All Chapters of ALPHA KODIAK'S REVENGE : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
110 Chapters
Kodiak Deals With His Grandmother In His Own Way.
The pack priestess was taken aback when she heard her grandson's words. His face was twisted with anger and hatred, and she could sense that something terrible had happened. Despite her strong intuition, she hesitated to investigate further as she didn't want to upset her grandson even more. So she simply sighed and told him, “Although you are the alpha of the pack, we both know that you do not hold the power to remove me from my position. So stop speaking nonsense, Kodiak.”"Grandmother, you know me well. My words always hold weight," Kodiak said, his voice laced with authority. "You have three days to step down with honor from the position of pack priestess, or be prepared to face the consequences for your actions." The priestess felt a knot in her stomach as she realized the gravity of the situation. She knew that Kodiak was not one to make threats lightly, and she feared what would happen if she didn't comply.“But what did I do so wrong for you to demand such a thing from me?!”
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Vivian Finds Reconciliation and Love In Her Heart.
Vivian sat on the bare floor of her room, amidst a pile of cardboard boxes. Her once beautiful face was now stained with tears that streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't let her emotions get in the way of her efficiency. With determined movements, she packed away her belongings, almost clearing the entire room in a short time.Ever since the day she broke up with Knox, the only man she had ever truly loved with all her heart, Vivian had secluded herself in her house, unable to face the outside world. She tried to bury her pain and suffering by cleaning the house and engaging in other activities, but nothing could ease the heartbreak she was going through right now.As she was about to stack the boxes she had gathered on top of one another, a sudden sound jolted her from her thoughts. The doorbell rang loudly, echoing throughout the living room. She wiped her tears and composed herself before coming out of the room to go and check who was at the door.Vivian was taken aback when she
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A Conversation Gone Wrong Between Mates.
Anna couldn't believe how fast time had flown by. It was early dawn, and she was already pacing back and forth in her room, feeling anxious and restless. The sleepless nights had been getting worse ever since her mate left her alone in the house. As she started her morning exercise routine, she happened to glance at the calendar on the wall and realized that the duel was only three days away. Although the maids and guards had told her that he frequently asked about her well-being, she was still unsatisfied that he hadn't called her personally. She stopped in her tracks and looked at the wall clock, wondering if he was awake at this hour. She couldn't help but worry about him since no one knew Hunter's whereabouts which was why she had taken safety measures to protect herself and her baby by in the house despite her yearning to go outside. Anna couldn't hold back her anxious feelings any longer. She rushed to her bedside table and picked up her phone to dial her husband's number. Aft
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An Unpleasant Surprise Arrives At Home.
Zayn's voice trailed off at the other end of the line, leaving a few seconds of silence before he asked his brother again with a hint of surprise in his tone. "You can still feel the bond between us?"Kodiak confirmed this, running his hand through his tousled hair with exhaustion. "Yes, the connection is faint, but it's still there."The Great Landmark was full of mysteries that could not be explained, one of which was the twin bond between their wolves. Kodiak and Zayn had grown up with a bond that was as strong as a mating bond, ever since they were young children. This bond had allowed Zayn to protect and heal his younger brother after their father died, but it had weakened over time when Zayn formed a mating bond with his former mate for the first time.“I didn't think you would be able to,” Zayn chuckled drily. “But if you visit me now, what will happen to your duel?”“I will return to the pack on time. Stay there and don't even think about running away.” Kodiak ended the call a
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The Duel Begins.
After staying in the Frost Fang pack for two days, Alpha Kodiak stood in the room watching the Frost Fang pack physician examine his brother once more after he had transferred some of his wolf's energy to Zayn who weakly laid on the bed. The doctor checked him once more before he put away his stethoscope and informed them, "His condition has been stabilized now, but he will need lots of bed rest for his fractured bones to heal, and he shouldn't overexert himself working from home." "What about his scars?" Kodiak pointed at the long, jagged slash across his twin's face, frowning at the blemish that had now ruined his brother's handsome face. He couldn't help but blame himself for not being there when his brother needed him the most. Maybe it was because he had witnessed Zayn beating people up rather than getting beat up so he thought he would naturally pull through. The pack physician cast one more glance at the unconscious alpha on the bed and sighed. "I'm afraid it's going to take
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Fighting For Her Child's Life.
