All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 921 - Chapter 930
1068 Chapters
Chapter 921
The Morrisons had always doted on Candice.Upon her request, they responded with warm smiles, saying, "Certainly, you two take care of it.""Thank you, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Florence," Elio expressed with sincerity, "and to Uncle Daniel and Aunt Sienna, thank you as well."Elio's eyes gleamed with gratitude, a gentle curve gracing his lips.Observing his joy, Candice couldn't help but feel a warmth blossom inside her.Elio maintained his hold on her hand, discreetly caressing it when no one was looking.Even after dinner at Morrison Residence, Elio remained in good spirits. He joined the elders for a few extra drinks, relishing their animated discussions about life.Meanwhile, Candice retreated to her room to freshen up and prepare for bed."Leo, you've had a few too many drinks. It's not safe for you to drive. Why don't you stay the night?" Gary's speech was slurred from the alcohol's influence.Just as Elio was considering the offer, Florence stepped in, placing her hand
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Chapter 922
After their kiss, Candice found herself breathless.Reluctantly, Elio withdrew from her tender lips, their foreheads meeting as they exchanged heavy, tangled breaths.The atmosphere in the room grew charged, infused with an undeniable sense of desire.Feeling shy and overwhelmed, Candice lowered her eyes, unable to muster the courage to meet Elio's intense gaze."I should go now," Elio broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper."Okay," Candice replied softly."Perhaps if you find the time, you should come and see me more often," Elio murmured gently.Candice felt a pang of confusion. Why was it up to her to initiate their dates?"Can't you be the one to come visit me?" Candice whispered.Elio suppressed a smile, his lips curling slightly. "I could. It's just that your family is always around, and your office is quite busy."Candice now understood his implication. He preferred meeting in private, either in his office or at home.In a gentle tone, she replied, "Sure.
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Chapter 923
Candice's lips formed a gentle smile as she nodded in acknowledgment.Reaching for a piece of candy, Josie couldn't help but let out a sigh. "You know, Mrs. Hoffis actually prepared all these sweets for me. It seems like he's just trying to cut corners by re-gifting them to you."Candice's smile gradually faded at Josie's words.As if realizing her mistake, Josie swiftly attempted to backtrack, offering a feigned apology, "I'm sorry, Candice. I was just speaking my mind. I hope I didn't upset you."Candice forced a polite smile and shook her head."I sincerely wish both of you a lifetime filled with love and happiness," Josie added."Thank you," Candice replied.As Josie savored her coffee, she couldn't help but cast a cold glance at the scattered candies on the table, feeling a twinge of resentment stirring within her.Placing her cup back on the table, she began, "I'm here today to talk about Elio.""Sure, go ahead," Candice responded."Do you have any idea why Leo decided
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Chapter 924
As Josie vanished from sight, Candice retrieved her phone, promptly settling the bill for the two coffees before departing herself.On her way back to the office, she couldn't resist glancing at her phone to check the date.With the wedding arranged by the Hoffis family for Josie and Elio just over 20 days away, the pressure on Josie must have been mounting.Despite this, Candice's inner resolve rang clear. "As long as Elio remains unattached and still wishes to marry me, I'll hold firm in my carefree, love-struck state, regardless of others' opinions."However, there was one thing she couldn't tolerate—betrayal.…As the evening approached and the workday persisted, Candice's phone buzzed with a message from Jasper."Candice, I've received orders from Uncle Elio. Starting today, I won't be able to give you rides home. He'll be handling that instead."Candice swiftly replied, "But we travel the same route, unlike him."Jasper responded, "That's true, but he's the one calling t
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Chapter 925
As Josie turned, her gaze fell upon Candice. Instantly, her smile froze, and the light in her eyes dimmed.Meanwhile, Candice was surprised to find Josie lingering nearby.Her discomfort grew as she observed Josie approaching Elio—a situation that became increasingly unsettling given Josie's previous interaction with Candice.With a gentle curve of her lips, Candice greeted, "Hey, Josie."Meanwhile, Josie managed a tight smile. "I need to speak with Elio."Stealing a glance at Elio, Candice inquired, "Should I excuse myself?"Without hesitation, Elio moved forward, gently clasping Candice's hand. "It's fine, you can stay."Josie's frown deepened as she murmured, "Leo, this is a private matter.""Whatever it is, there's nothing between us that Candice can't hear," Elio affirmed, holding Candice's hand as they walked toward the office.A warmth spread through Candice as she observed their intertwined hands, her smile impossible to contain.Josie followed them into the office, t
