All Chapters of Saved by Alpha Logan : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
119 Chapters
Chapter 91
“You okay?” I ask. He says nothing just stares out the window before driving off again. As we near the city border, I see my brothers car on the side of the road.“Is that your brother?” He asks looking out the window. I roll my window down peering out just in time to witness Clan jump out of the car and see Arial dart into the paddock they were parked next to.“Get your ass back here you brat, I am going to fucking kill you,”“Everything good?” I ask with a chuckle.“She put a photo on my Facebook and changed my fucking password” He calls back.“At least now you don’t look so fugly, think of all the dudes you will pull now” I hear her scream from somewhere in the darkness.“Janet ! Fix it you bitch” He bellows stalking off into the paddock to hunt her down.“Should we make sure he doesn’t kill her, like I am all for her getting her ass beat but not keen on your mother killing me for allowing it?” Lucas asks.“No, she can handle him” I tell him,Clan may be bigger and scarier, but she
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Chapter 92
“Lucas get control of your mutt, or I will leash him” I warn him and Titus growls menacingly the car veering. I see his eyes flicker Lucas trying to reign him.“Don’t speak to me like that Hazel , you started this when you deliberately tried to hurt Logan ” Titus growls.“No, you fucking started it when you allowed Lucas to reject me, now pull over Titus” I snap reaching for the wheel when he grabs my hand. The car slams to a stop as I see Lucas trying to fight against him. What the fuck was going on? Why was his wolf stronger then him? I watch Lucas hop out before cursing.“You need to calm down Hazel , your anger is affecting our wolves” Lucas says making me look at him as he climbs in the car.“What?”“You forget us marking you makes us stronger, your emotions are affecting our wolves because you are angry, I can feel it now, so stop” He says gripping his hair in frustration.“How the fuck is that my fault, I have a right to be angry, you fucking marked me without permission”“Haze
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Chapter 93
Hazel’sThe drive back to Logan’s was met with complete and utter silence. Lucas was seething with everything that happened, about Titus and how betrayed Logan must have felt for him to take over. I just couldn’t wait to get out of the car and away from him. His words cut deeply, he didn’t want me he made sure that was clear. When we pulled through the gates and drove to the house Logan was sitting on the porch steps his head in hands.Logan looks up as the car pulls into the driveway before getting up from where he was sitting. I open the car door, the torns seats and the stuffing spilling onto the ground as I hop out.“Is Titus right, was it you that went to sever the bond?” Logan asks, his body trembling in rage. I say nothing because now I could truly see how bad of a decision that was, I wasn’t helping Logan I was destroying him. His next words confirmed my thoughts.“Two years Hazel , two fucking years I waited for you. Then you decide to sever our bond?” He asks, shaking his he
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Chapter 94
"You chose her over me, you stopped me from"-"What was I supposed to let you hurt my sister?"" You know that's not possible Hazel , she is immortal but at least if I challenged her my pack wouldn't think me weak, you chose her, chose family over the bond"You're a hypocrite, you did the same thing Lucas , you chose your father “" Yes but at least I was going to choose you, you never even hesitated when it came to her. You just upped and left and accepted my rejection like it meant nothing to you and after Avalon City I now know it never did" He says before walking upstairs leaving me in the kitchen. Everything has turned to shit, nothing turning out the way it should, though I never expected any of this I thought maybe we could at least put it past us.Walking upstairs I head to the spare room and flop on the bed and go to sleep.Waking up the next morning both of them were gone, I didn’t even hear them leave and neither bothered to let me know but one thing was clear, they both de
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Chapter 95
Hazel One week laterLogan and I hadn’t heard from Lucas in a week, his phone not even ringing just going straight to voicemail. Logan wasn’t talking to me and I had heard from no one, not a soul. The house is becoming lonely. Logan always left before I got up in the morning and always came home after I went to bed. It was like living with a flat mate you never see because you work opposite shifts. On the seventh day, my depression came back in full swing so I decided to go see the pack doctor. Sitting in the waiting room I wait for my name to be called. A woman walked out with a noteboard in her hand, she had long blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose as she looked down at the notepad before calling my name.Standing up, I followed her to her room sitting in the cold green seat next to her desk as she looked at my file.“What can I help you with Luna?” She asks.“I need a script for pristiq” I tell her.She looks at my file before loo
