All Chapters of My Mate, My Bully: Chapter 21 - Chapter 23
23 Chapters
Bölüm 21: My Worst Nightmare is Yet to Come
× Yesterday ×× Dixie דHey, Dixie,” he says, sounding distracted.“Jackson, you will not believe what’s been happening to me,” I start, my words coming out in a rush. “I’m living with freaking werewolves, and tomorrow is a full moon, and they’re planning something big.”“Dixie, where have you been?” he interrupts, his voice rising. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I even went to your gran's house. She kept saying you weren’t around and wouldn’t be for a while. What’s going on?”I pause, taken aback by his concern. “Wait, you went to Gran’s?”“Yes, I did!” he snaps. “And every time I tried to get more information, she would always stop me by the door. It’s like she was hiding something.”I sigh, feeling relief that Gran Gran is alright but feeling sorry too, for what Jackson must have gone through.“Jackson, I’m sorry. It’s all so messed up. The guy you saw the other day, Trix, he’s involved in this. They’ve got me wrapped up in some werewolf pack politics.”“Werewolves?” he re
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Bölüm 22: What The Heck?
× Dixie ×The room fell silent. The kind of silent that leaves the walls screaming its name. Even the ceiling is scared of breaking the it. Sooner, the silence in the room is almost frustrating, yet,  my mind is still that of confusion and fear. Jennie is about to leave when I stop her, my curiosity and anxiety getting the better of me. I know she would know something. “Jennie, wait,” I call out. “Can you tell me more about this full moon stuff? How does it work with the werewolf traditions? I need to know what I’m up against.” "Up against? You make it sound like you're in some battle. Well technically." She said, smiling.  
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Bölüm 23: Waring For Dominance
× Trix ×I walk into the room and see Ryder and Alvera talking. It's unusual to see them together, not on the field fighting but talking. They barely speak to each other, not out of dislike but more out of indifference. Story for another day, I suppose. But today, their conversation seems intense.I join them, and the look on both their faces tells me the news isn't good.“What's going on?” I ask, bracing myself for whatever bad news is coming.Ryder's jaw tightens. “Another attack. One of our pack members was found injured in the woods. He's in the hospital now.”My heart sinks. “Is he going to be okay?”Alvera nods, but her expression is unreadable. “He'll live, but he's in bad shape.”Ryder's eyes flash with anger. “This is all Dixie's fault. Ever since she showed up, we've had nothing but trouble.”I feel a sudden surge of frustration. Ryder us right, but the guy should have also known his boundaries. “It's not entirely her fault, Ryder. If that guy hadn’t been wandering around
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