All Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife : Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
446 Chapters
421. An Urgent Operation
“Mr. Harrison, are you looking for the Young Miss?”Hope returned to Lucas's heart when a young girl dressed in a uniform hurried up to him. “But she just left the house not long ago.”“How long?” Lucas asked. The young maid glanced at the wall clock. “Must be thirty minutes already.”Thirty minutes was enough for her to reach Hope Hospital even if she was driving at low speed. “With whom did she leave?”Was it with the whole family? Why was the house empty?The young maid scratched her head. “Well, Uhm, something bad happened to the Old Master and the whole family left the house with him. The Young Miss and Ma'am Natalie followed not long after.”So it was her grandfather.But Heidi told him she was in pain. Did Lucas hear her wrong?“Did you notice anything strange with her?”The maid shook her head. “Both she and Ma'am Natalie had been in a hurry. Maybe to catch up with the rest, because they both appeared worried.”Lucas's phone rang while the maid was speaking.Despite having
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422. Kidnapped
… At Another End of The City. Cuddling her bump to ease the numbing pain, Heidi squeezed her eyes shut, gasping for breath. “Do you know them, Natalie? Where are they taking us?”Natalie wiped off her sweat. “Don't mind them, Heidi. We'll get out of here, I promise.”How?The truck was moving fast. The masked men appeared from nowhere and forced them to enter the truck, pointing their guns at them. Natalie appeared calm, but her voice trembled as she spoke. “Aren't they just kidnappers? Let me ask them what they want.”While Heidi battled with pain, Natalie moved towards the front. She knocked on the partition, and one of the masked men opened a tiny window from the driver's seat. “What do you want?”“This is bad timing. Heidi is in labor and if anything happens to her, you won't only be charged with the crime of kidnapping two defenseless women.”The masked guy laughed. “So what? She can give birth for all we care, it's a win for us.”“On point, Mate! This way, we'll get ransom
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423. Heard Him Wrong
…Heidi didn't know for how long she'd been drowning in the depths of unconsciousness. The last thing she recalled was the blaring sounds of the police sirens followed by the crashing sound as the truck had a collision with the tree. Her limbs were numb, and her body felt as if she'd been loaded with rocks. Where was she?Forcing her eyelids open, she peered around her surroundings. In her blurred vision, everything was white.And as her vision gradually cleared up, she could see some figures moving around, hovering over her.Heidi blacked out again as something pricked at and stung her arm. This time, she wasn't fully unconscious. She could make out indistinct noises coupled with the clinking of metals. “She's awake…” Someone whispered.“Is she?” Gasped another person, the voice of a man. The pain weighing her down was no longer there. Heidi's hand wandered to her bump to feel her baby…the pain in her stomach was also gone. And why did her stomach feel flat?The realization hi
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424. A Harrisons' Blood
Forgetting the pain in her stomach, Heidi sat up on the bed, shaking her head rapidly. “Can you please relax?” The Nurse sat beside her and held her shoulders. “We did all we could to save you both, but…” she sniffled. “This is our first time handling such a case. You were already in labor and you got into an accident.”“We thought you were never going to wake up,” said the Doctor. “After all, it has been three days.”Three days?Heidi's heartbeat stopped. Everything around her stilled. Time stopped with her thoughts, for a few seconds she felt nothing. “Are you alright?” The Nurse tapped her. “Can you hear me, Young Lady?”“I guess she's shocked,” the Doctor said in a sullen voice. “Poor Lady, we don't even know who her family is.”When Heidi's heartbeat woke up, it was as if everything around her was crashing down. She jerked back to her senses. “Please, this is a joke…” She clasped the nurse's hands. “You guys are joking. N- Nothing happened- nothing happened to my baby.”“Acce
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425. Worry To Death
By the time the reporter finished talking, Heidi was already sitting down. Not only was Tracy shown in a footage cuddling a tiny baby in her arms on a hospital bed, but even Lucas was there. Inside the huge hospital ward, two paparazzi were interviewing them. “First of all, congratulations, Mr. Harrison, and thank you for inviting us here to witness the arrival of your baby. There's no doubt that Tracy Carlson has just given you the most precious gift in the world. How do you feel?”Lucas stared blankly at the screen, his eyes vacant of any emotion. “By the way, we heard a DNA test was run for the child. Did you, perhaps, have any doubts that Ms. Carlson's baby isn't yours.”“Oh… you guys ask too many questions.” Tracy smiled weakly. “Just because Lucas invited you doesn't give you the freedom to disturb our baby.”“My apologies, Ms. Carlson.” One paparazzi chuckled. “Or should I say Mrs. Harrison?”Tracy lowered her head, smiling bashfully. “Oh, I never thought about that. My onl
