All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 511 - Chapter 520
809 Chapters
Chapter 511
Sage assumed that Ian had left. Yet, when she emerged from the bathroom after freshening up, she caught a whiff of something delicious wafting from the living room. Sage walked out of her room and found Ian setting up breakfast. On the table weren't just the usual staples like eggs and avocado toasts, but also street food like tacos, hot dogs, and a pot pie. "Good morning," Ian greeted her casually when he noticed her. "I bought these near the hotel. I've prepared something light and heavy.""But the hotel offers a buffet breakfast with a wide variety of options. Why'd you go through all this trouble?" she asked.He responded calmly, "You once said you preferred street food."She did say that. On the rare occasions when he came home for dinner, she would ramble on and on about these things just to spark conversation. He clearly hadn't paid much attention when she said that, so how could he remember these things and bring them up now?Ignoring the expectant look in his eyes, s
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Chapter 512
Yesterday, she didn't talk to Wilson or cook for him. She never imagined he would tell his mother that she needed his card! Tiana grew impatient as Wendy lectured her over the phone. Initially, she was going to say a few words to placate her, but she accidentally hung up on Wendy. Since the call was already disconnected, she couldn't be bothered to call Wendy back and listen to her nonsense. Later on, Wendy called again, but Tiana decisively turned off her phone. She figured her mother-in-law would come straight to their house, so she grabbed her bag and went out to watch a movie. Ever since she got married, she hardly did anything fun. Besides the occasional outing with Sage, she spent most of her time with her family. There were endless chores and rules to follow, day in, and day out.Sage often teased her, claiming that she only had eyes for her husband and spent all her time with him. In reality, Wilson hardly got any days off. Even when he did, he preferred solitude and rar
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Chapter 513
Calvin took a sip of his drink and asked, "Is something bothering you, Tiana? You seem a bit off lately."Tiana shook her head. "It's nothing important."He didn't press further when he heard that. "Then let's have another drink. A little booze can do wonders."Later on, his friends arrived, and they had a few more drinks together. Noticing that it was getting late, Tiana excused herself."I'll ask my driver to send you home." Fearing she would refuse, he explained, "It's not safe for a girl like you to go home on your own at this hour. It would be better if my driver took you."Tiana nodded and thanked him.After seeing her off, Calvin returned to the bar and was teased by his friends. "Why didn't you send her off? After all, you seem reluctant to let her go!""Exactly! Perhaps you could've held her hand or something.""Cut it out, guys," Calvin said sternly. "Don't joke around like that. She's married."Noticing his solemn expression, his friends fell silent. …The lights
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Chapter 514
Tiana backed away and dodged her slap. However, she tripped over a trash can at her feet and fell onto the wooden couch, hitting the back of her head against the wooden frame. She winced in pain and clutched her head."Cut it out, Mom!" Wilson hurriedly intervened when he noticed his mother raising her hand."Why the hell are you defending her, Wilson?" Wendy was infuriated. "Just look at how arrogant she's become! "She neglected her responsibilities at home, went out to watch a movie, got drunk late at night, and then she started disrespecting me as soon as she came home! "If I don't put her in her place right now, she'll walk all over you in the future!"Wilson responded, "Why don't you head home first, Mom? Let me talk to Tiana."Wendy had never faced such defiance from Tiana before. Even though she was still boiling with anger, she held herself back. After all, her son had to work tomorrow and couldn't afford to be sleep-deprived. So, she forced herself to calm down. Po
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Chapter 515
Tiana felt utterly drained, both physically and mentally. Having just let out her pent-up frustration, she was too exhausted to argue now. "Wilson, since tomorrow's a workday, why don't you take some time off and finalize our divorce?""Honestly, whoever wants this kind of 'blessing' can have it," she brooded.Wilson frowned. "I won't blame you for going out without telling me, coming home half-drunk, and making a mess of the house. I just want you to apologize to Mom tomorrow, and we'll move on from this mess."Tiana smiled wryly. Won't blame her? Apologize? In their eyes, she was the one at fault in this situation. "I don't think you understand, Wilson. You have no right to blame me, and I'm not going to apologize. I'm asking you to get a divorce!"Wilson's patience was wearing thin. He disliked dealing with such trivial matters. Tiana was usually very understanding. Why had she been so unreasonable lately? She was making a big deal out of nothing."Tiana, causing a scene wo
