All Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife : Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
444 Chapters
381. A Way To Make Her Accept The Truth
Heidi didn't know how it happened, but in the next second, she managed to overpower the girl.As Kate's energy gradually declined while she lost tons of blood, Heidi took hold of her wrist, her heart racing as she gripped the wound to stop her from losing more blood. Panicked and shaken, she called out to anyone nearby. “Help! Is somebody there!”Letting go of Kate and running outside to find the security man was a bad idea. Heidi held on tight to her wrist, yelling at the top of her voice. “Somebody help!”Not a minute passed by, Someone hurried inside the room. Not the security man but a young woman in her thirties.“What in the world is going on here!?” Suzie exclaimed, her screams echoing. “What happened to her, Heidi? How- How did she-”Kate had already gone limp in Heidi's arms, her heavy weight making her stagger backward.Heidi's devastation knew no bounds. Her lips quivered and fear gripped her heart. “Please get the ambulance! Be fast!”“I've come with my car!” Suzie said,
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382. Grandpa's Will
The trial had been uploaded on the internet, and Heidi showed her the most important clip.“I guess using the wrong person for vengeance was my biggest mistake. What can I say? All the evidence is out. I'm guilty and should go to jail. But, my family has nothing to do with my revenge, so leave them alone.”As she watched and listened to Steve's voice, Kate's tears flowed like a dam.“No way. That's not true,” Kate whimpered. “He's lying. It's made up.”“The truth is bitter, and so is misjudging others.”Kate covered her mouth. “How could he do that?”“It was a shock to everyone…” Heidi explained. “It's hard to read others, isn't it?”Kate went on crying. In the end, she lifted her head and whispered, “Please leave me alone, Heidi… for now.”Without arguing, Heidi stood up. “Don't hold a grudge, Kate. It's a poison to the heart. I hope we remain friends.”Kate turned her back to her, facing the wall, her muffled sobs resounding in the ward. Glancing in Suzie's direction where she sat
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383. Goodbye
Grandpa's will?Heidi stood by the doorway, frozen by Stella's words. Why would the lady beg Lucas to have the lawyer read Grandpa Winston's Will when the Old Man was sound and healthy?“Lucas Harrison, why are you hesitating? Are you intentionally hiding your grandfather's death from the media? For what reason? Is it so that you can amass the family's wealth?”“Watch your tongue.”“You froze my account and even punished your father by reducing his shares. He is now the legal chairman of the GK Group. I came here so we can speak as a family. If you want me to take it to the media so the whole world will know, I'd rather do that-”“Stella, If you don't keep quiet…” Lucas's expression turned dangerous, and he strode towards the woman. “I won't hesitate to cut off your tongue!”Shivering from where she stood, Stella cried out, “I'm begging you, Lucas Harrison! Just share the wealth so we can all have what belongs to us.”“Did anyone tell you your name is in Grandpa's Will?”“No way!”“G
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384. Disown Her For Real
…At Phoenix City.The bustling airport mirrored the chaos in Heidi's heart. As she descended the jet with the bodyguards surrounding her and paving the way among the crowd of paparazzi bombarding her with questions, she kept a calm exterior, hoping it would douse the storm inside her.“Heidi Olsen, the trial against Steve Anderson was successful. Could you share your experience during the trial!”“Have you been confident from the start that the AG Group would win the case?”“The President of the GK Group, Lucas Harrison, was one of the plaintiffs. Is that the reason why you won this case swiftly?”“After all, your relationship with Lucas Harrison is public. You admitted to carrying his child-”“So it's normal that Lucas Harrison backs you up in this case, is that right?”“During the trial, you weren't present in the court. Where have you been while in GreyHills?”“We heard rumors that Ms. Olsen was residing in a secluded Villa owned by Mr. Harrison, how true is that?”“There are also
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385. Running Crazy
The tears she'd been holding back right from GreyHills City came flooding down. Heidi whimpered, “I'm so sorry, Grandpa. It's never gonna happen again.”“How many times have you promised me the same thing?”“This time, I'm serious. Grandpa, please believe me.”It was now common news in the city that Heidi resided in Lucas's Villa while in GreyHills City. She didn't even know how that news spread or who leaked it. Isla and Killian who were the only people that knew about it wouldn't sell it to any paparazzi.Grandpa Jeffery pulled away from the hug. He gave her a proper look. “Let me guess, something went wrong again between you and Lucas Harrison and you have finally returned to your senses.”The Old Man's wrinkled forehead creased and there was a slight worry in his eyes. “Tell me, Heidi. Did Lucas Harrison bully you?”Should Heidi tell him that she was the one at fault?She trusted Lucas blindly. She'd doubted he was hiding something from her, yet she let herself wallow in his fac
