All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 901 - Chapter 910
1072 Chapters
Chapter 901
Sean stuttered, "M-Mr. Hoffis, d-did I mess up this morning? Or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"Elio's voice resembled a blast from an ice cellar, sending chills down the spine. "Sean, why did you send me an adult film last night? Are you trying to get yourself fired?"Sean started to sweat profusely. He gulped and anxiously explained, "M-Mr. Hoffis, I sent it because you requested a romantic animated movie."Considering you live alone, asked for the movie late at night, and usually don't watch animations—especially romantic ones—I assumed you were hinting at something else."Elio narrowed his eyes and said through gritted teeth, "Candice wanted to watch it. I don't know a thing about romantic animated movies, so I relied on you for a recommendation. And you've managed to botch it entirely."Sean's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open. He was so stunned that words eluded him for a long moment.After a deep breath to quell his anger, Elio loosened his
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Chapter 902
Candice walked through the spacious hall, surveying her surroundings. The assistant's desk was unoccupied, and there was no sign of Sean. The CEO's office door was slightly open. Driven by curiosity, Candice moved closer and was about to knock.Just then, she heard a noise from inside—something like a stack of papers tumbling to the floor. She edged closer and peered through the gap in the door.Though she couldn't see anyone, she could hear Elio's cold, angry voice piercing the air. "Take your people and leave."Then, a reply came from Tim McAree, his voice aged and resonant with authority, "Elio, curb your arrogance. When your grandfather and I were laying the foundations of this company, your father hadn't even been born."Your grandfather would have shown me the utmost respect if he were still alive, and your father would have done the same. Who do you think you are to dismiss my people?"Elio's response was chillingly detached. "I'm firing you and your entire family. Now, all
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Chapter 903
Elio approached Candice, his expression growing somber and his eyes losing their usual spark. With a hint of displeasure, he said softly, "Don't be afraid of me, Candice."Candice nodded in response, then hesitated and shook her head.Elio sighed. "I know I can be stern at work, but that's only toward my subordinates.""But I'm also your subordinate," Candice replied cautiously.Elio let out a laugh of exasperation and hung his head in resignation.Worried she had misspoken, Candice quickly clarified, "It's not that I'm afraid of you. I just need a little time to get used to this."After all, his demeanor was notably different. He was typically harsh with others yet unexpectedly gentle with her, which unsettled her.Elio checked his watch and asked, "Are you hungry?"Candice shook her head. "Not really."Taking her hand, Elio led her toward the nearby lounge. He hoped to gauge Candice's feelings and better understand her thoughts. Candice was confused.Elio opened the door
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Chapter 904
After their intimate time together, Candice, overcome with embarrassment, hastily dressed while Elio was bewildered. She practically sprinted away from the room."Candice…" Elio called out. He couldn't go after her as he wasn't fully dressed yet.She dashed out of the office and into the elevator, gasping for breath. Upon returning to the design department, Vanessa hurried over and leaned forward with her hands on Candice's table.Vanessa's gaze fell upon Candice's flushed face and slightly swollen lips. "Candice, what happened? Why are you so red? Did you have lunch?"Candice avoided Vanessa's gaze, looking down sheepishly. "Yes, I did. Just by myself.""I didn't see you in the cafeteria! And you usually take only half an hour for lunch. Why did it take you over an hour today?""I-I didn't eat at the company cafeteria. I went somewhere… far."Vanessa lightly smacked Candice's hand with a hint of displeasure. "Candice, why didn't you bring me along if you found a great spot?"C
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Chapter 905
Candice texted a reply. "I'm busy at the moment."Yet, Elio continued to message her."Can we talk in person?""Candice, you didn't turn me down initially. So, why the sudden change in your behavior? What do you mean by this?""I'm waiting for you. Are you coming down, or should I come up?"Candice stared at Elio's messages on her phone, unsure how to respond. As her anxiety mounted, she turned and glanced at Vanessa.With her extensive experience in matters of the heart, Vanessa was often regarded as somewhat of a love guru. Candice scooted her chair closer to Vanessa and whispered, "Vanessa, can I ask you something?"Vanessa, who had been dozing off with her head resting on the desk, murmured sleepily, "Go ahead.""My friend has had a crush on a guy she's known since they were kids. However, he's always kept his distance and even avoids her. He doesn't seem to like her much."But lately, as they've both gotten older, he's been reaching out to her and they've slept together t
