All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
844 Chapters
Chapter 131
Yasmin stood before Giselle and examined the dress she'd brought over. Previously, Yasmin didn't get the chance to physically see the dress. She'd only seen pictures of it and had never gotten a clear view of the damage.But now that she was taking a closer look, she could see that the damage was a cut that was obviously inflicted by a knife."I'm sorry, Ms. Giselle. The dresses sold in our studio are non-refundable unless there's an issue with the quality," Yasmin said amiably."Isn't this an issue with the quality?" Giselle pointed at the cut on the dress.Yasmin then called her assistant over and asked her to pull up the video showcasing the packaging process of the dress."Ms. Giselle, please have a look. We always shoot a video of the packaging process before we deliver any of our products. "Besides, I wouldn't have visited yesterday night if you weren't complaining about not having anything to wear. I only decided to come over and fix it for you after considering the val
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Chapter 132
Yasmin walked over and held Arthur's hand.Then, Arthur advised her, saying, "Yasmin, you need to stand up for yourself when these disreputable women try to spend your husband's money. In fact, send a legal notice when the situation calls for it."You've got to get your money back. Half of that money is yours anyway."Also, let me know if you don't have a lawyer. I'll get you one."At this, Giselle paled, and her eyes turned bloodshot.But Arthur ignored her and continued speaking to Yasmin. "Let's head into your office and chat. I don't want just any Tom, Dick, and Harry to affect your mood," he said."Alright." Yasmin held onto Arthur as they headed to the office. "Grandpa, watch your steps on the stairs."Arthur was already 80 years old, so Yasmin was afraid of him falling.However, Arthur walked into the office with solid strides as Yasmin supported him from the side.Suddenly, Giselle ran up from downstairs and knelt before Arthur with red eyes."Grandpa, I'm pregnant wi
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Chapter 133
"I don't mean it that way!" Yasmin quickly recollected her thoughts and prepared Arthur some tea.While Arthur's authoritative presence deeply intimidated her, it also impressed her at the same time. He certainly carried things out in demeanor befitting of a prominent figure."Grandpa, here's your tea!" Yasmin then placed a cup of tea in front of Arthur and said.Arthur took the tea and slowly sipped on it. Then, he said, "Did I look cool just now?"Yasmin was at a loss for words. She thought she had misheard him, so she looked at Arthur again and said, "Huh?""I gave that woman a good scolding for you just now. Didn't I look cool?" Arthur added in a composed manner."Yeah, you looked cool!" Yasmin honestly answered."You don't need to be afraid of her. After all, that child might not necessarily be Blake's," Arthur said.After giving it some thought, Yasmn asked, "If it weren't true, what gave her the courage to deceive everyone? Wouldn't she be afraid of her lies being
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Chapter 134
Yasmin agreed. After all, she was quite fond of Arthur, so she was alright with giving him a set of clothes.Hence, they went to the fitting room for Yasmin to take Arthur's measurements.Just then, Blake arrived with Malcolm.At the reception, Malcolm asked Sarah, "Where's Ms. Starr?""Ms. Starr is receiving a customer in the fitting room," Sarah replied. Then, upon laying eyes on Blake, she couldn't help but ask Malcolm, "What's the deal between your boss and my boss? He seems to visit Ms. Starr quite frequently."Yasmin's marriage wasn't disclosed to the public, so even her staff didn't know she was married."No comment." Malcolm wore a poker face, refusing to reveal anything.Blake then went to the fitting room.As he entered, he saw Yasmin taking Arthur's measurements. The two of them were bathed in a halo of light, and Yasmin in particular, looked stunning.Yasmin then suggested to Arthur, "Grandpa, let me get you some of the more pristine fabric types."I would s
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Chapter 135
However, Blake immediately went silent once the child was brought up. Then, he simply glanced at Yasmin and said, "Let's go downstairs.""Are you not going to tell me about it?" Yasmin was curious. In fact, she'd pondered about the possibilities of the situation after Arthur had talked about it in the afternoon.Then, Blake answered, "It's my child."Three months ago, he had promised Giselle to publicly announce that it was his child.Upon hearing this, Yasmin was shocked, and her mind went blank. Suddenly, a bitter expression appeared on her face as well."Do you feel sad?" Blake asked.Yasmin chuckled. "Why would I feel sad? We're already divorced.""Don't talk about this in front of my grandpa," Blake instructed.Yasmin was puzzled. "Why?" she asked."My mom's health has been deteriorating recently. So, I'm afraid that this matter might hit him hard too," Blake replied.Yasmin nodded in understanding. After walking out of the room, they then headed to Arthur's room
