All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
813 Chapters
Chapter 491
"I'm craving buffalo chicken wings, escabeche, lutefisk, and for the main course, spaghetti aglio e olio," Sage said.Ian was incredibly picky when it came to food. He would avoid anything spicy and had a strong stench. He wouldn't eat anything that wasn't fresh or healthy, either. "Since you wanted to dine with me, let's see if you can stomach those dishes!" she brooded.Ian didn't object to her requests at all. He even patiently said, "I'll have them prepared. I'll wait for you to come over so we can dine together."Sage then hung up the phone. When she arrived at the hospital and saw the food she had ordered earlier on the table in the ward, she was a little surprised because Ian hadn't ordered anything he liked."Well, what are you waiting for? Come over and eat," he said casually.Sage looked at him. "Are you sure you can eat these?"Ian responded calmly, "Why can't I eat these?"He sure was as stubborn as a mule. Sage couldn't be bothered to argue with him. She went to w
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Chapter 492
Sage continued, "We've always been worlds apart. Our interests, habits, and upbringings are all different. "For example, you hate the food I like, and I've changed my habits to accommodate you. Over time, I've felt stifled and resentful. But now that I've thought about it, you've done nothing wrong. I was just trying too hard to please you."Similarly, you don't have to force yourself to change for me. It'd be pointless because I won't be moved by such an act either."Ian lifted his gaze after listening to her lengthy speech. "I was telling Delilah the truth this morning, Sage. I didn't marry you because I was forced to. Before you, Grandma had also urged me to get married, but I had no intention of marrying anyone else."Sage couldn't help but sneer. "What's your point? Do you think that still matters?"He responded, "I know I've neglected you and hadn't considered your feelings in the past. I'll learn to do better in the future. Can't you give me a chance to prove myself?"Sag
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Chapter 493
Ian could tell she was mad and might leave in a huff. He pulled her into his arms, held her close, and whispered, "Sage, you used every trick in the book to marry me, and you said you'd love me forever. "But now, you're treating me like I'm something you found upon the bottom of your shoe, and you won't even give me a chance to explain myself. You're not being fair."His voice was low and filled with a hint of grief and vulnerability. His embrace was warm and broad, and although it was permeated with the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, he still smelled faintly of cedarwood. The Ian in front of her was someone Sage could only dream of in her previous life.From his perspective, she was the one who had suddenly fallen out of love and insisted on a divorce. But with all the pain and hardships she had been through in her previous life, how could she not have reservations?"Ian, if you didn't marry me because you were forced to, then why did you treat me coldly and with disdai
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Chapter 494
His stomach sure was sensitive. She had eaten several pieces of lutefisk, and consumed a lot of spicy food, but turned out fine. She couldn't believe that a single piece of lutefisk was enough to give him enteritis. But how could she not have noticed anything at all? Did she actually sleep that soundly?Sage asked the nurse for Ian's ward number and went to see him.Sage knocked on the door and found Ian lying on the hospital bed. Perhaps due to his lack of sleep, his complexion appeared more haggard than the previous night. His lips were drained of color too. Besides Ian, she spotted Linda, whom she hadn't seen in a while, and Josephine, who was slicing an apple.Upon hearing the sound of the door cracking open, all three of them turned to look at Sage. Ian's eyes visibly lit up. Ignoring him, Sage greeted Linda with a smile. "Good morning, Grandma Holcomb!""Good morning, Sage!" Linda responded with a smile.Sage felt a little embarrassed. As Ian's caregiver, she had no id
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Chapter 495
"Oh, you silly child, please don't do anything like that again. Nothing is more important than your life," Linda chided. "You're still so young, and you have so many loved ones who care about you. It was very dangerous and foolish of you to risk your life for an uncertain outcome.""I know." Sage then apologized. "I'm sorry, Grandma Holcomb. Madam Matilda had to return to the country because of this, and I know I've put you through so much worry.""There's no need to apologize." Linda sighed softly. "I was also at fault. I knew you were determined to get a divorce. Yet, I kept hoping Ian could persuade you to stay, which ultimately led you to such a desperate act."The elderly woman continued, "If it weren't for my insistence, you guys would've divorced long ago, and none of this would've happened.""It's not your fault, Grandma Holcomb," Sage reassured Linda. After all, who would want their grandson and granddaughter-in-law to divorce? Even Matilda might not have genuinely wante
