All Chapters of A Slave to the Kings: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
191 Chapters
Informing Soren 2
Ayla POVEven after eating, I still felt tired and asked Skyler to help me get to the door where the Garden was."Ayla, shouldn't I go in with you? To make sure you don't faint." Skyler asked worriedly."No, that's fine." I smiled. "I'll be fine. This is where Soren's energy is abundant, it'll help me recover without having to drink his blood water." I explained."All right, but let me know anything." Skyler sighed."All right, thanks." I thanked him and put my hand on the door, then stepped through the small veil there.Immediately I feel more relieved, it's like feeling that Soren is by my side. I know I can rest. I walk to our special place, after all, it's the place where I was at peace with Klaus' death and now he's alive.There are good things about Klaus not being dead, it means that the Kingdom of the Lycans and Werewolves hasn't fallen completely, and there's still a chance for it to be reclaimed... All it would take is for Klaus to win
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Your owner
Klaus POVMy body feels sore, my arms, legs and neck are heavy, and my skin feels like it's burning. I blink with difficulty, feeling my eyelids squeeze together, making it hard to open my eyes and focus on my vision.When I manage to do so, I realize that I'm lying on the floor, wearing the same clothes as when I arrived, apart from the items made from soul stones. On my wrists, there are loose handcuffs, but I can see the hole to put the chain through, and I know that they are made of silver with soul stones.It's a set Soren has just for restraining high-powered Lycans, it's what we used to restrain my father before I took his place. If I'm trapped, does that mean Soren has been corrupted?I raise my head and realize that I'm in a small room, the floor is made of plastered cement and the edges hurt my skin. I look up and see that cameras are filming me, and the temperature is lower than normal."Shit!" I said, feeling my throat rasp as my mouth was dry.
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Ayla POV I know Klaus isn't going to give up his pride any time soon, that he's going to try to pretend that everything is fine with his new status... I grinned, I can prolong this for a long time, make him think that I believe him, and in the end crush his expectations..."This is going to be fun," I said to myself. "Skyler, have them prepare a soup, with pieces of red meat, but I want some pieces to taste like chicken and others like pork."I've used this trick before, but it will work on Klaus."I bet Klaus must think that Soren works with those who wish to remove him from power." I smiled a little wider."I thought you were going to starve him," Skyler said in surprise.
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First job
Ayla POVIt's been almost 24 hours since Klaus was placed in the new room. I've carried on my day as normal, training and learning more about the society around the Vampire Court. The only difference is that I've simply stopped talking to Victor, I slept in Soren's room and haven't even been near Victor's room, even though I miss it because Soren's scent is much stronger in the other room. Besides, almost all my memories with Soren were in that room.Of course, Victor tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him and anything I needed I asked Skyler or Sebastian. The two of them are now by my side, Skyler is holding a black mask embedded with illusion magic, while Sebastian holds the silver chains.I nodded briefly and Skyler opened the door that gave access to the room where Klaus was, the smell of urine and feces was intense, and I was careful not to step in the piss that was very close to the door."What an ugly thing..." I said condescendingly. "I should make
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Ayla POVI know that, given the size of the kitchen, it will take Klaus all afternoon to finish the job, especially as he's not used to this kind of work, and I can hear the rumbling of his stomach from time to time.After a few hours, I ask them to bring my lunch, along with Skyler's and Sebastian's, and as soon as the trolley arrives, Klaus stops working, and I see him shudder, putting his hand to his stomach.The smell of hot, well-prepared food overwhelms the whole place. Skyler pushes the trolley over to one of the benches that Klaus had already cleared, and serves us our plates, nothing very sophisticated, but very appetizing, a plate of rice, with black beans, a nice piece of meat cut to the right point.Lunch was slow, after all, Skyler and Sebastian were beginning to understand my actions better, but we didn't make any unnecessary mess. As soon as we'd finished, I looked at Klaus, who was on his back, cleaning out another set of cupboards.There's
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Ayla POVAs soon as everyone was seated at the table, I began to explain my plan. At least for this dinner."I'll soon ask Sebastian to pick up Klaus and bring him some dinner... It's a relatively simple red meat soup, some pieces of which will taste like chicken and others like pork." I said calmly.Victor looked at me surprised; I'd used this technique before. He knows what it can do to someone's mind."Human meat can taste like chicken or pork, depending on your palate..." I continued.The expression on everyone's face was one of astonishment."No, I've never eaten human flesh... But there are lots of books in the library about it. I had a lot of time to read in the beginning, and I read a lot because it was my way of beginning to understand the rest of the world." I explained.I can see and feel everyone's relief."I don't just want to humiliate Klaus, I'm going to destroy him," I spoke with determination.It's the first time I've s
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Ayla POV Soren's expression is that of someone tired, but I can see in his eyes how much he loves me. Also, his hair is slightly messy, and he's wearing lighter clothes, so I know he's going to sleep. The atmosphere behind him is that of a bedroom."Soren," I called out, unable to hide the love in my voice.We stared at each other for a few seconds, just enjoying each other's company. After all, it's been a while since we've seen each other."How are things?" Soren finally said, sitting down on the bed."Look, I said I wanted to learn about the etiquette of the place..." I said with a low laugh. "But I'm starting to regret it, an annoying thing.""It's not Ayla's fav
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Ayla POV I look at the box on the bed, I know that what's inside is going to completely change how things are going to be from now on. It's something that will make Klaus give up in one fell swoop, but at the same time, I wonder if I want to go to that level.If I've learned in all these years, it's that physical torture doesn't always work, and that psychological torture is much more effective. These last few days, from the first moment I had the idea to use the soup and started paying attention to the people around me and what the justice system is like, most punishments have more to do with the mental than the physical.I put my hand to my heart because my biggest worry is what Soren will think of me if I go ahead with this plan. Even though I've given him a few hints about what's going to happen an
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Ayla POV Of course, his words must have caught the attention of Skyler and Sebastian, wanting to understand how I was linked to Klaus."Don't worry..." I said in a sweeter voiceI reached out to stroke Klaus' hair, I could feel the magic that surrounded the handcuffs that bound him, and it also showed me that he was not being so sincere. After a while, I pulled away."You can put the chains on," I said, stepping back and giving Sebastian room to approach.Klaus didn't resist physically, and it wasn't long before he was on all fours. I took the chain Sebastian handed me and started walking towards the exit. There's a guest room near here and for everything to be perfect, I need a mirror.
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Victor POV I heard the calls in my mind. What Ayla had done was completely shocking. I know she had asked Augustus for some specific things, but I never thought he would agree to something like that.“Why didn’t you try to convince her otherwise?” I asked exasperatedly.“Ayla needs to find out who she is… It’s the first time she’s dealing with power…” Augustus replied calmly. “What kind of Queen or Empress will she be?”"FUCK!" I shouted angrily. “This is no joke! Do you know how many people are asking me to handle this?”“If Ayla doesn’t realize how much this is affecting her image… There’s no point in me, o
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