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386. My Heart
“Ahhhhh! No, this isn't true!” Beatrice's scream followed. Her eyes rolled and she fell and collapsed. Harold Olsen went into a frenzy. He walked in circles, disoriented to notice that his wife had fainted.“No! No! Is he crazy? What's wrong with his head? Did he really run mad, Dad!?” Lilian wailed. “How could Big Bro do this to us?” Aiden flared up. “Damn! This family must have been cursed by our ancestors!”Heidi was the only one who noticed Grandpa Jeffery's drastic shift in demeanor. After he slumped on his chair, he didn't move. 'Oh, shit!’ She slapped her forehead, shaking her head in disbelief.So this was the crazy thing Zach was up to. When he said getting even, this was actually what he meant.Heidi got the others' attention and they quickly helped Grandpa Jeffery upstairs.Harold Olsen and his family weren't themselves. It was only Heidi and her parents that had to look after Grandpa until the Doctors arrived. Heidi went to her bedroom, exhausted and devastated. She
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387. Leave The AG Group
Heidi quickly pressed the reject button, but her mother had already seen the name.The woman gave her a pointed look. “What's the point in hiding it? Is there another man you interact with apart from Lucas Harrison?”“It's not like that, Mum…”“You don't need to explain…” Her mother murmured, throwing her a look of helplessness. “I just hope you delete that contact from your phone from now on,” she said and left the room.Heidi sighed. Her mother didn't need to give her that instruction. Not only was she going to delete his contact from her phone, she was going to remove him from her life. Her exhaustion turned into a headache and she lay down, snuggling her bump with both arms.Her phone rang again. Heidi ignored it and put the phone on silent.Worried about the AG Group, she logged into the company's forum on social media to read the comments online.No doubt, Zach Olsen's scandal was now the current hot topic.In just a few seconds, the netizens had stopped speaking about the AG
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388. The Sacred Words
…The Next Day. Heidi sat in the backseat of the car as the driver took her to the company.Through the rearview mirror, John glanced at her. “To go out in this condition is dangerous, Young Miss. How about you put to bed first so you can resume all activities in the company?”“I'll be fine…” Those were the only words Heidi could muster. She'd love to dedicate her time to focusing on her baby, but not in this moment of crisis when the AG Group's reputation was being threatened again and the company needed so many reforms. John dropped her off and Heidi walked into the company.Under the peering gazes of the employees who all stood up to greet her, she entered the elevator which took her up to the CEO's office.“I didn't expect you to be here, Ms. Olsen.” Isla hurried up to her with a tablet in her hands. “I- I thought you'd rest a few days at home.”“The meeting is important.”“But those board of directors might wear you out mentally!” Isla lamented. “You shouldn't have come, Ms. O
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389. Appoint A New President for The Group
Once again, Heidi's mind was disoriented with many thoughts.He'd long left her office, but the impact caused by his words never faded. His promise.He wasn't going to leave her alone.Why was a love she'd desperately chased after in the past now haunting her?“Ms. Olsen, it's time for the meeting…” Isla came into the office, looking nervous. “I hope you're ready- Uhm, if you're still shaken by Mr. Harrison's visit, we can still cancel.”“Let's go…” Heidi rose to her feet, following Isla out of the office.Holding her chin high, she walked with confident strides, yet the turmoil in her heart was palpable. As she stepped into the meeting room, all the board of directors rose to their feet. Instead of looking at her, they all stared at her stomach.Murmurs broke out immediately.“So Harold Olsen was saying the truth.”“No way! she can give birth at any moment.”“What if it turns out to be the AG Group's enemy's child?”Heidi sat on a chair, maintaining a subtle smile on her face. “Gen
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390. Choose A New President for The Group
Everyone looked at each other as if they'd lost their tongues. Heidi's head snapped to him, her lips parting in shock. “You don't mean it, Zach… You can't give up your position…”“What's the use in clinging onto a job you don't even like?” Zach shrugged. “Stay safe, Heidi. I'm going back.” He patted her on the head like a big brother would do to his little sister. Giving her a harmless smile and a wink, Zach left the conference room.Everyone returned to their senses. Harold Olsen was the first to speak. “Zach- Zach! Come back here!” He yelled at the top of his lungs and even went after the guy.Harold returned seconds later. “He's gone! He's gone! Which route did he take?”All the board of directors widened their eyes. “How could Zach Olsen give up his position?”“What the hell is this company turning into?”“Harold, you claimed it was a set-up against your son, but he just appeared and admitted it's his plan.”“Zach Olsen letting go of his President title… Is this good news or bad
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