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426. Gone Crazy
Worrying to death?What did she mean? Heidi was resting on the bed and her mother was hugging her, resting over her. That was strange…She lifted her hand which felt as heavy as a rock, reaching out for her baby's bump. Heidi's heart sank. When she wanted to lift the other hand, something tugged at it, and a sharp pain pricked through her arm. “Hey, be careful!” Zach shot forward and held her hand gently, settling it down beside her on the bed. “Damnit! Heidi, you aren't about to remove the needle again, are you?”“Is she?” Her mother pulled away, looking alarmed. Her eyes dampened with tears, she cupped Heidi's cheeks in her palm, sobbing. “Come on, Heidi… Do you want your hand to become disabled? Stop removing the needles already, okay?”What needles was Heidi removing?She couldn't even catch a glimpse of that arm because her mother's figure was blocking her. Reading everyone's expression in the room, Heidi had an inkling something was wrong.It was as if she was back in the s
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427. Go Out of Her Senses Again
~“What's the progress?” From a distance, her father's voice sounded. “This is the third time, and yet nothing has happened.”“When will she finally be able to return to her senses, Doc?” Her mother lamented, her tone weak and helpless. “Don't tell us she's truly going crazy.”Heidi's eyelids fluttered… she forced them open, freeing her vision from the darkness. Like a feather, her body seemed to be floating. Her chest felt empty as well, and she was extremely parched. “She won't go crazy, don't worry…” The Doctor's voice sounded too. “If she is bound to, I wouldn't hide it from you guys.”Her mother sniffed. “But nothing is working…”“Of course, it's working. When she wakes up, you'll see the difference.”As the voices conversed, Heidi gazed at her surroundings. The scene didn't change, only that, only her Mum and Dad were inside the room with her.The others were gone.She made to sit up… and surprisingly, she could do it on her own.Her arm stung a little, but there was no need
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428. He's Here Again
That her baby was gone?A lump formed in Heidi's throat. She gulped it down. Shaking her head, she replied, “I can't interpret what exactly happened to me, Mum… But-”She paused, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “I already know what happened. You don't have to say it.”Maybe she couldn't bear hearing it from another person. Wasn't the important thing accepting the truth?As long as she came to terms with it that her baby was gone, she needed to not hear another person saying it, lest it added more wounds to the scars in her heart. “Where's Lucas?” It was too late. Heidi couldn't take back her question.Yet, a part of her mind longed for something non-existent. It was never gonna happen. Her mother looked up, her red eyes dimming. “You mean Lucas Harrison? That heartless man has been coming here every day morning and night! He insists on seeing you.”Lucas came? Heidi shut her eyes to hold back the tears that had already made their way down her cheeks.Why did he come?
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429. Kidnap Her
When the maid announced that Lucas was here, everyone sitting down got to their feet except Heidi who couldn't wrap her fingers around what was going on.The family's adverse reaction had her wondering why they looked so alarmed. “Shit! Grandpa, I told you to let me beat him up last time. He wouldn't have had the guts to come back!” Zach rolled up his sleeves, his eyes glinting with a murderous instinct. “He's here! Again!” Regina groaned. “Dad, are you sure we'll not have to move Heidi from this place?”“Where else does she deserve to live apart from her family's home?” Grandpa Jeffery replied. “Little Girl, tell the security men to not let him inside.”The maid scratched her head, her whole body trembling. “But he's already inside. They forced the gates open-”“What!?” Lilian shouted. “Guys, is he gonna destroy our home just because no one wants him to see Heidi?”“Not when I'm here! Grandpa, no one can stop me from shooting him down this time!” Zach stormed out of the room.Every
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430. Why Does He Care
Heidi began having second thoughts after hearing Lucas's words downstairs. Maybe she shouldn't have left her room. Not only would seeing him open up her wounds, but It'd also endanger her family who wouldn't let him take her with him without a fight. Heidi's contemplation came too late, though. As if sensing her presence, he looked up and their eyes met.The panic in his eyes mirrored that of her heart, and then dread washed over her. Trembling, Heidi turned to run back to her room, but her weak knees failed her. She staggered and lost her footing, falling down the stairs.The screams and yells deafened Heidi's ears. Her hands slipped off the railings, and her body became so light she wouldn't be surprised if she fainted again.Her once clear vision clouded with darkness, but when she fell, she landed on something hard. Not the floor but an arm that caught her. The all-so-familiar scent invaded her senses. For a few seconds, Heidi trembled in his arms, shutting her eyes to cur
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