All Chapters of The Wrong Woman: Chapter 941 - Chapter 950
1038 Chapters
Chapter 941
When Candice shifted in her sleep, a sharp tug on her hair jolted her awake. Wincing in pain, she let out a whimper. As her eyes fluttered open, she realized she was in Elio's embrace. Both of them nestled together under the blankets, skin against skin.Her cry stirred Elio awake. He looked at her with bleary eyes, his voice gentle yet tinged with concern as he asked, "Candice, what's wrong?"Candice quickly pulled the blanket closer to her chest, embarrassment flooding her cheeks as she responded, "You're lying on my hair."Elio immediately lifted his arm to free her.Candice scooted away from his embrace, feeling bashful as her eyes darted around the room. She couldn't help but steal a glance at his well-defined abs. With a soft voice, she asked, "How did I end up in your room?"Elio offered a faint smile. "This is your room, too."Candice scratched her head, her recollection of the previous night was hazy. She vaguely remembered having a few drinks before everything went dark.
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Chapter 942
The world around Candice and Elio faded as they surrendered to their passion in bed. On the first day of living together, they took the day off from work. They made love in the morning, and again after lunch in the study.Exhausted, they cuddled and drifted off into a nap. As dusk fell, Candice had just stepped out of the shower when Elio drew her back to the bed. Their passionate encounter stretched late into the night. Much like any couple enraptured by love, their moments together were wild, unrestrained, and brimming with passion. They experienced an unparalleled sense of release both physically and emotionally.Perhaps due to oversleeping, Candice awoke in the middle of the night. She reached for her phone, only to find it turned off. This explained why she hadn't received any calls all day. She had assumed her family simply wasn't worried about her.Upon powering the phone back on, she was greeted by dozens of missed calls—all from Mervyn—and a slew of messages. Among them w
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Chapter 943
Elio remained silent as he wrapped his arms around Candice's shoulders and pulled her close. He gazed up at the night sky, trying to calm the anxiety and unease within him by feeling the comforting warmth of her presence in his arms.His apparent generosity was nothing more than a façade, and his understanding was just an act. Deep down, he despised seeing Candice interact with Mervyn.Even though their relationship was purely platonic, Elio was overwhelmed by jealousy and bitterness so intense it drove him to madness. He simply couldn't stand it.Yet, Elio chose to keep this side of himself hidden from Candice, not wanting to reveal how petty and jealous he could be. He believed it was best to conceal his flaws until after they were married to avoid complications. …It was a bright, sunny morning when Mervyn arrived. Candice and Elio were walking to the front yard of the villa when they saw him approaching.The two men exchanged no greetings. Their hostile glances were like a s
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Chapter 944
Candice was utterly speechless. She leaned back in her seat, turned her gaze out of the car window, and ceased her questions about their destination.An hour later, the car turned into the driveway of an upscale neighborhood and halted in front of a luxurious high-rise apartment building. Mervyn stepped out first and led Candice through the community grounds, eventually ascending to a higher floor using an elevator.Candice's curiosity grew throughout the journey.Mervyn brought her into a lavishly decorated apartment. Her heart sank as soon as she saw the owner of the house. Mervyn had introduced her to Josie's aunt, Fenna.Fenna greeted them politely with a warm smile and invited them to sit. Shortly after, she signaled to a maid to bring over some refreshments.Candice mustered a strained smile, struggling to maintain politeness while harboring a desire to throttle Mervyn. Meeting Fenna was something she had never anticipated.After exchanging some pleasantries, Fenna cut to
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Chapter 945
Candice couldn't resist her curiosity. "I bet there are more diary entries besides this one. Where are they? I'd like to see them as well.""The rest are irrelevant and none of your concern. Focus on this page alone," Fenna replied with a stern tone.Candice gave a faint smile as she set down the documents, asking, "Is there anything more?"Irritated, Mervyn snapped, "Aren't these enough?"Candice shook her head. "No."Taken aback, Mervyn and Fenna exchanged a look of surprise.Candice smiled contentedly. "I'm really curious about when Elio started feeling this way about me. He wants us to have children together—surely that means he likes me a lot, right?"Enraged, Mervyn jabbed her head. "You're such a hopeless romantic! He has been plotting against you since high school—blocking your college applications, stopping you from studying abroad, and messing with those guys around you. I'm a victim, too!""How have you been a victim?" Candice asked.With his hands on his hips, Merv
