All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 661 - Chapter 670
1074 Chapters
Chapter 661
Mila was eager to take Nathan back to their dormitory.Nathan's eyes were brimming with affection.As soon as they stepped inside, he eagerly pulled her into his arms, longing to kiss her. Yet, Mila stopped him by placing her hand on his lips."What are you doing?" Mila asked.Nathan was confused. "You brought me back to the dorm so urgently. Didn't you want—""No," Mila shyly interrupted, patting his shoulder. "Let go for now."After Nathan released her, she took his hand and led him into the bedroom.The nanny, Pauline, was nodding off at the edge of the bed, while Jasper lay on his stomach, contentedly chewing on a toy without making a sound. His large, bright eyes shimmered with curiosity.As soon as Jasper spotted Nathan, he locked his gaze on Nathan intently. But the instant Jasper caught sight of Mila, his excitement became palpable. He flailed his limbs and babbled happily, like a plane revving up for takeoff.Pauline snapped awake instantly. Seeing Mila and Nathan, sh
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Chapter 662
Mila found research to be monotonous and tiresome. It demanded relentless dedication, day in and day out, year after year, for her to achieve the outcomes she desired.She had devoted herself to her work for so long, with hardly any close friends of the opposite sex, let alone any time for romance.Yet now, she found joy and fulfillment in her research, thanks to the presence of Jasper and Nathan by her side. She no longer felt lonely or bored. The only downside was her hectic schedule.Since Nathan's return, they rarely found time to meet. Both of their jobs were demanding and important. Their only time together was at night when they rested.Despite their busy schedules, Nathan always spent time with Jasper. He vividly remembered the slap Jasper had given him and was determined to cultivate a strong father-son bond.Often, Nathan would bring Jasper to sleep with him in their bed, especially after installing a guardrail. Nathan would sleep in the middle, with Jasper on his left a
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Chapter 663
Mila smiled and said, "Let's just take things as they come. We don't need to announce everything to everyone.""But everyone is doubting your skills and talking about you behind your back," Phoebe objected."Actions speak louder than words. If you want to silence them, the best way is to show what you can do."Phoebe wasn't entirely convinced. After all, words could hurt, and dealing with gossip every day was tough.Later, Phoebe opened up to Cole about her concerns, and Cole shared the conversation with Nathan.The following day, the military base released a personnel profile showcasing Norvania's top researchers. It highlighted their impressive accomplishments and accolades.Among the extensive list of researchers, Mila's name stood out prominently."Wanda Hoffis, also known as 'Mila,' is Norvania's leading chemical researcher and military engineering designer. She's credited with developing hydronium and has contributed significantly to numerous groundbreaking studies in Sunt
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Chapter 664
Mila was confused. "Why are you bringing up Daniel out of the blue?"Nathan's expression turned grim, and he asked with bitterness, "Just answer me. Will you pick him or me?"Mila chuckled. "Daniel's right. You've always seen Daniel as a rival. But I've never had romantic feelings for Daniel. He's like a brother to me, so why would I pick him?""Then, are you saying you'll marry me?""It's not a definite yes."Nathan's face went pale, and he anxiously cradled Mila's face in his hands. "What do you mean? Are you considering marrying Daniel?"Mila replied calmly, "I don't have feelings for Daniel. I have them for you. But if Daniel has feelings for me just like you do, it's difficult to say who I might end up marrying.""Why?" Nathan asked.Mila pondered for a moment before responding, "Daniel has qualities that set him apart from you.""What sets him apart?""You're more reserved, while he's quite assertive. If you both pursued the same woman, he wouldn't hesitate to make the
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Chapter 665
Mila asked, "Aren't you curious about how Daniel's been lately?""Wanda, I need to go. My mom's calling me. Let's talk later when I have time," Sienna said before ending the call.Mila frowned, her eyes welling up with tears. She slumped into Nathan's embrace, blurting out, "I'm devastated. Sienna's getting married. What about Daniel?""But didn't you say he's assertive? What's there to worry about? If he truly cares for Sienna, he could turn the situation in an hour, let alone a month," Nathan reassured her."Really?" Mila asked, blinking her eyes.Nathan gently stroked her hair and kissed her. "You've looked up to him since we were kids, and there's a good reason for that. Have faith in him, and let's see how things unfold.""Okay."…In the lobby of a nice hotel in Eastville, Sienna forced a smile as she came back to the table. "Sorry about that. I had to take a call."Sienna's mother, Shelly Cruz, kicked her sharply with her foot. Sienna winced and turned to Shelly.With
