All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
819 Chapters
Chapter 171
Eager to draft a proposal as soon as possible, Sage brought her laptop to the adjacent guest room to avoid bumping into IanAfter several hours of work, she realized she couldn't do it. After all, she had not personally gone to gather information, so she couldn't come up with the necessary data. Everything she wrote felt wrong.Sage felt a shadow looming over her as she wondered whether she should visit Collin tomorrow. Looking up, she was surprised to see Ian standing next to her.Sage was about to close her laptop, but Ian had already seen what she was doing and asked aloud, "Why are you collecting data from Professor Braun's research institute?"She realized there was no point in hiding it now that he'd seen it. "I think their drug has potential. I'd like him to give me the distribution rights," she explained."Huh?" Ian frowned. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?""I'm sure you invested in their institute because you believe their research has potential, right? So why c
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Chapter 172
Sage was used to sleeping alone, so she wasn't comfortable sleeping beside Ian. Plus, it was too late for Ian to retire to the study. Hence, she resorted to the age-old method of counting sheep to get herself to sleep. When she reached the 800th sheep, she was overcome with drowsiness and slowly drifted off to sleep.Lost in the haze of sleep, she felt herself surrounded by warmth. The oppressive cold from the air conditioner penetrated every corner of the room. However, the warmth enveloping her was immensely comforting, causing her to lean back unconsciously.However, she soon noticed that she was leaning against something stiff and hard. Before she could figure out what it was, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on the nape of her neck. It felt like something was gently sucking on her.Sage tried to move, but she was trapped. She struggled with all her might for a moment and then sat up. Looking around, she realized nothing was holding her down.The room was shrouded in darkne
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Chapter 173
Why would he call her this early in the morning? He was probably going to stop her from looking for Collin or ask her to join his company's team-building event again.However, she felt like there was not much to say about either of these things. Hence, she decided to ignore his call. He used to ignore her calls as well. It was time for him to feel the same frustration.Sage silenced her phone before heading out. Sage spotted a familiar figure when she arrived at Collin's research facility. It was Ivy. Sage hadn't seen Ivy since she was injured at the Holcomb Corporation's party. She hadn't expected to run into her here.Ivy wore an elegant dress and a tailored blazer. It made her look professional, yet gentle. She had her bangs down, presumably to cover the wound on her forehead. Even with makeup on, she looked frail.Sage couldn't believe how dedicated Ivy was, or that she had only stayed in the hospital for a few days and was already back at work after being hit by a chandelier
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Chapter 174
Sage wondered if Ivy was trying to get a rise out of her. She was about to say something when she noticed Ivy tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing the earrings on her earlobe. They were shaped like orchids, and the petals were made of diamonds. It was strikingly similar to the ones Ian had left on her bedside table last time.It was clear that both pairs were from the same designer. So, Ian hadn't given her the pair of earrings he had intended to give Ivy. Instead, he had bought two pairs and given them a pair each. This revelation only fueled Sage's growing frustration."Ms. Shekdotter, your earrings are really pretty," she said lowly."You think so?" Ivy touched them and smiled warmly. "It was a gift. I didn't think he'd remember that orchids are my favorite flower.""Orchids are pure and elegant. It suits you, Ms. Shekdotter," Sage complimented. Then, she abruptly changed the subject. "By the way, here's a funny story. I have a similar pair of earrings. I check
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Chapter 175
"Oh, I've received the money. Thanks, Ms. Shekdotter! By the way, when you're free, could you go through all the gifts Ian has given you and tally them up? Please don't forget to transfer half of the amount to me."Sage then strolled off toward the research facility. Ivy was at a loss for words. She couldn't help but feel that Sage had changed a lot because she no longer got upset by whatever she said or did. Could Ian's recent change of heart toward Sage be due to this? What was she up to? Who was behind this?Mulling it over, she decided to call Delilah. "I don't care what you have to do, but you need to get back on Sage's good side."Ivy realized that she had underestimated Sage, which was why she was in such a difficult position at the moment. She had to find a way to keep tabs on Sage.…Meanwhile, Sage magnanimously transferred 10 grand to Tiana and texted her."Didn't you mention yesterday that the hospital set up a charity fund? I'd like to donate 10 grand anonymously
