bastard. If you continue using Nathan's name to scam people for mo
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Chapter 188
At that moment, a wave of emotions washed over Suzanne. She was angry and upset. She understood that a girl didn't fall from grace and go down the wrong path over nothing. Everything had a cause and correlation."Why didn't you report him?" She gritted her teeth. She'd like nothing more than to rip that bastard into shreds.Sienna shook her head in resignation and shot her a bitter smile. "Her mother was useless. She couldn't protect her own children and was good for nothing except gambling."She put her glasses back on and continued typing. "You have a wonderful personality and are willing to make a living for your parents. Plus, you have such a rich and powerful husband. Even without blood relations, they'll surely cling to you for the rest of their lives."Suzanne said nothing. She shut her eyes and took deep breaths. She'd already been through enough. Now, the Morrison family was also caught up in their mess. She couldn't tell them about her identity now, either. At this ra
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Chapter 189
At noon, Suzanne was about to get changed when Sienna came in holding a dress. She handed it over to her and said, "Wear this.""I'm getting divorced, not getting married. Why would I put on something so nice?" Suzanne smiled resignedly while pushing the dress away.Sienna declared in full seriousness. "Exactly. That's why you should wear something pretty and pair it with a gorgeous makeup look so that you can sweep your husband off his feet. Make him regret it."She pushed back. "But I'm the one who's asking for the divorce. I'm the one that doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.""You might be the one that brought it up, but you only did it because he doesn't love you, no?"Suzanne was at a loss for words, feeling a stabbing pain in her heart. Sienna held the dress and advised solemnly, "Men are visual creatures. You look too plain most of the time, so it's difficult to stun him that way. Just doll yourself up for today. I promise you he'll be bewitched and beg you not
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Chapter 190
"Up to you." Nathan's eyes turned subtly darker as he moved past her and headed toward the driver's seat. He pulled the door open and entered the vehicle.A wave of anger abruptly washed over him when he saw the back of Suzanne's dress.Her dress looked innocent from the front, but the back was a sexy open-back cut. Her pale, naked back was exposed from underneath her long hair. How inappropriate!Nathan walked back toward her and grabbed her wrist before leading her toward the passenger's seat."What are you doing?""Wait for me in the car." He pushed her into the seat and shut the door.Then, he circled around the front of the car and sat in the driver's seat."Buckle up."Suzanne wanted to get off. "Go ahead with your business. I'll find a coffee shop to wait in. Just let me know when you're done."Nathan leaned over and fastened the seatbelt for her.Their sudden proximity startled her. Her back pressed against the seat, trying to put enough distance between them. She d
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