All Chapters of My Mate, My Bully: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Bölüm 11: A Chance
~ Flashback ~~ 2 days ago ~~ 2:34 pm ~ × Trix ×As I flip through the pages in front of me and realize that a war is indeed coming, I let out a growl. The weight of the realization bears down on me, and I can almost feel the thick clouds of conflict gathering over our pack.The old, dusty book lies open on the table and I wondered how long the book has existed. Definitely way before my parent's parent's existence. A sharp ringtone interrupts my thoughts. I glance at the screen—Ryder. With a sigh, I pick up the call."Hey man, what's up?"“Hey, big dog. Listen, I’m out of town for a few days. Won’t be around for the meetings with the pack elders.”I rub my temples, the stress piling on. "Wait, what? Great timing. You know how important these meetings are."“I know, man. It’s just… this thing came up. It's really urgent and I gotta deal with it.""Ryder, you know we need everyone here, especially you. These meetings are crucial," I say, frustration creeping into my voice, 'cause I c
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Bölüm 12: My Mate Is A Pain In The Ass
× Trix ×I keep wondering what Alvera means by what she said.I stand up, resolve hardening. "Alright, let’s do this." With a final nod from Alvera, I head out to find Dixie. I’ve got to lay it all out for her, make sure she gets the gravity of this situation. I stride down the hallway, my frustration bubbling over with every step. It's not like I want to see her fucking face or hear her whining voice, but I know it's the price I have to pay to keep my pack alive. I approach the last place I saw her and she isn't there. Where the hell is she? I pass by a couple of hospital volunteers and pause, barely keeping my irritation in check. "Have you seen Dixie?" I ask one of them, trying to keep my voice steady."She left a while ago," the volunteer replies, looking a bit nervous.Great. Just great. I grind my teeth and continue my search, feeling my anger spike. Of course, she’s nowhere to be found when I need her. Typical Dixie—always running off, never where she’s supposed to be. I s
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Bölüm 13: A Necessary Dominance
×Present×× Trix × I’m eating my words alright. In fact, I’m consuming the anger that has been boiling in me since I told her to shut up and she didn’t.Watching her fall unconscious in my arms made me realize how weak and fragile she is. And like any weak human out there, she is going to die a silly death, something as silly as tripping and falling. It disgusts me.Her weakness disgusts me. “Take her to her room.” I order the maids standing at the corner of the room. Immediately those maids oblige to my order, I turn around to face my people. What we had to discuss is more important than Dixie being her human self and fainting so easily. After the meeting, I stand in the courtroom with only Alvera beside me. “Trix, you should go check on her.” Alvera clearly makes it her business to butt in my life whenever she thinks something is wrong. “Who are you talking about?” I ask, only for her to give me a knowing look. “You know who. She is your mate. She is not alright. You should ch
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Bölüm 14: Morning Session I
× Dixie ×BANG! BANG! BANG!I wake up to the brain crushing sound of a drum beating outside my room. My room is close to Trix's room so I wonder why someone is taking the risk of facing Trix's wrath.Coming out of my bed, I force myself to stand. I almost fall back in my bed because of how dizzy I am. The drum beating outside is not making things any easier for me. Still, I gather my strength and walk towards the window to shout with every strength in my lungs. “Take that fucking drum somewhere else or I'll introduce you to the dungeon!” I threaten them immediately. Two men with a portable drum run away before I can take a good look at them. Before I can take a deep peaceful breath, a maid comes in to inform me. “Luna..” With a bow, she said. “The Alpha said you should join the daily training sessions. So, I am here to assist you in getting dressed. ”Luna? What the hell is that?“What did you just call me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.The maid hesitates before answering, afraid she
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Bölüm 15: Identity Crisis
× Dixie ×How did Gran gran think being with these savage people will help me? They are not helping me. Instead, they are trying their damn best to break me. Watching the huge girl approach me, I stagger back. I look around, looking for a way to escape the fight but there isn't! So, I face my opponent who is a few inches from me. Even from that distance, she towers over me like a pole, a really big pole. “Denise! Denise! Denise!” Everyone around us cheers her name. A smile adorns her face at the obvious victory she would get in a fight against me. I lack the strength of a werewolf, the healing abilities or their sharp senses but I have guts. Lots of it. So, I push ahead, attacking the oaf first. At the last minute, I swerve and jump over one of them like I am in an obstacle course. Running as fast as I can, I hear Ryder yell. “Get her!” The loud thumping sound of their steps as they run motivates me to run inside. The number will reduce to fit inside. Besides, I doubt everyone wil