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Chapter 666
Eastville, known for its simplicity and natural beauty, was a thriving town nestled within a smaller city in Norvania.It was where Sienna grew up, and life there was quieter and more affordable compared to bustling cities like Phoenicia, making it a popular choice for retirees.Sienna's family resided in Eastville, and her mother, Shelly, owned a corner store in the local market.After Sienna's father passed away, Shelly took charge of the family business by herself, with Sienna helping out occasionally. Felix never helped out at all. Instead, he often took money from Shelly.Sienna prepared dinner, packed it into a thermos, and headed to the corner store to deliver it to Shelly. Upon entering, she noticed Shelly discreetly wiping away tears."Mom, what's the matter?" Sienna hurriedly placed the thermos down and approached the checkout counter. She crouched beside Shelly and gently took her arms. "Why are you crying?"Shelly swiftly brushed away her tears and forced a smile. "It
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Chapter 667
"Wow, Felix, your sister is stunning! Why haven't you introduced her to us before?""What's her name?""Hey, Felix's sister, join us for a drink."Everyone was teasing Sienna. Before she could react, a stern voice boomed from the entrance. "Police raid! Everyone, move to the hall! Quickly, it's a police raid!"Suddenly, all the music in the bar cut off, and everyone looked at each other in shock.Sienna had never been in a situation like this before. It was quite a coincidence that she happened to experience it today.Felix quickly ushered Sienna out of the room, asking, "Sienna, what are you doing here?""Where's the money?" Sienna demanded, reaching out to him."I'll need it to settle the bill later," Felix replied."This money is hard-earned by Mom. You're capable, so earn your own. If you can't make it, then learn to manage without spending. "You're 24 already and still depending on mom's money. Aren't you ashamed?" Sienna scolded as they walked.The pair entered the ha
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Chapter 668
The woman before Daniel was the most conservatively dressed in the bar.But her appearance didn't match with Sienna's personality. Both of them were completely different.He didn't suspect that she was Sienna."What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Daniel asked sternly.Sienna hesitated because she didn't have the courage to speak.Since it had been a long time since they met, she held out a glimmer of hope in her mind that perhaps Daniel had forgotten her, maybe even her voice.At that moment, Felix hurriedly explained, "Captain, my sister didn't bring her ID with her. She came to find me and coincidentally ran into your inspection."Daniel remained serious and aloof. He lowered his head and then pressed his fingers on the device. He said, "Report your ID number."Nudging Sienna, Felix said, "Say it, Sienna."Sienna nervously shook her head.Felix was at a loss too. He quickly explained, "My sister hasn't seen this kind of situation before, she must be frightened. I remem
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Chapter 669
In an instant, Sienna raised her gaze. She saw a hand pressed against the wall beside her face to block her path.Daniel's tall figure made her feel very pressured. She caught the familiar faint fragrance emanating from him.Sienna grew nervous and uneasy as she clenched her fists tightly. She warily stared into his deep eyes.Daniel's voice was extremely sexy as he murmured softly, "This is a real arrest scene. We're not filming a movie. You just barged in like this, aren't you afraid of death?"Sienna knew this was wrong because she might even cause trouble for the police. But she was just too worried about him.Daniel stared at her as he was waiting for her to speak.After waiting for a while, she still remained silent.Daniel intentionally raised his other hand. He frowned as he sucked in a breath, "Ah!""What happened to your hand?" Sienna blurted out anxiously without hesitation.Daniel harbored an imperceptible sense of warmth.Her voice was still so pleasant to listen
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Chapter 670
Sienna was rendered speechless for a while. She slowly lowered her head to look at Daniel's hand which was at her waist. She asked, "Captain, could you please remove your hand?"Daniel slightly smirked, but he didn't let go of her delicate waist. Instead, he held her tighter. Pretending to be nervous, he said, "Your driving skills aren't great. I'm afraid of falling, so let me hold on to you."Sienna took a deep breath to suppress the urge to speak.Her electric scooter was so small. But Daniel had such long legs. Honestly, if he stood up, the scooter could pass under his crotch. With such a height, could he even fall?When did Daniel become so delicate?Sienna had no choice but to start the scooter and slowly drive away.The hospital in the small town only had an emergency department at night. Sienna waited at the entrance of the emergency department.Just as she was about to go in to listen to the consultation, she was chased out by Daniel, who asked her to respect his privacy
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