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Chapter 496
Linda added, "You're kind and brave, and I genuinely like you. I feel responsible for the pain you've endured in this marriage, and I'd like to sincerely apologize to you."Her voice was filled with tenderness as she said, "But I hope you won't lose hope in love and life. Bad things only take up a small portion of life."A wave of warmth washed over Sage again. Even if Linda had set them up for Ian's sake, her kindness toward her, spanning both this life and her previous one, was genuine. No matter what, Linda would always stand up for her and defend her. Even after the divorce, she was still worried that Sage might lose hope in life and tried to comfort her. Tilting her head up, Sage smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandma Holcomb. I won't."…While chatting with Linda, Sage received a call from Henry. He wanted to meet up and said he had something important to discuss. Sage agreed. After escorting Linda back to the ward, Ian's dark eyes immediately locked onto Sage, as if plea
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Chapter 497
If not, those videos and photos would be used to blackmail Layla.Sage felt a shiver run down her spine as she listened to Ivy's plan. Ivy was truly ruthless! If Layla was raped by those thugs, and Henry had that leverage on her, her life would basically be ruined. Sage figured that Ivy despised her because of Ian. But why was she so determined to ruin her family? What did Ivy have against her family?"What should I do now?" Henry asked. "You told me to inform you in advance if anything came up, and you'd cooperate with me. So, what's the plan?"Sage remained silent for a moment. She thought Ivy would have Henry deal with her once she found out about her relationship with him. But Ivy's target was still Layla. "If I fail, Ivy will never let me off the hook, and I'll lose any shot at joining the Shekdotter family's company," he added."I understand. I'll contact Layla and persuade her to go along with your plan." Then, she warned, "Do what you need to do, but you mustn't harm La
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Chapter 498
"What do you want me to cooperate with?""I want you to pretend to be Henry's girlfriend."Layla was taken aback. "Didn't you tell me that he comes from a poor family and that his persona was fake? Plus, he's disgusting in private. How could I possibly date him?""I told you to pretend to date him," Sage reiterated. "You don't actually have to date him. Just show up when I need you to. Go about your day as usual. He won't bother you."Sage feared that Ivy would find other ways to deal with Layla if she didn't cooperate with Henry. Instead of leaving Layla in danger, it was probably better to fulfill Ivy's wishes. Layla would be in the clear once Ivy brought about her own downfall. It would be a long-term solution."How'd you get involved with Henry? What's going on?" Layla asked with a frown.Sage couldn't explain everything to Layla right away, but she wouldn't be able to convince Layla to do as she said if she didn't say a thing. Besides, Layla was already 20 years old. It
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Chapter 499
Sage chuckled when she heard what Layla had said. Then, she teased, "Not bad. My cousin knows how to care about people now." "I don't care about you!" Layla grumbled, "I just don't want to be dragged down by you.""Alright. I'll do my best not to drag you down."After ending the call with Layla, Sage contacted Henry again to go over the details.…The next day, his plan was set. Meanwhile, Sage received a call from Priscilla, who said it had been a while since they had seen each other and invited her and Tiana out for a little get-together. It had indeed been a while since she had seen Priscilla. Besides, she also needed her help, so Sage readily agreed to the invitation. The place Priscilla chose was a castle-themed restaurant.The restaurant not only looked like an ancient castle on the outside, but the interior decorations were also strikingly similar. The main hall was resplendent with gold and silver, and the waiters were all dressed like ancient palace maids and guards.
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Chapter 500
Sage responded, "Of course, he's not 100% reliable. But he's a greedy man. For the sake of big bucks, he won't betray me for the time being."Priscilla wasn't familiar with the details, so she didn't participate in the conversation. However, she shared some news with Sage."Benjamin's trial is around the corner. I heard that Mr. Holcomb has pulled some strings, so his sentence won't be light."Sage couldn't help but feel uneasy when she thought about the time Benjamin kidnapped her."Benjamin had someone tell me that he wanted to see me," Priscilla continued. "He probably wants me to plead his case with Mr. Holcomb or something. But I can't be bothered to listen to his nonsense.""I've got to hand it to you, Priscilla. I admire how you can just move on after being married to Benjamin for so many years," Tiana exclaimed.Sage chuckled. "Priscilla's a tough cookie, unlike some of us who hang on to dead-end relationships. But I've already mustered up the courage to let go. Tiana, we
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