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Bölüm 16: Morning Session II
× Dixie ×Alvera leaves us, giving Trix a nod. I follow her with my eyes as she disappears into the shadows of the hallway.“Relax, Piggy,” Trix says, his voice annoyingly calm. “I’m not here to drag you anywhere unless I have to.”I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at him. I wish he had actually forgot the useless 'nickname' he gave me. It appears he hasn't.“You are so full of yourself, ain't it? You think I'm going to follow you just because you say it nicely? You're mistaken!” Making my frustration evident.His eyes flash with irritation. “You’re coming to the session, Dixie. End of discussion.”“Oh, so now you’re the dictator of my life?” I shoot back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Guess what, Trix? I’m not one of your loyal lapdogs.”“Could’ve fooled me with all the running and hiding,” he says, a smirk playing on his lips.I roll my eyes, feeling my blood boil. “Why do you even care? You’ve made it clear you think I’m worthless.”His smirk fades, replaced by a hard, cold sta
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Bölüm 17: Painful Victory
× Dixie ×Denise, the massive girl from earlier, steps forward, cracking her knuckles. She looks like she’s been waiting for this moment. My heart pounds, but I keep my expression neutral. No way I’m letting them see me sweat.The werewolves form a loose circle around us, creating a makeshift ring. Ryder gives a nod, and Denise comes at me. I barely dodge her first swing, rolling to the side. The crowd jeers, but I tune them out, focusing on my opponent.Denise is strong, no doubt about it, but she’s also slow. I find that quite confusing that a werewolf is slow. She is fat though; her fatigue could be the reason for her slowness. I thank whatever god may exist in this world for this opportunity to not be eaten alive without making an attempt.I use her slowness to my advantage, sliding and weaving, trying to stay out of her reach. She growls in frustration, her swings becoming wilder. “Come on, human!” she taunts. “Stand still and fight!”I don’t respond. I’m too busy planning my
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Bölüm 18: The Baseline for Where My Sanity Declines I
× Trix × I can't believe the insolent girl could challenge my authority. I’ve had enough of her impudence, but this? This is fucking unacceptable. My eyes darken as I signal to the guards to handled her. The rest is history.  I head back to my office; anyone around could have felt the energy of anger radiating from me and I bet wouldn't dare to come close.  I slam the door shut behind me, the sound breaking through the room. I lean against the heavy wooden desk, my hands gripping the edges so hard my knuckles turn white.  The audacity of that girl is astounding. Who the hell does she think she is to challenge me like that?
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Bölüm 19: The Baseline for Where My Sanity Declines II
× Trix × I wake up to a painful hear-deafeaning noise, my senses immediately alert.  The smell of blood and the sound of chaos fill the compound. I throw on my clothes and rush out of my room, my heart pounding with rage and urgency. The sight that greets me is a nightmare. Nardoo warriors are everywhere, slaughtering my pack members with brutal efficiency.  The pack house, usually a place of quietness and strength, is now a battlefield. A massacre!  Bodies lie scattered, and the air is thick with the smell of blood and fear. In the dim light, I spot a group of Nardoos chanting somet
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Bölüm 20: The Baseline for Where My Sanity Declines III
× Trix ×Alvera sits on the edge of the bed, her expression softening. “Do you want to talk about it?” I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “It was about Ryder. And Dixie. The Nardoos were here, slaughtering our pack members, and they captured Dixie. They were doing something to the rune in her palm, draining her energy. Ryder was fighting them, but... his head was cut off. I saw it roll on the ground.” Alvera’s eyes widen, but she remains silent, letting me continue. “I tried to help Dixie, but she wouldn’t accept it. She thought I was responsible for her predicament. And then Ryder... his death felt so real. I can’t shake it off.&rdq
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