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Chapter 96
“Stay awake Lana, and ” Logan says tapping my face.“I can feel them” I mutter, regret kicking in as I feel myself slipping into darkness.Logan grabs me pressing my face into his neck, my body heavy and going limp before running his claws down his skin, I could smell his blood, feel it on my face.“Feed Hazel ” Logan says frantically, his hand in my hair.“If not for me, for them” He whispers but even feeding felt like too much of a struggle, my body to heavy to move when I feel Elias' hand move under my face pulling my head back, he runs his hand across Logan 's neck before jamming his blood coated fingers in my mouth. Elias fingers moving in my mouth before I feel my fangs slip out and he jerks his hand back. A growl escaping me as a primal urge kicks in and I sink my teeth into Logan’s neck.Logan flinches holding me there and I feel Elias grab my arms. “She is healing” I hear him murmurs before my surroundings become clearer,everything sharpening while I feed on him.Hazel Three
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Chapter 97
“Do you worry about him?” I ask. He nods before sitting up on one elbow looking down at me.“His decision to leave, he did that, that’s his loss. He knew what he was leaving behind, so yes I worry but nothing we can do about it. He will come back when he is ready or not at all. I can live with that” Logan says. I think over his words, he was right Lucas left knowing I was carrying his children, so that is on him. He chose not to be a part of their lives so I won’t force him.“We need to start getting baby stuff soon” I tell him and his face lights up.“And pick names” He says,“I will pick one and you can pick the other” I tell him and he smiles down at me, his excitement infectious and I find myself smiling back at him.“Stop smiling like that you’re creeping me out” I tell him and he drops his face into the crook of my neck inhaling deeply.“You need to stop eating bugs bunny, I can smell it on you”“You offering?”“Always” he says, pulling back. I lean up kissing him, he freezes fo
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Chapter 98
"What are their names?" I ask curiously."That you would also know if you were there when they were born" he says simply. I sigh before jumping in the water, the cool water soothing the ache of my muscles. I wash my face and realise how long my hair was and how filthy I am." May I ask why you are so far from your pack?""Only if you tell me why you left my sister"" I don't know why, because I didn't want to admit I was wrong" I tell him not having a reason that would be good enough to explain, me walking out on them."Hazel tried to kill herself after you left, and she and Logan are doing good. They are a proper family, word of advice"" What's that?"" If you choose to go back I would think twice about leaving again, her mate or not I will kill you""Noted" I nod my head."So why are you here?"" I used to come here with her," he says."Who Hazel ?"" No my mate"" Your mate? Where is she then?""Dead, I killed her?" He says like she meant nothing to him yet why was he here. His an
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Chapter 99
"So you're going back?" He asks when I say nothing, like what do you say to that, the horrors he suffered and inflicted."I could always make you" he says “but honestly I don't believe you deserve them""Do you deserve a second chance mate?" I ask, his tone irritating me." If the goddess granted me one, she wouldn't be trusted easily. That's if I let her live, I don't need a mate. They make you weak, blind you and in my position I can't afford weakness" he says."How did you do it, survive after I mean?""I never marked her, Avery took the remnants of the bond away""Huh she would do that for you but not me"" Aamon and I are best friend's, for over a decade when my father introduced us. Avery knew what she was capable of""How so?""Because she saw it" He says, getting up and dusting his pants off."Come I have spare clothes, I will shout you lunch and later maybe beat some sense into you"I stayed with Clan for a few more hours, not that I had much choice, he could literally comman
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Chapter 100
“I let you in, whatever baggage from the past gets left at this fucking gate, you don’t bring your problems with you, we have started over I won’t have you bring us back down. So you need to choose because I can tell you right now Hazel won’t put up with your shit not no more, not now that we have kids”“There mine too Logan” I tell him.“Really? because where the fuck were you when they born? Where were you when Hazel tried to kill herself, they don’t know you and I sure as hell won't allow you to come and go as you please, or when you feel like being a dad” He says. Guilt smashing into me violently.“I don’t want to disturb anything, I just want to see them”“Well that’s up to Hazel ” Logan says before walking off. I wait wondering if I should follow him, wondering if I was allowed to.“Leave your problems at the gate Lucas or don’t come with me” He calls over his shoulder. I let out a breath before following him, Titus in my head wagging his tail, he wanted to come home for a while
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