All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 651 - Chapter 660
1074 Chapters
Chapter 651
As gunfire erupted, Phoebe leaped amid the bullets and swiftly darted down. Everyone rushed to the roadside and fired into the jungle below the slope. Overwhelmed with fear, Mila sank to the ground, clasping Jasper tightly as he cried in shock. Tears streamed down Mila's face. Could Phoebe survive such an onslaught? Mila couldn't bring herself to look down the slope, her heart wrenched at the thought of Phoebe's safety. "Take her away," Jacob commanded. Mila was led into another vehicle by the armed men. Slowly, she wiped away her tears, soothing Jasper in her embrace. They were then taken to a cottage, where food, water, formula, and diapers were provided. The next morning, Mila was relocated. Blindfolded, she boarded a car and traveled for about an hour. Despite being unable to see, Mila could sense their proximity to the frontiers, though they were now farther from the military base. She was confined within a white vintage villa, with a garden adorned with tulips and gua
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Chapter 652
With a rueful smile, Oliver lamented, "I worry that after you joined the military base, I'd lose any chance with you. Chubs, I took another risk for you." Mila retorted sternly, each word dripping with anger, "Oliver, you killed my grandmother and imprisoned my parents for years. "After everything you've done, did you truly believe that imprisoning me would make me want to be with you? "Dream on. Even in death, I won't grant you peace!" Tears shimmered in Oliver's eyes as he stood tall, a mixture of laughter and sorrow escaping him as he looked at Mila. "Did you ever care for me back then when I kept a low profile? "I've risked it all for you multiple times. Even Lucas said I was a fool for love. But what about you? Do you understand my feelings?" "I don't care," Mila replied disdainfully.With a determined smile, Oliver approached Mila slowly. "That's why I must keep you captive. Otherwise, I'll never win your heart." Mila, holding Jasper tightly, backed away timidly. A
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Chapter 653
Only by destroying Dark Shadows Society's headquarters could they scatter the spies, leaving them without leaders and severing their communication network. Donald thrust a bundle of diplomatic papers toward Nathan. "Take a look at these. They're all condemnations from Dorzania. Other nations are joining in, imposing sanctions, and fighting back. There are surely more to follow!" Nathan's fury ignited. "Your diplomatic efforts have been great. You were playing both sides, avoiding trouble, and turning a blind eye to incompetence and corruption. All those have led Norvania into decline. "You should really step down," Nathan spat the final words before striding off without a backward glance. Donald's face blanched with anger, but he felt powerless. He carried the title of the president, but Nathan held the might of the military. Even as the outgoing leader, Donald had to tread cautiously around Nathan. Exiting Tacker Manor, Cole hurried to catch up to Nathan, his demeanor tense
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Chapter 654
Mila's unwavering gaze held steady, exuding confidence as she asserted, "Oliver, you can't kill Nate. You're not even close to being his match." Oliver's sneer deepened, tears staining his flushed cheeks. His laughter turned sinister, and his expression hardened as he gripped Mila's chin, forcing her to meet his icy stare. "You're right. I'm not his match. He's a defense general in Norvania, and I'm just an ordinary guy. "But with you by my side, Chubs, I have the upper hand." Mila's chuckle was laced with ice, devoid of fear. "Even so, you still can't take him down." "You're wrong. I can do it right now," Oliver declared with unwavering conviction. Mila's heart plummeted, anxiety tightening its grip, making it hard for her to swallow. Fear and unease consumed her thoughts. Oliver's tone softened as he spoke, "Put the child down. I'll take you to him." At that moment, the color drained from Mila's face, her shock evident as her heart raced. "Could it be real? Has Oliver t
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Chapter 655
"You'll always love him and never truly forget him if I spare him." Oliver rose to his feet and commanded, "Fire! Kill him!" "No!" Mila's cry was filled with sorrow. The gunfire erupted, and a dozen of bullets struck Nathan. Blood soaked the grass as his tall figure fell forward, tumbling into the prepared pit. Mila felt powerless, crawling forward on her knees. Her heart felt as though it had been ripped apart, the agony piercing her bones. Every limb of hers felt numb and her stomach twisted in torment, making it hard for her to breathe. "Nate..." she cried out. There was no strength left for her to approach Nathan's body. The icy wind pierced her skin, and the relentless rain drenched her. The armed men lowered their weapons and exchanged them for shovels, starting to bury the body. Oliver strode toward Mila, seizing her with a forceful grip, his voice thundering, "He's gone, and your love for him dies with him!" Mila broke free, stumbling forward until her strength ga
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Chapter 656
