All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
849 Chapters
Chapter 171
Almost immediately, Blake's phone rang at that moment.It was Giselle calling. "Blake, your mom wants to see you. She isn't feeling well."Blake glanced at the woman quietly leaning against the windowsill, still lost in thought. But eventually, he decided not to approach her and went to the hospital instead.At the hospital, when Blake opened the door, he saw Giselle massaging Annalise's abdomen. Annalise's face was pale, and she seemed to be in a terrible condition."Mom, are you okay?" Blake sat down and held his mother's hand.Annalise weakly patted his hand back, saying, "I've been having more stomach pains lately. I don't think I'll last much longer."Blake's expression was somber as he consoled her, "Don't be silly. Medicine has improved tremendously by now. You'll be as good as new once the surgery is done.""Stop lying to me. They're going to perform a total gastrectomy on me this time. Even if the surgery is successful, I'll only have a year or two left. But if it f
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Chapter 172
"Who allowed you to make such suggestions to my mother?" Blake stopped in his tracks to peer down at Giselle.Startled, Giselle's eyes immediately welled up with tears. "I didn't say anything, Blake. Anna brought it up herself.""Of course she did. She thinks your baby is mine."Giselle froze before whispering, "Keep it down." She didn't want Annalise to find out.But Blake seemed indifferent. "You know what our agreement was."Giselle tearfully pleaded, "You promised you'd fulfill my wish no matter what. And right now, my biggest wish is to marry you.""So, what if I marry you? You know I don't love you." Blake's expression remained stoic."I know that, but I still love you." Giselle's voice was soft. "I don't want you to be sad, so I did my best to take care of Anna. I just wanted to cheer her up."Blake nearly scoffed. "I appreciate you taking care of my mother. But you only did it for yourself. You buttered her up because you wanted her to like you, not to make me happy.
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Chapter 173
The next day, Yasmin went to work. Eunice recently went on a business trip, so she needed to visit the studio every day.Suddenly, Sarah came over and told Yasmin, "Ms. Starr, a guest is looking for you downstairs.""I'll be down in a second." Yasmin put down the sketches she was holding and headed downstairs.Meanwhile, Giselle was waiting for her in the showroom. When she saw Yasmin, she smiled and asked, "Yasmin, have you returned the bag to Blake?""Yeah." Yasmin's expression was calm. "Is there something you need from our studio?"Giselle smiled. "Of course. Blake proposed to me at the hospital last night."Yasmin stiffened and felt thousands of needles piercing her heart. Blake proposed to Giselle last night? Did that mean that he proposed to her right after their quarrel?"We'll have our wedding after Anna's surgery, so I wanted to have my wedding dress made here," Giselle continued, seemingly oblivious to Yasmin's pain.Yasmin was a mess, and her knees nearly gave o
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Chapter 174
Yasmin rushed over to the studio to grab something.However, when she opened the door, the entire studio was a mess, with things scattered everywhere.Shocked, she asked Sarah, "What's going on, Sarah? Was there a break-in last night?""I don't know. I just arrived." Sarah was just as confused as she was.Yasmin asked, "What about Amy? Has she arrived?""Not yet.""But it's already past nine." Feeling a sudden sense of unease, Yasmin frantically instructed Sarah, "Quick! Check the warehouse to see if the new designs are still there!"Sarah immediately rushed over to the warehouse.Meanwhile, Yasmin ran upstairs and saw that her office was in a mess as well. Her laptop had also been smashed. Her face paled as she bent down to grab the drawings of her designs.But then, she realized that the locks on her drawer had been smashed apart, and all the drawings were gone.Yasmin was shell-shocked. Just then, Sarah ran up anxiously and said, "Ms. Starr, all the designs are gone!"
