All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
815 Chapters
Chapter 151
Sage didn't expect Donald to buy a gift for Ian as well. But apart from that, he intended to give it to him under her name. The old man had certainly thought it through.Since Donald had set things up, Sage had no choice but to play along in Ian's presence. She took the box from Susan and handed it to Ian. "Here.""What is it?" Ian asked calmly.She responded equally calmly, "You'll know once you check it out.""Alright now, you can have a couple's talk later. For now, take a seat and have something," Susan said to them. The staff at the revolving restaurant were busy helping customers grill the seafood they ordered. Sage took the nearest seat, and Ian sat beside her. Susan, a lover of heavy foods, ordered a mountain of seafood and had the chefs grill them for the party. Not only that, she requested for them to add more spices and garlic seasoning."Aunt Susan, Ian doesn't take spicy foods," Sage blurted out, her mind still on the gift from Donald. She noticed a faint smile on
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Chapter 152
"Where are you going?" Ian demanded.Sage chuckled and explained, "I'm giving up my seat to Layla. Didn't you hear her earlier?"He commanded, "Sit down." His eyes flashed with a subtle annoyance. It seemed that he wasn't interested in Layla at all.However, Sage wasn't going to shield him. She was about to leave her seat when Susan intervened, "Layla, what are you doing? You're an adult. It's time to stop clinging to Sage and Ian. Come have a seat beside me. I ordered your favorite seafood."Susan and Owen had silently observed the interaction among the three. They picked up on Ian's frustration and did not want to risk humiliating Layla. Susan then added, "Who said Ian and Sage are getting a divorce? They're doing well.""Ian, just ignore Layla's nonsense. She has liked squabbling with Sage from a young age," Owen chimed in with a smile.Ian said nothing in response. When he noticed Sage standing, he reached out to pull her back into her seat.Since it wasn't the right time an
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Chapter 153
"Layla, what's going on this time? Why have you started rambling again? Sit up and eat your dinner like a lady," Owen intervened angrily."Right, Layla. Don't kick up a fuss. If you're interested in the earrings, I'll just get them for you. Why would you buy a second-hand item? It's not like we can't afford new ones," Susan remarked.Layla couldn't find a way to explain Henry's detestable action to her parents, so she brushed it off. "It's nothing."Sage then said, "Aunt Susan, I sold off the earrings because I thought they were ugly. Layla thought they were unique though, so she bought them for her research and study. She didn't know that I was the seller."Susan seemed convinced by Sage's account and even looked proud of Layla. She said, "Layla might not be the best in academics, but she's talented in design. I'm proud that she's willing to invest her time in it!""I agree," Sage replied. "Aunt Susan, why don't you consider sending Layla to the famous art and design schools in P
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Chapter 154
"You!" Layla's face flushed with anger. "I heard from Henry that you reached out to him in private. Are you interested in him or something?"Henry had simply mentioned it casually. But even if he hadn't, Layla had seen their chat history with her own eyes. In retrospect, Layla realized that things were a little fishy when Sage readily agreed to Henry's invitation in the parking lot despite holding a grudge against Layla. Sage had even offered to foot the bill. Sage was also present at the sports complex Henry routinely attended. The increasing amount of coincidences made Layla suspicious."Won't you listen to yourself?" Sage jeered. "Use your brain for once. Don't listen blindly to what others say. What would I gain from talking to him in private?"Then, Sage handed her phone to Layla and urged her, "Take a good look at my chat history with Henry."Layla's eyes swept past the screen and noticed that Henry had initiated contact multiple times. Although he acted courteously, anyo
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Chapter 155
Sage's grin didn't anger Ian in the slightest. It had been a while since she smiled so brightly at him. Usually, she only gave him cold smirks and an occasional gleeful laugh when she pranked him.Sage's smile might have been fake, but it stirred something in him. Her smile, once common, had become rarer lately. He struggled to get used to its absence. "Don't worry. Your card might still be with me, but it's technically still yours," she added in the face of his silence."Sage, don't be childish," he said with a snort. "Didn't I say that you have the freedom to do anything with the gift I gave you? I'm only here to tell you this before I leave: Terry has taken care of the incident last night. It will not happen again." With that, Ian left in great strides, leaving her frozen in shock. Ian's behavior was unusual. Why did he defend her, and why wasn't he angered by her provocation?She decided to put her thoughts behind her. She had never managed to read his mind anyway. Nonethele
