All Chapters of MR. LOVELESS AND HIS WILD LOVER: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
113 Chapters
To Be Clueless.
Primal Technology College, GhanaIn the conference hall, all fresh students gathered, for their welcoming presentation. The Chancellor, Deans, and Department Heads gathered to give their welcoming speech.The first person to give the welcoming speech was the Chancellor."We welcome you all to Primal Technical College, This school aims to bring out the best scientists, doctors and biochemists, engineers, and more, out in the world so they can make a difference. We hope you give your all in making this school and your family proud.Again, you are all welcome to Primal Technical College. And to our scholars, it's great to have you here."After his speech, the Dean and the Department Heads also gave their speech. Jon who was sitting at the back, kept staring at the girl he met at the mall. He wanted to talk to her, he couldn't the last time they met.He decided he would take courage and talk to her. The program lasted about two hours. Finally, Jon could introduce himself properly to the gi
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Something To Look Out For.
Eric's House;Phoebe's POV.Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I can't believe there are still people like that in this world.People who look down on people who seem small in their eyes.I swear, I wanted to throw a fist at the old man, but I saw that glare and I knew I should keep my mouth shut.Today will be the day, he would introduce me to his workers, I will be playing two roles, his Secretary and also one of the creative designers in his company.I was already up, it was seven in the morning and I made sure to get ready by then. After the incident that happened. I called Cat who was the fashionista, to help me with my clothing.I didn't have much, but for my official clothing, it was enough. I wore a black suit and black high heels. My hair was tied neatly behind me, with a little bang on my face. pink lipstick on and a cool black bag, just to look more official.He came right on time, I greeted him and Andrew, waited for him to get in the car before I did and we drove off.
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The Asian Gala
The Esplanade Park;A few hours before the show;Chang and his band were backstage preparing for the show, today would be the second big show he had held.He looked happy but inside he was sad, he didn't have the full support of his family, and everyone in the family viewed him as a failure.The black sheep of the family. He kept staring at the stage and smiled. " Hey Chang, will any of your family members come today for the show," one of his bandmates asked him."Well I did tell my dad and brother about it, but they seemed too busy, so I am guessing nobody will be coming." He answered."Tsk, that's just sad, I am not surprised, you guys will be attending the Asian Gala this year right." Said his mate.He hesitated for a second, smiled, and replied " Yeah something like that"..."Alright you have to tell us everything that happens there alright, ok let's get ready to be on fire ooo" His mate voiced out.He cheered up and followed his mate.Present...Phoebe POV.The show was slowly com
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Crazy Rich and Rude Asians.
Hours before the Asian Gala...Seoul, South Korea;At Diana's apartment, someone had just broken in. Diana just got back from her morning jogging, and she realized her door was slightly open.She carefully examined if it was a break-in or someone she knows. She got closer and sighed. She knew who was in her apartment.She entered the apartment and yelled."Mom, did you break into my apartment again? You need to stop doing that."Her mom came out of the kitchen holding a bottle of water. She was wearing a stripped blue and black dress coat and black boots.Her long straightened hair was neatly positioned behind her ear, revealing beautiful crystal earrings.She opened the bottle and drank it empty."Can't a mother come and visit her daughter? And besides I didn't break in, I let myself in" she voiced out after placing the bottle on the table."Mom, there is no difference, you let yourself in or break-in, it is still a crime to enter someone's house without asking or calling them" Diana
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I Accept The Challenge Part 1
The Asian Gala went on after the incident, but Eric had to leave before the show ended. He was full of rage, he didn't say his goodbyes to his family or Diana.Phoebe went to the house, got rid of the roses, and went back to her room. She had no expression on.She threw herself on the bed and closed her eyes. " I need to sleep," she said to herself.Andrew left with Eric to the house. He didn't speak or say anything during the trip back.They arrived, and Eric hurried in without looking back at anyone.After the show, Grandfather Hong kept quiet, he didn't speak to anyone. Philip, Chang, and their father ride in a different car.Philip said his goodbyes to his fiancee before he left with his family.Chang had to stop mid-way since his apartment wasn't close to the mansion. Philip had his own house but usually stayed in the mansion.Diana wasn't pleased with what happened. She wanted to know what was between Eric and the woman she saw at the Gala. She also left after the Hong family.T