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Chapter 926
Josie couldn't grasp Candice's rationale. "But why?" she countered.Candice remained composed as she explained, "Firstly, those items were gifted to you, so they rightfully belong to you."Secondly, aside from their monetary value, those possessions don't have a practical use. They need to be preserved and passed down to the next generation. Ultimately, they're not something I can rightfully claim."Thirdly, Elio has already given me plenty of jewelry during our engagement, which I can pass down to future generations."Josie took a deep breath, feeling as though she were on the brink of losing her sanity.It all felt completely absurd.She was left dumbfounded, utterly bewildered by Candice's innocent and straightforward outlook on life.Still, Josie's intrigue regarding Elio's feelings toward Candice persisted, especially given Candice's perceived naivety.Despite Josie's best efforts to manipulate Candice, she found herself increasingly frustrated by her inability to sway her
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Chapter 927
Fearing Elio might misconstrue her words, Candice hastily explained, "Please, don't be angry. I didn't mean to criticize her, I just—"Elio promptly intervened, "I'm not angry. I'm just curious. If you think she's being deceitful, why do you still treat her with such kindness and respect?""Her actions are her own. As long as I steer clear, she won't involve me. There's no reason for me to engage in conflict and create unnecessary tension," Candice explained calmly.Elio couldn't resist tenderly stroking Candice's head, murmuring, "Your wisdom never fails to impress."Candice smiled in acknowledgment.As Elio's eyes remained fixated on her lips, his fingertips traced a delicate path against them, revealing a blend of desire and yearning in his gaze.Feeling Elio's tender caress, Candice's heart raced with anticipation.She had been looking forward to spending time with him.But whenever they found themselves alone, Elio grappled with the urge to kiss her, their moments together
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Chapter 928
At 10:00 pm, Candice was waiting in the airport lounge. She stood at the exit holding a bouquet of flowers.Not far away, Mervyn was stylishly dressed in athletic wear. He pulled a suitcase as he walked out briskly.From a distance, Candice saw him and then waved at him.Mervyn excitedly dragged his suitcase and hurried toward her. He opened his arms as he intended to embrace her.However, Candice pushed the flowers into his arms to block his hug.Mervyn frowned. He looked down at the flowers in her hands and said, "Thanks, but I'd rather have your hug than these flowers."Candice sighed resignedly and smiled. Then, she put down her hands.Mervyn came closer to hug her. As he patted her back, he muttered, "I missed you so much, Candice.""Why did you come back all of a sudden?""I got my PhD and received my certificate. The first thing I wanted to do was come back to see you because I missed you so much."Candice slowly pushed him away. She smiled as she replied, "Stop joking
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Chapter 929
Jasper felt helpless and embarrassed at Ryan's retort. He said, "Mr. Campbell, I don't mean that. I just—""Mrs. Campbell will take good care of her. Candice is drunk, so why put her through the hassle of moving around? Go, go, go. Go back home and sleep."Jasper said, "Candice is engaged now. It's inappropriate for her to stay overnight at your house."Ryan was well aware of her engagement.The sudden news had caught them off guard, which was why they had Ryan return quickly. Otherwise, his daughter-in-law would be taken away."Being engaged doesn't mean she has no freedom.""That's not what I meant, I—" Before Jasper could finish speaking, Ryan interrupted, "Just go home. Good night."With that, the door was shut.Feeling disappointed, Jasper left. As he walked, he pulled out his phone to call Elio.As the phone rang, he thought to himself, "Uncle Elio, I've done my part."Elio's groggy voice came from the phone. "It's late, what's going on?""Mervyn is back," Jasper sai
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Chapter 930
Elio asked, "Candice doesn't drink. Did you purposely get her drunk?"Mervyn sneered, "She won't drink with you, but she will with me. Besides, she's happy that I'm back."Elio clenched his fist.Mervyn continued, "Candice is the innocent type. I don't know what tactics you used to get her, but they must have been underhanded."I was already suspicious when you took her abroad last time. Elio, a twisted man like you, doesn't deserve her. I won't let her fall into your trap."Ignoring him, Elio pushed him aside and walked past him. Then, he continue his way in further into the house.Mervyn caught up to grab Elio's arm, but Elio turned and threw him off.Elio grabbed his collar and pinned him against the wall.With a chilling aura and a gaze full of menace, Elio warned, "Listen carefully. Candice is my fiancée now, so whatever relationship you had with her is in the past. From now on, keep your distance because she's mine."Mervyn said through gritted teeth, "I will tear off th
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