All Chapters of A Slave to the Kings: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
191 Chapters
Klaus' death
Soren POV I just nodded and left the meeting room, letting the link show me where Ayla was, my feet walked through the corridors, and then I stopped in front of the door to my special Garden. I raised an eyebrow, surprised."She must know I was watching her." I heard Ishtar's voice. "Since this is a place that only you have access to, I couldn't keep up with her."I took a deep breath, I was very hurt by this. Ayla chose a place that is ours to think about someone else, someone who hurt her and treated her like dirt.'There's nothing we can do now. Just go and talk to her.' Strïth says.Although he seems calm, I also know that he feels betrayed, so I don't need to put my hand on the door, I just move closer
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Wanting to learn something new
Ayla POV   After the conversation, we spent some more hours in the garden, not exchanging a word, but immersed in our thoughts and how things will be from now on. It's terrifying to know that I'm making decisions for myself, because the weight of making mistakes is enormous, after all, some things can't be forgiven... Mistakes that can cost the lives of other beings and even cost me my own. I smiled, looking at the flowerbed of Smeraldo. After all, its meaning is very strong, the sincerity that can't be shown, it's almost a duality... After all, lies can also be a form of sincerity. "Ayla..." Soren called me, and I lifted my head from his shoulder. "I'll need to get away from the castle. I need to solve the Kingdom of the Wizards border problem. It won't be today or tomorrow, but probably within the
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Smell of Blood
Ayla POV I was led to one of the kitchens not far away and soon the lesson began. I didn't find it very difficult, especially as it was a matter of following the instructions. The teacher even complimented me, saying that I had a talent for cooking, but I found it simple because there was a recipe and all I had to do was follow it.Of course, according to her, it's also a question of feeling, but I don't think I've reached that point yet, because it's very easy for me to follow instructions, as I've been doing it for most of my life.In the end, there's a breakfast prepared, and I'm happy that I managed to make everything, starter, main course and a dessert. It's nothing very sophisticated, but I'm certainly very happy with the result.Then they showed me h
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Ayla POV Once again, I changed my clothes and went with Victor to the training room. Soren had left with Ishtar, probably to check on the issue of the smell of blood. Which gave me great concern, as I hadn't thought about it yet."Victor..." I called out to him as I watched him tidy up for the start of training. "Soren's a vampire... Doesn't he need to feed?"I'd never seen Soren take blood and the few times he'd come into contact with my blood, he'd practically lost control."He does, but not as much as the others," Victor replied, finishing the route with a rope. "Since he found you, his body has also changed... He's much more accepting of human food.""But he's going to a place where he'll probably have to fi
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Leaving 1
Ayla POV - Three days later Over the past three days, I've learned a lot, especially about the castle's secret passages. My plan to go to an emptier place didn't work out, as I still had the feeling that I was being watched, but we didn't meet anyone who went together every day.Of course, Soren and Victor became even more worried and now not only Skyler accompanies me, but also Sebastian and that's good because I'm making the two of them stay together.I've learned that the two of them like each other, but because they come from different houses, it's a complicated relationship. Skyler is one of Charlotte's daughters and Sebastian is one of Isaac's sons, the problem is that Sebastian is not pure blood, but a turned one. Even though Skyler isn't next in line to take over Charlotte's position, she's sti
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Leaving 2
Ayla POV I open my eyes, sighing, still hugging Soren, even though I know we have to get up because he's leaving soon, I still don't want to leave his arms."Good morning, Ayla," Soren said, and I snuggled a little closer into his arms."Good morning, Soren," I replied.Soren turned me over and kissed me. We kept our eyes open, making our connection even stronger. I can feel his emotions resonating inside me, just as I can see them in his eyes.I let all my love overflow in that kiss, I opened my heart, my mind and my soul to Soren. Trusting him completely. When the kiss ended, we were both out of breath."I'll be back as soon as possible," Soren whispered, and I nodded.We got up and the whole showering and changing part was harmonious, as it usually is, and we didn't exchange physical words, but in our minds. In the end, he's wearing a black dress suit with red and gold details, while I'm wearing a red dress with gold and black details.His suitcase ha
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Note: Guys, this chapter might be a bit confusing, it has two POVs. Ayla POV Soon after we finished breakfast, we went to the heliport. Ishtar had just done the spell and I could feel the magic of the place on my skin. I have to take a deep breath and open my lips because it's heavy.Soren put his arm around my waist, letting his aura envelop me, making the sensation of magic-less. Charlotte and the rest of the staff were already entering.Three helicopters have been prepared, all of them are armed, and the guards are also carrying weapons. I know that Soren is also carrying a weapon, but he didn't tell me what it was.Isaac is going in one of the helicopters, Charlotte in another and Soren in the
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Victor POV "You have access to Soren's safe, don't you?" Ayla asked me.I swallowed, trembling. This situation is surreal."I do," I answered through my teeth.Ayla crossed her arms, I could tell she was annoyed."Really?" She asked. "Do you think I'm going to betray Soren? That after everything he's done for me, I'm going to betray him? Is that what you think of me? That I'm just a whore? That I'm going to run into the arms of someone who tortured and abused me just because he's not dead?"Every question is a blow to my chest."I wasn't in that room for 10 minutes! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?" Ayla shouts.
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The Escape
Note: This chapter is in a different chronological order Klaus POV - Hoff wasn't happy about me selling the slave to the vampires, but I couldn't leave her in his hands.He was one of the few who knew that the slave had been my mate, and if others found out it would be an almost endless fight. After all, I'm the King, I can't have a slave for a mate, no matter how proud she was, how perfect she smelled... How perfect she was.But she was only perfect in my eyes, I let Hoff torture her for longer, simply because it would make him happier, and it showed me how strong she was and that's why I couldn't leave her in the hands of any werewolf, because I know they would use her against me.Even after Ghos
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Informing Soren
Ayla POV Everything I went through to make peace with Klaus' death was practically in vain, after all, he's not dead. I had to pull myself together as quickly as possible, unable to assimilate my feelings, but wondering what I should do.Soren didn't know about Klaus yet, so I put my feelings on him. I know he got suspicious, but I had to control myself before anything else. Then, when I met Victor, he treated me as if I had cheated on Soren.That was a blow straight to my chest, after everything I'd been through... Victor thought I was going to betray them.I couldn't control my anger and I just exploded, and now I don't even want to see Victor's face anymore. Just being near him makes me angry, and I don't want to feel that way... So I'm just going to do
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