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Chapter 946
Candice was in love with Elio?Just moments ago, Fenna had attempted to reveal Elio's true character to Candice. She portrayed him as intimidating and creepy, hoping it would convince Candice to leave him. Ironically, her efforts seemed to have the opposite effect.Fenna looked at Mervyn and thought he was an absolute fool. He had actually told her that Candice didn't have feelings for Elio and was merely being deceived by him.Mervyn slapped his forehead and gave a bitter smile. He slumped back onto the couch, too defeated to continue the argument.Candice turned to Fenna. "Ms. Hudson, is Josie aware of what kind of person Elio really is?"Fenna gave an awkward smile. "Of course, she knows. But she's smart enough not to get involved with someone as creepy as him.""That's reassuring," Candice replied. "A man as creepy as Elio shouldn't be around other women. He should stay with me."Mervyn couldn't contain himself any longer. "Candice!" he exclaimed.Candice jumped, her eyes w
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Chapter 947
After her words, Candice swiftly turned and left. She walked to the street, hailed a taxi, and returned to her office. She felt a heavy weight in her chest throughout the day. Eventually, she couldn't contain her emotions any longer and dialed Mila's number.Stationed at the frontier, Mila was taken aback by the call from Candice. At first, she thought Candice was simply missing her, but it soon became clear that she was seeking help.With a troubled tone, Candice asked, "Aunt Chubs, why did your mother do this? She went through Elio's diary and even showed it to Josie. Why is she so intent on forcing Elio to marry someone he dislikes?" Candice slumped over her desk, silently weeping. Her heart ached for Elio. The more she thought about the situation, the more her frustration grew.Baffled, Mila asked, "Candice, what's wrong? What happened?""They're trying to force me and Elio apart. I'm just so devastated!" Candice replied."Who?""Your mother and Josie's aunt?"Mila gaspe
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Chapter 948
Candice replied impassively, "Yes, but he's not as important as you are.""Did he tell you to leave me?" Elio asked.Candice fell silent.Elio's face turned sour. He tightened his embrace, closed his eyes, and whispered into her ear, "Candice, ignore what anyone else might say. Don't even think about leaving me. Now that you're in my life, I'll never let you go."Candice's heart ached with sympathy, sensing the deep, unspoken love Elio harbored for her. Though she harbored feelings for him, too, her love was different—much purer. She cherished him deeply but had restrained herself, never acting on her feelings or crossing any boundaries.She wrapped her arms around Elio's neck, pulled herself up on her tiptoes, and whispered into his ear, "Let me tell you a secret."Curiosity piqued, Elio tilted his head down, his ear brushing close to her lips, ready to catch every word."I have been in love with a man for ten years," Candice murmured.Instantly, Elio's body tensed, and his ex
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Chapter 949
"I truly love you and want to marry you," Candice said earnestly.Overcome with excitement, Elio was momentarily speechless. He gently cradled the back of her head and leaned in to kiss her deeply and passionately. His other arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her close as if trying to meld her into his very being.While they were kissing in the kitchen, Jasper entered the living room, scanning around. As he approached the kitchen door and saw what was inside, he spun around, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment. "Uncle Elio!" he called out.Startled by Jasper's voice, Candice's face flushed as she hurriedly pushed Elio away. She gasped for breath before saying, "That was Jasper's voice."Reluctant to break the moment, Elio murmured breathlessly, "Just ignore him.""We can't," Candice said, placing her hands on Elio's chest and firmly pushing him back.With a sigh, Elio finally let her go.Candice hurried out of the kitchen into the living room. As she spotted Jaspe
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Chapter 950
Elio's expression hardened abruptly. "No way," he said firmly.Jasper and Candice were taken aback. They stared at Elio's concerned face."Why?" Candice asked."You won't be able to change their minds. Staying with them will only bring you more suffering and harm. I disagree," Elio replied."That's not true. They've always treated me kindly," Candice argued."Candice, things are different now. You're not in the same position as you were before.""I want to try, Elio. Please, can you just let me try? I believe I can convince them to accept me."Jasper supported her, adding, "I'm with you on this, Candice."Elio shot Jasper a cold glare. "Don't you have anything better to do today?"Jasper shrugged. "Not really. Even though my mom's far away, she's really concerned about Candice's marriage. She insisted I keep an eye on her.""This isn't open for discussion," Elio stated firmly.Jasper threw a meaningful glance at Candice. She caught on quickly and moved to sit beside Elio,
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