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Chapter 156
Sage nonchalantly leaned back in the face of the trio's mockery. "Why would I want to establish myself in the Holcomb family?"Susan inquired quizzically, "Layla said you wanted a divorce from Ian."Sage chuckled. "Aunt Susan, you always think that only Layla deserves to marry Ian. She won't stand a chance if I don't get a divorce."You should support my divorce and get Layla to try harder. It will be easier to ask for his help if he becomes your son-in-law.""What did you say?" Owen was infuriated. "We'll be a laughingstock if two daughters from the Joyner family marry Ian one after another. Don't you dare dream of divorcing him! Your grandpa might dote on you, but I will not hesitate to knock some sense into you!"Sage didn't want to get into a fight with her relatives at a restaurant. She couldn't do much if they refused to listen. All that mattered was she made her stance clear and received Donald's support. No one could stop her from getting a divorce.…Sage paid a visit t
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Chapter 157
Michaal explained to Sage, "We met these people when we were singing in bars."Sage smiled. "You may be young, but you sure have plenty of experience."When they approached the stage, Kai and the others spotted Sage and greeted her. The mood in the bar was cheery.After some chitchat, it was time for Michael and his bandmates to perform. They took their seats onstage and started playing. As the lead singer, Michael garnered the most attention. Dressed in a simple yet stylish black T-shirt, he had his hair up, baring his forehead. He sang in a deep and emotional voice as he gazed at the audience, looking princely.After performing two slow numbers, the group decided to spice things up with a few drum beats. The change in energy made even Sage want to perform.When she was ten, she picked up drumming for a few years to relieve her stress from studying. Her drum teacher praised her for being a fast learner with a good sense of rhythm.In her freshman year, she attracted much atten
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Chapter 158
Sage flicked her hair coolly. "Ain't that right? Don't I have that rizz?"Michael was tickled by her cheeky remarks. He nodded and praised her. "Gosh, you're so sassy and smart on stage. You can even hold a candle to a professional drummer.""You have good taste!" Sage patted him on the arm. "Come! I'll buy you some drinks.""Miss, what about us? We want drinks too!" Michael's bandmates crowded around her.Feeling in her element, she generously waved them over. "Join us! I'll buy drinks for everyone!"The group sat around Sage in a spacious booth. They ordered a load of snacks and drinks as they showered Sage with compliments. "I can't believe that a tiny woman like you can drum so well!""Right? She's so cool when she plays with the drumsticks. Miss, why don't you join our band?" Kai suggested. "You can play the drums alongside Nail. I'm sure the audience will succumb to the charisma of you two!""Agreed! If you join us, you'll be more popular with the fans than Michael!"Mi
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Chapter 159
"Miss, your phone's ringing!" someone told Sage as she was goofing off with Kai.She checked her phone. It was a call from Wanda. "Wanda, what's up?" Sage asked after accepting the call. Wanda, perhaps a little taken aback at the noise in the background, paused before cautiously asking, "Mrs. Holcomb, where are you? It's a little noisy on your end."Sage wandered over to a quiet corner and answered, "I'm with some friends at a bar. Why did you call?"After some hesitation, Wanda wondered aloud, "Mrs. Holcomb, it's nearly 11:00 p.m. now. When are you going to come home?"Before Wanda went to sleep, she'd occasionally check what time Sage was coming home. Sage replied, "I don't know. Wanda, just go to sleep. Don't worry about me.""Um, one more thing, Mrs. Holcomb," Wanda added. "Mr. Holcomb couldn't find his usual pajamas.""Well, he can always wear other pajamas. Does he want to make me go home just to search for his pajamas?""But he isn't used to the other sets. You woke up
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Chapter 160
Michael lifted his glass. Sage had toasted to him and was ready to down the contents of her glass when someone suddenly snatched it away from her. When she turned around, she found Ian staring at her.He was dressed in the same black suit from lunch. Standing up straight and exuding elegance, he attracted much attention from the guests in the bar.Sage frowned. "Why are you here?"His expression was unreadable. "I can't find my pajamas. I need your help at home."She looked puzzled. Although she was tipsy, she was not delirious. She knew he had shown up at the bar because he was angry that she had hung up on him."I am not obliged to do anything for you." She reached out for her glass. "Now give me back my wine glass!"He stared at her with furrowed brows. "You've had too much to drink. You shouldn't drink anymore."Most people at the bar had met Ian before. The last time, Ian had insisted on dragging Sage away. This time, they weren't about to simply watch as he harassed Sage.
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