All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
848 Chapters
Chapter 151
Blake immediately stopped what he was doing and asked, "How's my mom's checkup going?"Joel replied, "Mrs. Ford just got admitted, and the tests are scheduled for tomorrow. But Giselle's been keeping her happy. She's been asking her to come up with names for the baby every day."I see her smiling all the time. In fact, she seems very happy."Upon hearing this, Blake decided he didn't have any more questions for Joel. He was just glad that Annalise was in a good mood. At least then, it would keep her from getting anxious before the tests.Then, Joel continued, "Giselle's great with people and has a way with your mom. But is the child in her belly really yours? If it's not, your mom might not be able to take it once the child's born.""Just let Giselle be." Blake refused to reveal anything.After all, the critical period of Annalise's tests was approaching, and he didn't want to upset her.Joel realized that his questioning wasn't leading him anywhere. So, he furrowed his brow a
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Chapter 152
"No matter what, my dad's still your relative. Why do you leave no stone unturned to screw up his life?" Brittany yelled."Are you serious? Me? Screwing up his life?" Yasmin was amused. She sneered. "Victor drugged me, and he sent me to another man to clear his gambling debts. He didn't have a shred of guilt when he did that to me. Yet, you have the guts to coerce me into giving him his job back. "Do you have no shame?"Brittany stammered, "M-My dad just wasn't thinking straight for a moment. He did feel guilty about it."Yasmin retorted, "I didn't see any of that guilt from him. And instead, you're here looking for trouble. "This conversation ends here—I'll be calling the journalists over. Let's have the three families square things up, and then we'll find out if Victor is truly innocent."With that, Yasmin was about to contact the journalists.Just then, a question came from the crowd, "So, you're saying this family did some crooked things, and now they've come here lookin
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Chapter 153
Blake walked toward Yasmin and threw a cold gaze at Brittany.Brittany's face was flushed red in embarrassment and fear.She had always admired Blake, but she was scared when he stared at her like that.She called out softly, "Mr. Ford…"But Blake retracted his cold gaze from Brittany and shifted his attention to Yasmin instead. "Have you called the journalists? I can do that for you if you haven't."Upon hearing this, Brittany's face turned pale from fright, and she looked at Yasmin nervously.But while Brittany was nervous, Yasmin, on the other hand, was surprised. She looked at Blake's charming face and asked, "Why are you here?"Blake replied, "If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have seen you getting bullied by the Starr family." As he said this, Blake turned his icy gaze toward Brittany.Brittany freaked out, and her legs were wobbly. If it weren't for her friends supporting her, she probably would've tripped by now.Just then, Malcolm walked over and asked, "Mrs. Ford, sho
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Chapter 154
Yasmin blushed a little when she saw the seats. The seats in the theater could recline, and they seemed to be the sort that were rumored to be where couples did naughty things."What are you standing there for? Come over," Blake called out to her.But Yasmin's footsteps were heavy, and she broke out in a sweat as she asked, "Why this place?" "Joel made the booking. He said he didn't have time to come himself, so he got me to ask you out for a movie," Blake replied.After understanding the situation, Yasmin breathed a soft sigh of relief. If Joel had booked this place, then it certainly matched his playful and frivolous personality.But Yasmin still felt uneasy as she lay down on the seat and fidgeted her fingers.The movie then started playing, and the lights in the theater dimmed down.As Yasmin eagerly watched the screen, a hand suddenly reached over and rested on her shoulder.Yasmin was stunned and quickly looked to her shoulder.She found that Blake was intently star
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Chapter 155
After leaving the theater, Blake then took Yasmin out for dinner.They went to a seafood restaurant because Yasmin was fond of seafood. By the time they arrived, it was already 9 pm.The seafood selection was all live, and the customers were required to hand-pick whatever they wanted themselves.Blake brought Yasmin over to the glass tanks.Fortunately, by then, Yasmin had regained her composure, and she followed behind Blake as they looked at the live selection. Feeling a bit clueless, she asked, "What's good here?""How about lobsters?" Blake suggested.The staff then scooped a lobster out. When Yasmin saw that the lobster was as thick as her arm, she exclaimed, "Wow, this is big! How much for one of these?" Upon hearing this, Blake looked at Yasmin. Seemingly thinking about what had happened earlier that evening, he smiled and shot her a flirty look.Yasmin understood what Blake's smile meant and blushed.Then, the staff answered, "Hi Mrs. Ford, the lobster is pric