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Chapter 136
Upon hearing this, Arthur finally stopped asking questions. Then, he stroked his beard and instructed the butler, "Thomas, stay here tonight and check whether or not they sleep in the same room."Yasmin was speechless.Arthur was really pushing it!She felt a bit helpless, but Blake took her hand and promised Arthur, "Don't worry, Grandpa. We'll definitely sleep in the same room."However, Arthur still didn't believe them and insisted that Thomas kept an eye on them. Then, he calmly smoothed his beard and went back to his room to sleep.Yasmin then pretended to go back to her room to grab something while Blake followed her in.Once they were in the room, Yasmin turned around and asked, "What do we do now?""Let's just go to the master bedroom to sleep." Blake stood there with one hand in his pocket, looking totally calm.Yasmin was shocked. "Sleep in the same room with you? But we're divorced," she exclaimed."10 thousand.""What?""To sleep for one night, I'll deduct 10
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Chapter 137
"I'm checking the blisters under your foot," Blake said. He pinched her foot and looked at the blisters on the sole. Some had already formed scabs.Yasmin's heart couldn't calm down for a long while. Then, upon seeing Blake lie down, she asked, "Why did you take off your clothes?""Sleeping without clothes is more comfortable," Blake replied as he patted her head. "Sleep now."Yasmin was stunned. Why was he suddenly so gentle?Looking up, Yasmin met Blake's deep gaze.However, his eyes looked softer than usual. "Don't want to sleep? Then should we do something interesting?" he said.Yasmin dared not say a word and quickly closed her eyes as her cheeks flushed red.Blake looked at her, his eyes as warm as a river in spring. Then, he leaned in and gently kissed her forehead.Yasmin's heart was pounding hard. She didn't know what Blake's actions meant.Did he kiss her like this every time she fell asleep? Or was tonight an exception?She had so many questions, but sh
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Chapter 138
"But Grandpa, won't you stay a few more days?" Yasmin asked."Nah, I'm old and picky about my bed. I can't sleep well here," Arthur said as he completed his workout with a cool-down exercise.After he was done, Yasmin helped him to the dining room for breakfast.Blake came down soon after. He looked gloomy as he sat at the table and greeted, "Grandpa.""Why do you look so angry?" Arthur noticed Blake's frustrated expression and raised an eyebrow. "Did things not go well last night?"At this, Yasmin almost spit out her porridge.Blake glanced at her coldly and said, "No."Then, he served some food to Arthur.Then, Arthur asked, "So, why the long face then?""It's nothing." Blake didn't want to talk anymore, so he simply ate his breakfast silently.Yasmin couldn't figure out why Blake was upset as well. So, she also quietly ate her food and stayed silent.After breakfast, they stood at the door as they prepared to send Arthur off.Just then, as Yasmin was turning to get i
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Chapter 139
Blake felt a headache coming on. So, he gently touched Yasmin's head and tried to explain, saying, "Men are like this. Sometimes we can't help it."Yasmin stopped crying and looked at him with teary eyes.Blake then lowered his head and tried to soothe her. "Besides, we aren't divorced yet."Yasmin's face puffed up with anger again. "We're already registered as divorced. You need to respect me instead of force me.""I understand." Blake held Yasmin and kissed her hair.Meanwhile, Yasmin was full of questions. What did Blake mean? He said he disliked her, but his actions showed that he wanted to possess her...Yasmin was baffled and couldn't understand what was going with Blake.…When Yasmin got to the studio, she asked Eunice, "Eunice, what does it mean if a man is divorced but still wants to hook up with his ex-wife?"Eunice thought for a moment and answered, "Maybe he's just trying to satisfy his desires?"Yasmin was speechless. "But he has a girlfriend. Why doesn't he g
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Chapter 140
Yasmin sighed and said, "We're already divorced.""So, you got nothing out of it?" Victor asked.Yasmin nodded. "Yeah, nothing.""Yasmin, what am I supposed to say to you? How could you take marriage so lightly? You didn't even discuss it with your elders before divorcing. I'm so frustrated with you. "Never mind, I'll go talk to Mr. Ford and discuss this matter. If there's any chance of making amends, you have to come with me to apologize to Mr. Ford. "No matter what, your father went through a lot to arrange this marriage. So, we shouldn't just give up on it!" After saying his piece, Victor hung up.As he did so, Yasmin felt a sudden chill. It was as if she was seeing Victor's true colors for the first time. She also felt desolate and bereft.It seemed that the Starr family was not where she belonged after all.However, Yasmin decided not to dwell on her family matters and focused on her work instead. After a while, she received a call from Blake."Your uncle came loo
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