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Chapter 516
Tiana remained relatively calm. "Forget it. It's just a divorce. There's no need to fall out to that extent."Sage agreed. As long as Tiana got her divorce, what did a few pieces of clothing matter? "Let's go to the mall, Tiana! I'll buy you whatever catches your eye!"Tiana couldn't help but laugh at her best friend's behavior. "You're making me feel as if you've had your eyes on me for a long time, and that you were just waiting for me to get a divorce so you could sweep me off my feet."Sage admitted, "That's right. I've been waiting for you to get a divorce for a while now." The sooner she got divorced, the sooner she could get away from that family. Then, she wouldn't have to go abroad in this lifetime. After delivering Tiana's belongings to her new place, Sage put her arm around Tiana's shoulder. "Come on. Let's go to the mall and pick up a few more household essentials!"Tiana couldn't refuse her invitation. Sage was in high spirits while shopping. She not only bought ki
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Chapter 517
When he heard that, Ian glanced at Sage, who had a stoic expression. He rose from his seat without saying a word. As soon as he got up, Ivy followed suit. "Excuse us, Sage, Ms. Ford," she said apologetically, but her eyes were filled with mockery as if she were bragging about something. Memories of the day of her miscarriage flooded Sage's mind. Her resentment boiled over as she recalled that Ivy had a similar expression that day, and she clenched her fists.Tiana could tell Sage was furious. She hastily advised, "Ignore her. Ivy's provoking you because Ian's here."As soon as she said that, Sage grabbed a cup of coffee from the table and hurled it at Ivy. The latter let out a startled cry.In a split second, Ivy's face and hair were soaked in coffee. The brown liquid trickled down her cheeks onto her clothes, leaving her in a state of disarray.The commotion caught the attention of several nearby customers. Ian, who had already reached the entrance, turned around."Why'd you
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Chapter 518
"Don't ever provoke Sage again," Ian said coldly.Ivy froze. Tears welled up in her eyes as she said, "Do you think it's my fault as well, Ian?"Ian asked apathetically, "Wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about?"Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, she responded, "I have no idea who my dad has offended recently, but our company's been targeted, and we're on the verge of collapse. Could you please help my dad?""If the company can't sustain itself, you should let it collapse. I told you last time that Uncle Ron is getting old and needs to rest," he said coldly. "While our company has benefited from your support, it got to where it is today because of my dad's hard work.""Are you really just going to stand by and watch as Shekdotter Incorporated goes bankrupt and my dad gets heartbroken?" she asked with teary eyes.His tone was impassive as he asked, "Are you sure it'll go bankrupt?"Her heart skipped a beat. "What's the meaning of this, Ian? Do you think I'm
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Chapter 519
Wilson fell silent for a moment after he heard that. "I don't have to work overtime today. Why don't you come home, and we can talk about this rationally, Tiana?"Wilson was rarely this patient. He was always busy and kept conversations short and to the point. For him to suggest a heart-to-heart like this showed he was being sincere. Tiana didn't respond right away. Sage and Tiana had been friends for ages, so she could tell Tiana was hesitating at a glance. Without a moment's hesitation, she snatched Tiana's phone and said, "Tiana has nothing to say to you, so she's not going back!" With that, she hung up on Wilson."You can't let yourself be swayed, Tiana," she said sternly. "Think about all those hurtful things your mother-in-law said. Think about how Wilson ignores you. "Do you really want to go back and be at their beck and call?"Tiana shook her head. "No, I don't.""Exactly!" Sage continued, "Even if you still love Wilson and don't want to divorce him, both he and his
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Chapter 520
As soon as Giselle spotted Sage, she followed Sage into her office and asked, "Why didn't you come to work yesterday?""I had some things to take care of." Then Sage asked, "What's up?"Giselle pursed her lips and said awkwardly, "You said you'd teach me how to analyze the data."Realization dawned on Sage. "So that's what this is about." Giselle was the complete opposite of Marcus. She was the epitome of innocence and naivety. Marcus was mysterious, and no one could ever figure out what was on his mind. Giselle, on the other hand, clearly wanted to seek help from her but insisted on putting on a strong front."I thought you said there were plenty of people in the company who were more experienced than me. Why didn't you ask them for advice?" Sage asked deliberately.Giselle snorted. "I don't want to bother the others. I want to bother you! Because you're the one who stole my Shanie!""Do you really think I stole him from you?" Sage asked.Of course, Giselle was well aware t
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