"It's risky for the three of us to leave together. We need to find a safer way out of Norvania," Oliver muttered to himself, his voice oddly composed. "If only I could find someone to help me now, things would be much simpler." "Kill me," Mila's voice, drained of strength, resonated with sorrow. Oliver gently countered, "How could I bear to kill you?" Mila lowered her hand and walked back into the house like a soulless being. "Even if you don't kill me, I'll kill you, any chance, any time." A faint smile played on Oliver's lips as he asserted confidently, "Your son is still in my hands. If you don't want him dead, you'll listen to me." Mila's complexion turned pallid, her expression worn out. She sat down on the bed, wordlessly lying down and pulling the blanket over herself. Closing her eyes, tears trickled down her cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath her.She endured. But the pain in her heart grew unbearable and uncontrollable, suffocating her. She pulled the blanket i
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Chapter 657
However, Oliver doubted Daniel's ability to kill Nathan. The following day, around noon, Oliver received a video from Daniel. In the footage, Nathan lay motionless in a pool of blood, a sharp blade dangerously close to his heart, his complexion pale. Oliver watched the video repeatedly, detecting no signs of editing or staging. It stirred something within him. He settled in the living room, anticipation tugging at him. Every ten minutes, he refreshed the trending topics, waiting for news. An hour later, headlines about the assassination of Norvania's Defense General flooded the trending lists. Oliver's excitement surged as he avidly scrolled through the news. The reports confirming Nathan's death hailed from reliable, reputable sources. Clutching his phone tightly, Oliver rose joyfully, pacing the living room while eagerly devouring online news. He never fathomed that Daniel would go through with the act of killing his own brother. His resolve was truly formidable and O
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Chapter 658
After the rain, the sky cleared, leaving behind a serene atmosphere. Mila stood on the balcony of the second floor, her gaze fixed on the new grave in the distance. She felt as though her heart had been buried alongside Nathan. Glancing back at Jasper sleeping soundly in bed, despair gripped her once more. She still had to find a way to take Jasper away from here. Mila's heart ached, her complexion pale and her tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She wiped them away and returned to the room, lifting Jasper gently into her arms to seek solace in his warmth. Suddenly, she heard some strange commotion downstairs. Hurriedly placing Jasper back in bed, she wiped her eyes once more before cautiously opening the door. Listening intently, she heard nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was Oliver returning. Mila stepped outside and as she descended, she froze at the sight of a familiar figure before her. A whirlwind of emotions swept through her, shock, excitement, and sadness.
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Chapter 659
Mila was startled. Her tear-filled eyes turned to Cole in excitement. Nathan's voice rang out anxiously, "What's wrong? Are Chubs and Jasper safe?" Cole replied, "They're safe, Mr. Morrison." Mila couldn't wait any longer. She rushed over, snatching Cole's phone with trembling hands. Her voice choked with emotion as she uttered, "Nate." Nathan's gentle voice flowed through the phone. "I'm sorry, Chubs, for all the trouble you've endured these past few days." Mila bit her lip, her hand pressed tightly over her mouth, restraining tears of relief and joy. At that moment, all her past sufferings seemed insignificant. As long as Nathan was alive, nothing else mattered."Are you and Jasper alright?" Nathan's concern was palpable in his anxious tone. Mila took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before replying, "Both of us are fine." "The news online is all fabricated. Don't worry. I can't show up at the moment, so I can't come to rescue you." "No, please don't come." Mi
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Chapter 660
In the afternoon, Daniel escorted Oliver to the airport. Oliver's boarding process was seamless. With a friendly smile, Daniel bid farewell to Oliver as the aircraft took off. Oliver felt a sense of freedom wash over him, knowing he could now reunite with Mila in a distant land. After half an hour of flight, the plane began its descent. Oliver surveyed his surroundings, noticing a discrepancy with the typical airport. "Where are we?" he inquired, a hint of nervousness tainting his voice. "The airport," came the pilot's reply. Oliver persisted, "Which airport is this?" Yet, the pilot maintained his silence.Growing increasingly flustered, Oliver pressed further, "How can this be an airport? It's so small!"Upon touchdown and the pilot's unbuckled seatbelt, he uttered, "The prison's airport." With that, he swiftly exited the aircraft and headed toward the prison compound. With a pallid complexion and frantic demeanor, Oliver rushed to the cockpit, but his limited aviation
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