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Chapter 156
After hearing this, Blake's expression darkened.However, Yasmin didn't notice this and asked the waitress, "How much for the wine?""Ten thousand dollars for a bottle." The waitress replied.Yasmin didn't dare to accept such expensive wine as a gift. After all, after divorcing Blake, she didn't have a car or a house and was broke.So, she picked up the bottle of wine and said to the waitress, "Take me to his private room."She wanted to return the wine back to Ivan and unfortunately failed to notice Blake's gloomy expression even after leaving the room.After knocking on the door, Yasmin entered Ivan's private room. She found him chatting with several other men and spotted a cake on the table with his name written on it.Soon after, she realized that it was his birthday.Yasmin was surprised as she asked Ivan, "Mr. Burke, is it your birthday today?""Yes." Ivan smiled. "But what brings you here?""It's this bottle of wine." Yasmin stuttered a little. "Um… You know, my fi
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Chapter 157
Yasmin quickly caught up to Blake with the bottle of wine in hand. "Why the rush? I didn't get to take away the leftovers yet."She wasn't full yet, and there was still so much food left behind.Blake glanced coldly at the wine in her hands and sneered. "Oh, you're taking the wine with you?""Obviously! The wine cost ten thousand dollars. I'm not going to throw it away." Yasmin found Blake's attitude baffling.However, her words only made Blake angrier, and he simply walked onward without waiting for her.Yasmin frowned. She quickly caught up to the entrance, but Blake was no longer there.She was at a loss of words. Blake sure was an oddball! As she reached for her phone to contact Blake, she heard the noise of a loud engine. A Bugatti Veyron then exited the parking lot.Yasmin froze on the spot. Blake had driven a Bugatti Veyron when he'd asked her out earlier. And now, he'd unexpectedly left without telling her!Yasmin was a little agitated. If Blake was going
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Chapter 158
With that, Blake left Yasmin behind and walked inside, completely disregarding her.Meanwhile, Yasmin silently squatted where she was. After a while, she mockingly laughed at herself.She thought that Blake had finally changed his attitude toward her, but it turned out that he didn't. In fact, he was always ready to ridicule and belittle her.Yasmin got up and staggered as she slowly climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Then, she crashed onto the bed.She checked her bank account—she had 300 thousand dollars.Currently, she owed Blake nearly 400 thousand dollars. At that moment, Yasmin decided that she'd leave immediately once she cleared her debt.She sometimes wondered whether Giselle would be willing to return the bag to her if she paid her this amount. And if Giselle did return it, she could hand it to Blake to settle the debt.As Yasmin pondered about this possibility, she soon fell asleep. …The next morning, Yasmin sneezed a little when she woke up. "Mrs.
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Chapter 159
"What's wrong? Can't find a way to explain yourself, can you?" Blake stared at Yasmin coldly.Yasmin bit her lower lip. "I gave it to him because I hadn't prepared a gift for him in advance yesterday…""You're full of excuses," Blake simply responded.Yasmin was speechless. Then, she shut her eyes for a while before saying, "Yes, I'm flirtatious, unloyal, and I like giving men gifts. I chose the energy crystal myself, and whoever receives it will be enchanted. "Are you finally satisfied with my answer now?"Blake already had an unpredictable mood, yet Yasmin couldn't help but act rebelliously before him.Their dynamic resembled a rebellious 15-year-old teenager and an old-school elderly.But Yasmin had already made up her mind to say anything that would piss Blake off. And having said them once wasn't enough for her. So, she added, "Luckily, you're not wearing the energy crystal. Otherwise, my wish would've come true. Do you realize how much trouble that would cause me?""
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Chapter 160
Yasmin jolted in shock again. But unfortunately, she couldn't move at all with Blake holding her down."I gave it out as a gift!" Her voice was filled with grievance.But Blake snorted coldly. "I don't care. You have to take back the energy crystal no matter what."Yasmin shook her head in refusal. She had given it out in the form of a gift, and it would be embarrassing to take it back.But Blake simply continued to torment her when she refused to comply.Yasmin tightly clenched the blanket as sweat broke out on the tip of her nose. In the end, she gave in reluctantly. "Fine, let me go!""You better keep your promise. Don't take my words lightly." Blake then let Yasmin go before putting on a black shirt.Yasmin angrily hit the bed.Blake looked over to her coldly. His gaze made Yasmin shudder. And though she was furious, she didn't dare to argue back. In the end, she simply muttered, "You're so annoying…""What did you say?" Blake glared at her. The intensive gaze gave Y
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