All Chapters of Saved by Alpha Logan : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
119 Chapters
Chapter 81
“Why Avalon City?” He asks curiously, so he had heard of it then.“Apparently it is nice there” Clan scoffs, shaking his head.“It is nice but it’s not safe for you to be wandering around in that city” He says“How so?”“Humans here have only just learnt of our kind, Avalon City is different the entire city is filled with nightwalkers and everything else. Humans there were raised amongst them, the city has wards bordering off each section, any human leaves they forget about the place, the place is literally crawling with supernatural’s” He says.“Oh I didn’t know that” I said thoughtful.“You really want to go?” He asks and I nod but now the thought also scared me a little.“Fine you can go, but mum is right, I need to get out of here for a bit, I am coming with you”“No, no we were having a girls weekend” I lie but he sees straight through it when my heartrate increases, he raises and eyebrow staring me down.“Now I am intrigued because I know you’re lying to me, either I am coming a
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Chapter 82
“He helped Beta’s mother band together the rogues that Kade used to attack the Crescent Pack but wait Hazel ” He says as I go to jump up horrified.“He didn’t know and was trying to help his father, that’s what made him hesitant to challenge his father, thought he owed him for covering up for him”“Well, if that’s true why beat him up” I demand to know.“He is lucky he only got away with a few broken bones, I wanted to kill him” He says making bile rise in my throat.“What, why would you do that Clan , he is my mate”“Was your mate Hazel , and that’s exactly why I did it, he should have known better then to hurt my sister, he is alive so stop overreacting he will heal, now get out, go pack we leave in an hour”Hazel’s I sat in the front with my brother on the trip there, Janet sat in the back, said she wanted to be out of grabbing reach of Clan who growled at her as she hopped in the car. The trip took hours and by the time we got to the border of the city I was spent and just wanted
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Chapter 83
“Yeah because we aren’t together anymore Logan , you have Lucas ”“Yeah but I want you and Lucas isn’t talking to me either, can you come home, we can figure this out”“I am not coming home, and don’t lie to me. I know you were with Lucas the other day could feel you together, you know how much that shit hurts?” my voice sounding louder then I had hoped.“Hazel , I haven’t seen Lucas since you left”“Bullshit” I tell him about to hang up on him when my brother clears his throat making my eyes dart to him.“That’s my fault Hazel ” Clan says.“No Clan you didn’t make them sleep together” I tell him, and I hear Logan growl on the other end of the phone.“Hazel, I haven’t been with Lucas , I wouldn’t do that not without you” Tate says and I could feel confusion leaking into me through this god damn bond.“My fault, I didn’t think it would hurt you just Logan ” Clan says.“What’s he talking about?” Logan asks me.I place the phone on loudspeaker handing it to Clan . Clan drinks another bot
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Chapter 84
“I am only tipsy, not drunk so be a good little sister and go down and fetch more from the bar downstairs” Clan tells her.“You don’t think you drank enough?” She asks.“Just stop whining and go” He tells her before reaching in his pocket and giving her his credit card. She growls before taking it from him and walking out the door.“I know what we can do tomorrow, I will take you to meet someone she is pretty nice but also a little scary, you can ask her about your mates” Clan says making me sit up or at least try to.“Who and where” I ask.“Avery, she is the city’s regent, she is usually at her apothecary shop on the east side”“What do you mean she is scary” I ask.“because she is not just a witch, you will see tomorrow. We can go after lunch” He says and I yawn before nodding. We sit in silence for a bit waiting for Janet to come back.“Clan ?”“yeah”“What did she say about your mate?” He says nothing but rolls over facing me on his bed and I notice how sad he looks.“Is that why
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Chapter 85
“Huh, what are you talking about?” I ask forcing myself up to lean on the headboard.“You can’t fix anything, I can’t fix anything. She is dead Lana, I killed her” He says before storming out of the room leaving me shocked. Did he just say he killed his own mate? Janet walks in just as he opens the door running into her. He looks down before growling at her and snatching the bottle from her hand.“Wait Clan where are you going?”“To see a friend, don’t leave the room” He says walking off. Clan comes in closing the door looking at me questionably.“What just happened?” She asks.“I.. I can’t tell you”“Are you for real, of course you can you’re my sister” She says throwing her arms up.“Not this Janet l, I definitely can’t tell you this” I say closing my eyes.‘He is gay isn’t he, loves the cock. I knew it, fucking knew it”“He isn’t gay Janet ”“Well until you tell me what’s going on, I am just going to assume he like it up the ass” She says flopping on her bed.“Finally, can watch wh