Anna lay on the crisp white sheets, her body contorting in pain as she released guttural sounds of pain that echoed throughout the brightly lit room. Sweat glistened on her forehead, the intensity of her pain etched on her face as she gripped the sheets tightly. The pack physician stood in front of her, whispering encouraging words to her with a calm expression that he had learned to master, “Please push, Anna. You're almost there.”“I can't.” Anna cried out in pain, tears blurring her vision. Her breath came out in ragged bursts as she asked him. “Where is Kodiak? Why isn't he here yet?”“He will come soon,” The nurse beside the physician reassured her but her eyes widened when she noticed that the lady was slowly slipping into an unconscious state. “Hey, ma'am! Please don't fall asleep, we need your strength to deliver this baby!”“I-I...need my mate...”Anna mumbled under her breath as her eyes dripped low. The only thing that had been stopping her from falling unconscious all this
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The Position Of Luna In The Dark Edge Pack.
The atmosphere in the pack was solemn and tense after the guests had departed, leaving behind only the pack residents in a state of anxiety and trepidation. The hostile takeover had left some people unconcerned since they believed that whoever would replace Kodiak wouldn't harm them, but others couldn't help but worry about the alpha's well-being and whereabouts, having witnessed his triumph in the duel arena.“How dare he do this to me? That bloody bastard!” Mrs. Hoyles, who had been locked up in her house like a caged animal, snarled in rage as she paced back and forth furiously. Conan LeWren, who had been sparing no efforts in suppressing his opponents and searching for the alpha, still couldn't locate him.Mrs. Hoyles felt relieved that she had contacted her grandson in time, urging him not to return to the pack in the meantime. She knew Knox's temper very well, and the last thing she wanted was to hold his dead body at the moment he discovered that something bad had happened to h
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Stalling Time For Her Mate.
The news of the duel quickly spread across the Dark Edge pack and beyond, but the mere news was more unbelievable when they heard that a submissive female wolf was going to fight with a dominant wolf. Many bets were already placed on the fight and everyone thought they could foresee the results. After all, Giselle's prowess and strength were well known across the Great Landmark but not many people knew about Anna Knightley. When Catherine and Vivian heard about the news, they immediately demanded to see their friend and came to see her. “Anna, you are not serious about going to fight with Giselle, right?” Vivian gave her a concerned look before adding, “Every woman in the pack knows her character very well, she is the type of person who will do anything to win. What if she tries to kill you there?”Anna shrugged helplessly, “Then I guess I will have to perish there.” She rolled her eyes seeing her friends' appalled looks and spoke, “Oh, don't give me that look, Vivian. Now that me a
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The Final Battle.
Anna had taken countless fighting lessons from her husband when she had been kidnapped by a savage wolf and she had been honing her skills with Ryan and the other guards in the pack. But she had real-life battles neither had she expected it to be this fast and intense. She could barely keep her life with each punch and kick directed at her so she had been forced into a disadvantage from the start. Giselle swiped a claw near her face, her eyes reflecting the sharp edge which caused the crowd to gasp in fear and anticipation. Anna could sense the vicious determination in Giselle's lightning-fast attacks to end her there but she was not going to let herself be pushed around like that. Anna ducked under another attack and instantly struck out her leg to clear her opponent's own to gain the upper hand. When she succeeded in making Giselle lose her balance, she jumped and planted a punch in her jaw. The dominant female wolf immediately crashed to the ground with a wave of dizziness. When
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The End.
On a night of a full moon...Anna quietly watched the pack priestess performing a ritual in front of the entire pack. It was an important occasion that had drawn people from all four directions of the Great Landmark to witness. Her eyes followed her mate's every move as he assisted the priestess in her incantations but her iron-clad concentration was finally broken when she heard her friend arrive by her side. “Luna," Catherine placed a tray of fruits by her side and tipped her head towards the direction of the ritual taking place. “Is this really necessary? I thought Ryan had already welcomed your child to the pack already. Why did your mate suddenly summon everyone out of their houses for this impromptu ritual?”Anna shrugged innocently, laughing at the hint of complaint in her friend's voice when she replied, “You know how Kodiak is, Catherine. He wasn't happy about it when I told him last night and decided that he would hold another one.”“This is ridiculous!” Catherine mumbled q
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