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I Accept The Challenge Part 2
Eric's POVI am always seen as the villain, I knew I went far, I couldn't control my rage and the fact that my grandfather was there.I didn't want him to know how important Phoebe was to me. I know if I tried defending her or said anything good to her again, he would investigate her.I expected her to be angry at me but her silence makes it impossible for me to not feel guilty. The same with Andrew, he keeps talking to me like nothing happened.I heard a knock on the door. "Sir it's me, Andrew, I would like to know if you would be needing anything?" Andrew said."No I don't, you can go back to sleep, it's only five in the morning" I informed him."Yes Sir" he responded."Wait" I called him back. I wanted to ask him a few questions. "Come in Andrew, I need us to talk. Be honest with me, you are angry at me again, right? I asked him."No I am not angry at you sir, I have no right to do so" he answered."You never cared about that before, so why now?" I asked again."Sir, what do you wa
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An End To An Old Old Feeling Part 1
The Hong mansion.Grandfather Hong called Philip to his home office. "Gramps you called for me," Philip said to him.His back was facing Philip, so he turned and faced him. "Yes, it's good you're here", he said."I need you to find out who exactly that woman we saw at the meeting and the Gala is to your cousin", he added."What?" Philip was startled, he didn't understand why his grandfather would be interested in the woman unless he knew something he didn't, he thought to himself.Why? I thought she wasn't important. By the look of it, Eric didn't care about her," Philip pointed out."Don't tell me you also fell for that trick?" Gramps asked.Philip was more confused now, "what trick was he talking about, I was the one who plotted everything so??" he questioned himself."Gramps, what are you talking about? What tricks?" he asked.Grandfather Hong took his seat and sighed."Hmmm, so you did fall for it," he said to him."Did you think Eric would embarrass himself in front of everyone a
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An End To An Old Feeling Part 2
"She reminded me of you, you guys are quite similar in a sense. It was the reason I got closer to her. I was curious about how two different people could be so similar.I knew we didn't chat often, but I was watching you from afar. You were always smiling with everyone, having fun with friends, and always being active in everything.You were quite the wildling, which was similar to Evelyn." he said to me. It was a lot to take in.I started asking myself, Did he like me too? Or was he just saying something sweet to me because of his guilt? I didn't need that.It hurts so bad, I had so many questions to ask him. " if we were similar, why didn't you come and look for me? Why did you fall in love with her and not me? So many whys.My head was hurting until Evelyn showed up holding her phone with an angry face. I got nervous for a second.She got closer and showed me something on her phone. It was the article with my face on it, which was titled "The Slum Girl From Nowhere"." What is this
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Drinking never ends well. Part 1
Phoebe went home after saying her goodbyes to Mrs. Coleman, Evelyn, and Kobby.She was so tired. She needed to rest because tomorrow she had to give a presentation on the project.Andrew came by and noticed her door open. He saw her sleeping soundly.Accra, Ghana.At Ella's house, Catrine came to see her, she looked worried and agitated. When she entered the house, she quickly showed something on her phone Ella." Have you seen this?""Yes, I have. I have been trying to get to her but have had no response from her.""Call her now""Why should I call her?? When you could also do so. Besides I just told you she doesn't pick up my calls." I spoilt my phone two days ago due to anger issues.""Then what are you holding?""My mom's, she would kill me if I make calls with her phone. So no calls for me for a month. I can only browse.Ella laughed. "What is funny about this?" she asked. "Your temper" Ella answered and laughed again."Please call her," Cat says gritting herteeth.Ella took he
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Drinking Never Works Well With Me Part 2
She felt the need to continue rumbling and tell them a piece of her mind. “You think I was ok with you humiliating me in front of everyone? Do you think I like working with people who hate my guts and gossip about me when I am not around?"Your workers don't like me. They talk shit behind my back."You think I like it huh !!! Phoebe yells."You know nothing about me as I do you. I worked so hard to get to where I am now.I am not smart like you or my brother."But there is nothing I can do because, in the end, I have to provide for both my mama and brother."I am not like this, I don't just stand there and listen to people shading me."It's all because of him and so if you think I liked working on that project you are wrong."I can't pretend to be someone I am not anymore. This is me and if you all can't have me like this then I am truly not welcome here.After pouring her heart out she took her bag and left without looking back."Sir, should I follow her?" Andrew asked with a worrie
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