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Chapter 86
The streets were bustling with people, and people sat at the tables and chairs enjoying the outdoors. Quite different from the dark gloomy streets of where the hotel was. Looking at the store we parked out the front of, I could see soaps and homemade goods all bottled neatly and packaged to catch the eye of passers-by. Walking to the door, I push on it a little bell signalling customers had arrived goes off. Incense burning my nose the instant I walked in. So strong I could taste it. A woman in her twenties was sitting at the counter, she looked up as we entered.Like the man in the elevator, she had the same eerie feel to her, though the dominance radiating out her was strong, so strong I could tell we came to the right place. Her auburn hair hanging loosely down her back, green sparkling eyes watching us with curiosity.Janet looks at me nervously nudging me forward and I hadn’t realised we had both stopped in the centre of the store.She leans back in her chair before hopping up and
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Chapter 87
So you wont break the bond I take it?”“That is correct, but your journey wasn’t wasted. Janet has a message to deliver to your mother now”“But I can’t live like this, I can’t keep feeling them, please I will pay you” I tell her not wanting to take no for answer.“The choice is out of my hands Hazel , I only meddle when I have to. I don’t like going against the fates, I also don’t want to piss of your brother who will be here in 3 minutes” She says.“3 minutes?” She nods.“You will want to move your chair over he is in a fit of rage, but don’t mind it ends in a good laugh” She says her eyes sparkling as she smiles looking to the door next to me. I shuffle over in my seat.“Bit more, best to be safe in your condition” She says making my head snap to her. Was something wrong with me? My condition? She had a mischievous grin on her face.“Congratulations, your having twins, perfect pigeon pair” She says. My mouth opens and closes like a fish, gobsmacked by her words.“What?”“Your two w
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Chapter 88
“Though that colour lipstick doesn’t really suit you, should have went with red” Aamon says with a chuckle.“You knew and let me walk all the way here looking like an idiot” Clan growls at him.“I think it suits you, you go girlfriend” Aamon says giving him a thumbs up. “I’d do you” He says sending him a wink. Clan growls lowly. “You’re so dead, I am going to kill you Janet l” He bellows. Janet points to me and I roll my eyes. Clan steps forward. Ava walks over placing her hand on his arm and he relaxes.“this isn’t over” He says glaring at us, but I couldn’t help but snicker. He grabs some tissues wiping it off smudging it everywhere though the lipstick doesn’t budge.“You’re right it is far from over, in fact Hazel I would rather you go outside. My store doesn’t need to be destroyed” Avery says making everyone look at her as she ushers me toward the door.“What is going on?” I ask.“Janet want to chime in here” Avery asks. I look over my shoulder and she turns away guiltily.“I’m so
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Chapter 89
Lucas growls my eyes darting him only to find he was a lot closer, within grabbing distance.“Mine” He growls before grabbing me, his canines protruding and sinking into my neck as he holds me against him. I scream as his teeth slice straight over Logan’s mark, forcing the bond he rejected before I feel his canines retract and he runs his tongue over the fresh mark making me moan.“You’re not leaving me now”“I can always reject you back Lucas ” I spit at him before slapping him across the face. He rubs his cheek his eyes darkening.“Now you’re angry, lets have it then give it your best shot Hazel ” He says, and I feel rage build up in me, before swinging at him. My fist connecting with his jaw. He chuckles.“That it?” He asks stepping forward.“Lucas !” I warn him. He pushes my shoulders making step back.“Come on Hazel , get mad, show me who the real Alpha is” He mocks stepping forward and shoving my shoulders again. I growl at him, my vision turning red.“Stop Lucas ” I scream shov
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Chapter 90
“So stubborn” She mutters rubbing her temples.“Get in the car Hazel , he will follow you home and shit hits the fan if he does” She says.“All this drama, drama drama, you owe me new windows” She says pointing to Lucas he nods before his eyes snap to me.“Come Hazel ” He says tugging on my arm.“Will you stop, you ain’t my keeper, now fuck off I have to go home to give a message to my mother anyway” I tell him shaking his hand off.“No Janet will be delivering the message, I am sorry about this Hazel ”“About what?” I ask confused.“Grab her, she isn’t going to go willingly, and I like my door” She says.Lucas grabs me and I throw my head back and he grunts before I see Aamon opens the passenger door. Lucas shoving me in before Aamon grabs my face. His eyes turning black, and I feel this strange sensation roll over me, every muscle in my body relaxing.“Stop fighting them” He says, and the idea suddenly seems very reasonable, and I find myself nodding. The car starts and he lets go t
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