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Chapter 175
Yasmin's head was a mess as she walked out of the police station, and she didn't know what to do anymore.After some thought, she decided to give Ivan a call. Ivan was silent for a while before comforting her, "Don't panic. I'll send someone to track her down.""Can you find her?""I'll try." Ivan hung up after comforting her.Meanwhile on Ivan's side, Summer poured him a cup of coffee and asked, "Mr. Burke, are you really going to help Ms. Starr find that woman?"Ivan was sitting on the sofa flipping through some documents as he asked, "How much would Yasmin need to pay if she breaches the contract?"Summer replied, "We spent 50 million on publicity in Eulandia and Aventia before and after the new product launch. So, if we can't sell the designs, she'll probably need to pay 50 million dollars in compensation."Ivan pondered for a moment. "Start drawing up a contract. Have her compensate the 50 million dollars."Summer was surprised. "Sir, aren't we going to look for Amy Adam
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Chapter 176
Blake glanced at Giselle. She smiled. "Are you hungry, Blake? Shall I ask someone to send us some food?""No need for that."As soon as he spoke, the operation lights turned off. Then, several doctors came out, including Joel. He wasn't a gastroenterologist, but he had been observing the operation. He told Blake, "The removal went smoothly, but it was still a major surgery. So, your mom will need to stay here for observation for another week or two."Blake nodded solemnly. Then, Joel said, "You don't have to be too worried. I'll take care of her.""Thanks."The ICU only allowed one-hour visits through the glass window, so Blake left soon after visiting Annalise.Meanwhile, Giselle followed closely behind him. "Let's leave together, Blake," she said.Before Annalise was taken in for her surgery, Giselle had been busy taking care of her and comforting her. So, Blake was still grateful toward her. "Thank you.""It was nothing. Like I said, I think of her as my own mother,"
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Chapter 177
In the hospital, Erik handed the bowl of soup to Yasmin. "Your employee stole your design drawings?"Yasmin was surprised. "How did you know?""I just had to ask around." Erik sat on the chair, looking quite handsome.Yasmin sighed. She didn't expect news to travel so quickly. Didn't that mean that her reputation was already ruined?Erik stared at her as she remained silent. He said, "Actually, you don't have to look so down. You'll be able to clear your name if you can find Amy Adams or the person who framed you.""Easier said than done. Amy Adams has gone abroad, so it won't be easy to find her now." Yasmin was weary. Although Ivan had said he'd help her search for Amy, he most likely wouldn't have time for that now that he was in hot water as well. Erik raised an eyebrow. "I can help you with that.""You'll look for her?""Mm-hmm."Yasmin studied him. "Why would you help me?""Don't I still owe you an apology for what happened last time?" Erik replied. Yasmin was
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Chapter 178
Erik was displeased to see Blake push the bowl of soup aside. Frowning, he protested, "Blake, Yasmin likes the soup I bought."But Blake glared at him and stood up. "Come outside."Erik glanced at Yasmin and saw her talking to Malcolm. "I thought Cirrus closes at ten," he said."Mr. Ford called the chef," Malcolm answered.Erik then pursed his lips and followed Blake outside.In the corridor, the two men confronted each other. Towering over the younger man, Blake ordered, "Stop bothering her from now on.""What do you mean 'bothering her'? We're friends.""I have no problem with you two being friends, but don't blame me for what happens if you have any other intentions." This was the first time Blake was openly expressing his emotions.In the past, he had always kept his feelings well hidden. But now, he was practically ordering Erik to stay away from Yasmin. Erik wasn't happy either. "You're already divorced. There are only about ten days left in the cooling period. An
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Chapter 179
Yasmin's fever returned in the middle of the night, so Blake called the doctor in.The doctor told him that Yasmin had already been given a fever reducer earlier and couldn't have more for the next few hours. So, they could only try to physically reduce her temperature.Blake studied Yasmin and flushed cheeks as she mumbled incoherently. Then, he removed his coat and rolled up his sleeves before bringing over a basin of warm water to cool her off."Dad…" Yasmin mumbled as her lashes quivered slightly. Blake leaned in closer to listen to what she was saying.In her feverish state, Yasmin murmured, "D-Don't worry, Dad… I'll get you out soon…"Blake's eyes darkened when he heard this, and thoughts began filling his head."It's so cold…" Yasmin suddenly wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.She was freezing and felt as though her entire body was submerged in an ice bath.She almost wanted to curl up into herself to warm her body up, but Blake quickly hugged her, as if he
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Chapter 180
Yasmin stammered, "T-That's because I h-had a fever…""So, being delirious from a fever means you can act naughtily?"Yasmin didn't know how to answer him. But before she knew it, he was kissing her again and gently nipping her lips from time to time. He panted, "You need to compensate me for the torment you put me through."The kiss stole away Yasmin's oxygen, and her head was feeling fuzzy. She responded without thinking, "What do you want then?""Come here. Let me hug you." Blake pulled her close, her back pressing against his chest. His hand then slowly crept under her shirt as he began to gently knead her. Yasmin's breathing became unsteady. "I still have a fever…" she said in a shaky voice. "I won't do anything else."Yasmin's body was weak right now, so Blake wouldn't take things too far. But he still needed to find some relief. Hence, separated by the layers of fabric, he could only do it to her legs. Yasmin blushed fiercely, too embarrassed to move.After s
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