All Chapters of A Slave to the Kings: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
191 Chapters
Red eyes
Ayla POV I woke up in Soren's arms and leaned a little closer to him, taking in his scent and loving it."Good morning, beautiful," Soren said, his voice husky, and I let out a low moan.Does he know what he's doing to me? That alone made me shiver and want more.Soren gave a low laugh."Excited, are you?" He asked and I lifted my head to confirm.I can feel his hand running up the side of my body and I can already feel my body heating up, I let out another low moan, just to tease him and I see his eyes getting darker."Ayla..." Soren whispered my name and brought his lips close to mine, without looking away. "If you only
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Interview 1
Soren POV We finished breakfast and I gave Ayla a soft kiss on the lips."Have a nice day, my love," I said, and Ayla smiled."You too." She then opened the door.Victor soon followed.I quickly went towards the room Victor had indicated earlier and saw Ishtar leaning against the door, fiddling with her cell phone, and then I looked away from her to see Charlotte appearing in the corridor on the other side. She was expecting something like this, I could see it in her expression.I opened the door for her to pass through and saw the symbols glowing, and soon three wires were coming out of the center of her chest, one black, which linked her to me, one yellowish with a
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Interview 2
Soren POV Charlotte stood up, finished cleaning her ears, and then looked at me one last time before bowing and leaving the room.Ishtar is staring at me intently."Strïth, you're full of tricks." I heard the female voice echo.Strïth shrugged, without answering."Are you all right?" I asked.  "Aren't you too tired?" I asked."A little, you all have very strong auras," Ishtar replied, taking a flask from her pocket and drinking it, and I saw her energy improve. A simple healing potion. "But we can move on."I nodded and walked towards the door and opened it. Isaac was standing there, with the same expressio
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Information about the Kingdoms
Ayla POV - A week later I'm looking out of the window, the night has just begun and yet the Castle hasn't been slept in, so now seeing the movement of people downstairs, I remember the times when I woke up early to work and went to bed late, sometimes I couldn't sleep at all.But here, in the Castle, the employees have a work schedule and this wing is pretty empty, and I understand, they want to protect me. Besides, it's really easy to talk to Charlotte, because she knows I'm Soren's mate.So we always discuss this question of how I feel and how I'm progressing and the division of things to do during the day is very balanced, in the morning I train for three hours then I have 30 minutes of rest and I go to my subjects class to continue my academic studies and in the afternoon I train with Ishtar.
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Surrender 1
Ayla POV Soren then stood up, taking me with him. He put his hands on my ass and brought me over to the bed, carefully placing me there. His hands went to my thigh, underneath the nightgown I was wearing, and began to move upwards, gently caressing my skin.I arched my back, feeling my skin shiver, while our gazes never wavered. I bit my lower lip, because I know he loves it, then let out a low, provocative moan.Soren moved his hands a little higher, and I briefly lifted my ass off the bed so that he could pull my shirt over me. As soon as he reached my belly, he began to run his fingernails along it, making me shiver even more.I can already feel my body reacting, and I start to get wet. The feeling that I need more starts to grow as soon as he gets to my
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Surrender 2
Ayla POV Soren pushes his fingers inside me a little harder, and I let out a louder moan and pull back the sheet. The wet sound that has begun to echo joins my moans as I feel the pressure in my lower abdomen increase.He's not being gentle, and I love it. My waist moves instinctively, bucking and thrusting against his fingers, making my pleasure grow even more. I pulled the sheet up to my lips and let out a muffled cry, feeling the pressure inside me explode and my body contract."Have you come already?" Soren asked, teasingly, in that cocky tone that only he has.He pulled his fingers out of me and then turned me around and put his fingers to my lips. I immediately started licking and sucking, to clean off all the liquid that was on his hand.
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Surrender 3
Ayla POV When I come back to reality, my body is limp, and I'm out of strength, I feel the vibrator has come out, and I'm in Soren's arms, he's stroking my hair, cradling me, I can feel my face wet from the tears I've shed."That... That was... Intense..." I managed to stammer out.Soren gave a low chuckle."It was, my dear." Soren held my face and gave me a delicate kiss, intertwining our tongues calmly, while I continued to catch my breath.I wrapped my hands around his neck and surrendered to his gentle caresses. I feel so blessed to have someone like him as my mate and I let all that feeling pass through this kiss and I know he can feel my emotions resonating inside him.
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 Soren POV As soon as Ayla agreed to spend the night with me, I sent a message to Victor, telling him to stay away until dawn, and that's what my friend did.The night with Ayla was wonderful, I couldn't have asked for anything better, the way she gave herself to me, how we communicated... Everything fell into place perfectly, and in the end, we fell asleep in each other's arms.When I woke up I felt Ayla's body was very cold. At the same time as she was shivering, unconsciously I covered her and I was also practically on top of her, trying to warm her with my own body."Fuck!" I cursed.Ayla has always been very sensitive to changes in Auras, and I just didn't think she'd have such a heavy reaction
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 Ayla POV My whole body is aching, my head is throbbing, and I just don't want to open my eyes, I'm starting to have lapses of something that seems to be memories.I clung to Soren, begging him to help me, to take me, while he just held me and whispered that it was going to be okay.I was trying to hold onto his sex, but he was holding my hands and I could see tears in his eyes. How much it was hurting him...I remember trying to bite him several times, but Soren held my face and wouldn't let me.There were many other situations when my body was burning with need and at the same time as begging, I was relieved that he held on.Parts of me know that my ac
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Ayla POV I already thought Victor's room was large and full of luxury, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw. Soren's room is truly a king's bedroom.There is a lot of gold, silver and jewels inlaid on the walls, the furniture is made of solid wood and marble... The marble on the walls is carved, and the designs are painted in special paints, as well as some carvings with precious stones.I moved closer to him, feeling out of place, but Soren just kept walking calmly and led me into the room itself, where there was a gigantic bed with a canopy in shades of black, dark red and gold. There are shelves with books, and statues and I can feel the power of some soul stones, their hearts are beating, and I turn my face away."They serve as protection," Soren explai
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20 Protection Status