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Chapter 906
"Where's Candice," asked Elio."Mr. Hoffis, Candice just left with her bag," the employee replied respectfully.Without a word, Elio turned and dashed toward the elevator, jabbing the button impatiently. As he watched the floor numbers shift slowly, he pulled out his phone and dialed Candice's number.He listened to the connecting tone for a while before the call suddenly dropped. He dialed again, only for Candice to disconnect once more. After the third attempt ended in the same manner, he gave up resignedly.By the time Elio made it outside the first-floor lobby, Candice was nowhere to be found. Feeling dejected, he returned upstairs. He was distracted all day, unable to concentrate on his work.…As night descended, the neon lights from outside illuminated Elio through the glass window. He stood by the window staring at the night sky with his hands in his pockets.The bustling street below sharply contrasted with the emptiness he felt inside. He couldn't fathom why Candice ha
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Chapter 907
Elio felt a wave of panic and demanded angrily, "What are you implying?"Sean swallowed hard, his voice tinged with fear as he explained, "Mr. Hoffis, if a woman agrees to sleep with you but then avoids you, it's likely because she's intimidated by your wealth and influence. She doesn't actually have feelings for you."Elio suppressed his anger and emphasized each word sharply. "She isn't short of money, nor is she lacking in influence. She has everything."His words completely floored Sean. His mind was in overdrive, trying to process the fact that Elio had hooked up with Candice. It was like Elio was defying the Morrisons with every breath!Sean couldn't help but be in awe. It seemed like true love was indeed capable of conquering any challenge. Elio must have felt like he had no regrets left in his life."Mr. Hoffis, some women are naturally gentle and kind-hearted. Even if they come from powerful families, they can be very timid at heart."Having been sheltered since childhoo
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Chapter 908
Candice's emotions swirled as she anxiously muttered, "It's me."Elio's breathing grew heavy. Overcome with nerves, he found himself speechless for a long moment. Unsure of why Candice had called, he waited for her to continue."Are you… free?" Candice asked timidly, her voice barely above a whisper."Yes, I'm free," Elio replied immediately."Could we meet and talk in person?""Of course," Elio responded without hesitation. He then added, "Where should we meet? I can come to pick you up."Candice paused to think. Realizing that everywhere was crowded and they risked being seen, she decided on a safer approach. "You don't have to pick me up. I'll come to your place instead. I'll be there in half an hour.""Alright," Elio replied.Once she hung up, Candice rose to her feet, put on a mask, and stepped out of the public restroom.…Elio was sitting in his car en route to the airport. After ending the call, he firmly instructed, "Turn around and head back home.""But Mr. Hoffis,
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Chapter 909
Candice hung her head, her voice barely above a whisper as she uttered sadly, "I'm pregnant."Elio's heart skipped a beat at her revelation; excitement electrified every nerve and fiber of his being.He sprang up from his seat, almost feeling the urge to jump up and shout at the top of his lungs to release the excitement coursing through him. Yet, he managed to rein in his emotions.Candice was carrying his baby? Was he really going to be the father to Candice's child? It felt surreal, like a dream. He struggled to contain the overwhelming happiness within him.His reaction startled Candice. She glanced up and noticed his clenched fists, his back turned toward her, and his head tilted upward. She struggled to decipher his emotions.Was he, like her, grappling with the harshness of reality? Or did he share her sense of being lost and uncertain about the next steps?Candice had steeled herself for this conversation. Softly, she said, "Don't worry. I'm not here to force any responsi
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Chapter 910
Candice's heart thudded in her ears, threatening to break free. Her big, doe-like eyes were fixed on Elio, her mind reeling. The thought of Elio proposing was irresistibly enticing and she was bewildered by the sudden turn of events.Elio leaned forward, gracefully dropping to one knee while gently taking her hand. The gesture was so unexpected that Candice instinctively retreated, pressing herself against the couch as she stared at him in utter disbelief.Down on one knee, Elio gripped her hand firmly. His eyes were earnest and intense as he looked up at her. In a voice that was both tender and urgent, he asked, "Candice, will you marry me?"Candice was stunned. The thought that Elio would propose solely for the sake of their child overwhelmed her with a mix of joy and concern. With a hesitant tone, she replied, "Our families won't agree to this.""As long as you say yes, I'll handle everything else," Elio stated.Candice couldn't bear the thought of anything harming the child sh
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