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Chapter 176
Ian remained unfazed despite hearing that. "She's here as well?"Collin was caught off guard as he hadn't expected this to be his response.Sage was aware that Collin had misunderstood her and Ian because of the "cucumber feast" last time. He must've assumed that she and Ian were playing a "cat-and-mouse" game, which was why he jested."Professor Braun," she called out with a smile to spare Collin from embarrassment. Ian turned to look at her when he heard her voice. His dark eyes were as deep and unreadable as ever.Sage ignored him and said to Collin, "Thanks for everything today. I'll be leaving now." Then, she left without stepping into the office.Ian also made his way over to her as she reached her car. Sage assumed that he had visited Collin for business. She wondered why he was leaving so soon.But in any case, she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Hence, she opened the door to the driver's seat and was about to hop in when Ian stopped her."Did you seriously come t
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Chapter 177
When she first graduated, she did mention that she wanted to work in his office. She wanted to be close to him and see him every day. Sage was surprised that Ian remembered what she had said.However, she was not interested in working anywhere near his office now. In fact, she wanted to stay as far away from him as possible! However, she was aware he wouldn't buy it. There were less than 10 days left until their divorce. There was no need to argue with him anymore. Hence, she slid into the driver's seat without another word. Sage was about to start the car when Ian got into the passenger seat."Where do you think you're going? I haven't finished talking to you," he fumed.Sage looked at him coldly. "What else do you have to say? If it's about the job, thanks, but no thanks. I'm not interested in any position in your office. Whoever wants it can have it."Ian gritted his teeth when he noticed her impatience. "What the hell do you want, Sage?""I want you to get the hell out of my
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Chapter 178
"Sage, your Uncle Owen said he was able to seal the deal this time because Ian helped him out. It looks like Ian really cares about you," Donald said with a smile."Grandpa, I know you want to ease the tension between Ian and me, but it's really not necessary," Sage said solemnly. "You were right about what you said last time. I'm very stubborn about the people and things I care about, and I don't give up easily. But once I've made up my mind, I rarely change it."Indeed, I can't just flip a switch and erase all my feelings for Ian overnight, but I've thought things through. I used to be so selfish. I wanted to hold on to the things I wanted. But I've realized that I'll only hurt myself by holding onto them too tightly. So, I'll set both Ian and myself free."His granddaughter's somber expression tugged at his heartstrings. "It looks like my Sage is all grown up now."Growing up was a good thing. It meant that she was more mature and level-headed in dealing with problems. But as he
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Chapter 179
"What are you worried about, then?" Linda asked knowingly. "I'm assuming you still haven't changed your mind about divorcing Ian?"Sage didn't answer her question. Instead, she apologized. "I'm sorry, Grandma. I didn't realize Uncle Owen and Aunt Susan would go and bother you last time. I must've caused you a lot of distress, didn't I?"Linda let out a soft sigh when she heard that. "I wasn't bothered by their visit. However, I wished what they said was true—that you wouldn't divorce Ian."Sage fell silent because that was something she couldn't do.Of course, Linda understood what her silence meant. "Sage, you promised you wouldn't bring up divorce before my birthday, but you still got your hands on the divorce agreement. Did Ian do something to upset you again?" Linda continued, "I've been waiting for you to confide in me, but you haven't called me until now."Sage used to complain to Linda quite frequently, which caused her a great deal of trouble. Sage apologized again. "Th
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Chapter 180
However, the situation was reversed at the moment. Sage had turned Linda down despite her offering to help. Sage might actually leave her grandson if he remained indifferent and unattentive.Linda realized that she needed to make them spend more time together. Making up her mind, she said, "Alright then, I won't worry about it anymore. By the way, it's been a while since I've had your mille crepe cake, Sage. Could you make it for me? I'll have someone come over to pick it up tomorrow morning."Sage used to be a spoiled young lady who never did any household chores. But she decided to enroll in cooking classes and learn how to prepare meals and desserts after stumbling upon nonsense like "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" in books.Consequently, she prepared delicious meals every day for Ian. However, he never showed up, even after the food was cold. Even if he did show up, he only ate very little. Hence, her efforts were always in vain.Fortunately, this skill eventu
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