All Chapters of A Slave to the Kings: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
191 Chapters
Choosing an outfit 1
Ayla POV Soren takes me to his closet, which is as big as the living room, and I notice that it has all kinds of clothes and shoes, half of which are men's clothes and the other half women's clothes."I'm buying things little by little, as I've seen your evolution and the style of clothes you're wearing," Soren explained."You have a lot of money," I commented. I knew Alpha Julius was rich, but never to the level I'm seeing."I've been alive for many years, I have a good tax system and I make good investments," Soren explained and then led me to my part so that I could decide what I wanted to wear."Got it..." I looked at the prom dresses hanging, they were beautiful. "I'd like to wear one of these." I pointed a
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Choosing an outfit 2
Ayla POV "Um... So I'll be able to do the same as you?" I asked, smiling mischievously."Hehe, do you think you'll be able to keep your concentration?" Soren asked, stroking my cheek.I twisted my mouth and slapped him lightly."Boring!" I said and heard him laughing."But you had fun, didn't you?" He then sat down next to me.I took the opportunity to lean closer to him and let my head rest on his shoulder."Yes! I loved it!" I answered truthfully and gave a low chuckle. "If all my lessons with you are like this, I might end up addicted."I intertwined my fingers with his. Th
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Soren POV Listening to Ayla's every word made my blood boil. Strïth wants to declare war on Klaus, he wants to destroy him, and we're already regretting giving him the information about the conspiracy against him. I want him dead... No, not just dead... I want to see him suffer before he dies, for him to feel the despair that Ayla felt.In the end, I can feel a warmth spreading through my heart as I listen to her say what I did, but I did nothing beyond what is expected of a person, of a man, of a King, of an Emperor... For that is what I am, an Emperor."Ayla, don't ever expect less than that... From anyone, because that's the least that anyone, being, needs to do." I said and hugged her a little tighter, then let go."I promise!" Ayla said and smiled
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Complicated emotions
Soren POV "I'm sorry, my Emperor." Isaac's voice is shaky and I can feel his shame and how he regrets what he said. "I... I thought we were still allied with Klaus, since there's been no official announcement..."I took a few deep breaths because I knew Isaac was right and I needed to think rationally about all this."That's something I'm not going to announce yet," I said, but I couldn't keep all the anger I felt out of my voice. "Only you know about this, and I want you to keep it a secret. I have my plans for Klaus."Yes, I'll get revenge on Ayla, Klaus will still be kneeling in front of me begging for forgiveness, knowing that he's nothing but a plaything in my hands. I don't care who takes his place with the werewolves, because my goodwill towards them
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The first fight
Ayla POV I loved talking to Charlotte about what happened between me and Soren, how our connection is, and how free I feel. She told me that my evolution was going very well and that she agreed that I should start walking around the castle more so that people could see the difference between the old Ayla and the new one.Then, after our conversation, she told me that Skyler was already waiting for me, and it didn't take long for the girl to enter. Her expression was solemn, but she soon approached."I'm sorry, I should have protected you!" Skyler said."It's okay... People have already been punished, just like you." I said and smiled."I'll never make that mistake again! Don't worry." Skyler said.
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The tower
Ayla POV "I don't know if I want to be Queen or Empress, but I do know that right now I'm your lover, I'm your mate and I don't care if people know it!" I sighed. "Honestly, it won't make much difference if they think I'm with you or Victor, or both... Either way, I'll be a target."Strïth took a while to answer, he's thinking about everything I've said and what he knows. I haven't invaded his mind or tried to sense his emotions, "All right..." Strïth spoke after a few minutes and gave me a light kiss on the lips. "But we need to keep the situation that you're in with Victor and me.""Why?" I asked because I wanted to understand the situation."So that people see that your position is privileged
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Interview 1
Ayla POV Isaac approached the cell, but I held his hand, I knew that should make the door open. They looked at me, probably thinking I'd changed my mind."I have a plan," I said and looked at Soren."What do you mean?" Isaac asked strangely."Do you trust me?" I asked Soren."Of course!" He answered immediately."Right." I turned to Victor. "How many people are we questioning?""We're detaining five people," Victor answered me. I know he's surprised too, but he's curious to know what I'm going to do."Got it, one of them is a pregnant woman," I said quietly. "So I need five me
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Interview 2
Ayla POV   "Once Julian decided to have a competition... He selected several slaves and then put them in separate cells, much like this one, only made of pure stone, with silver and wolfsbane on the walls, there was no place to sleep other than the floor, let alone a vase." I smiled wryly... Nadia had even stopped eating, but she ate a lot. "I was 'lucky' to be selected. The competition was who could go the longest without eating or drinking..." I finished my plate and left it on the trolley. "They left us there, abandoned, but there were cameras to watch our 'progress'..." I approached the left wall and leaned against it, smiling. "I can say that I won that competition, after all, I'd learned early on that you can't be proud when you're very hungry... I
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Central courtyard
Ayla POV   It took a few hours before the door to Nadia's cell was finally opened, we entered, and I could see the woman holding her baby wrapped in a stained white cloth, there's blood all over the bed and a little on the floor, but she didn't look that badly hurt. There's blood on Isaac too, but he's a little further away, so I approach her. "Nadia," I called her name and saw her look at me, afraid. "I need to take the child." "He's perfect!" Nádia spoke in a string of voices, between happiness and sadness. "If I could, I would have chosen differently." "We can't change the past," I spoke calmly and sat down on the bed next to her, but without trying to pick up the baby. 
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Ayla POV The trio positioned themselves in the middle of the hall so that everyone could see what was going on."As you all know, I tend to be a ruler who respects individual thought and who always tries to do the best for my subjects." Soren began to speak, his voice resonating throughout the courtyard, and I knew that everyone inside the castle must be listening."I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes." His voice becomes a little serious. "That's why you have Victor and James, so you can contact them if you have any complaints about me."Victor's aura gets a little stronger."If one day I die, then it will be Victor who replaces me, and you all knew it... Which means that Victor has a power as great as mine." S
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