All Chapters of ALPHA KODIAK'S REVENGE : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
110 Chapters
The Winner In This Game Of Love.
Kodiak's angry voice resounded in Anna's ears, making her flinch in fear. She could see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes about her keeping such a secret from him but she also didn't know that man was his uncle. She had grown fond of the savage wolf because he had a soft side despite his stern personality. Hunter had also saved her life many times and lent her a listening ear when she needed one. Over the months they had spent together, he had become a good friend to Anna, so she couldn't understand why Kodiak was acting this way. Desperate to explain herself, Anna pleaded with Kodiak, "Please let me explain. I-”But Kodiak chuckled, his voice laced with sarcasm, "What exactly do you want to tell me? It's a bit too late for those stories, don't you think?"“Then why are you here?”Kodiak rose from his seat and went to the window, looking at the view outside as he pulled his thoughts together. He told her. “Hunter has been causing a ruckus throughout the pack lately because he
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Anna Makes A Decision For Her Baby.
Anna found herself in a dilemma when she heard his words. His gaze felt very sincere and threatened to break her resolve but she just couldn't say yes when she thought of the woman who was waiting for him back home. She pushed him away, causing him to almost lose his footing as he stumbled back. Her lust-filled mind had slowly begun to clear up when she moved away from the wall, hiding behind the safety of the kitchen counter. She clenched her fists and told him, “No, Kodiak. My baby and I will not be returning to that pack. If you want to come and visit him here, I won't stop you but we are staying here.”“What if it is a boy?” Kodiak chuckled sinisterly as his eyes followed her every movement. ”Don't tell me that you plan to prevent me from making him the next alpha of my pack?”Anna's heart was filled with complicated emotions when she heard him, but she refused to waver this time. He had once deceived her that there was a possibility of them reuniting but in the end, it was all
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Kodiak Loses His Temper With His Fiancee.
Kodiak and Anna arrived at the Dark Edge pack in two days where she stayed with Mrs. Hoyles that night. Catherine and Vivian were overjoyed to see her once again so she spent the entire night updating them on her life in the Silver Fur pack.News of her return spread across the pack like wildfire, causing people to check on her under the disguise of a welcome visit. Everyone wanted to see if she was still pregnant or if she had aborted the baby out of resentment and spite. Fortunately, Mrs. Hoyles' stern words helped drive most of them away from her house. However, this news also reached the LeWren family who were looking forward to seeing their daughter married to the pack alpha. Conor had thrown a fit when he heard that his daughter's wedding was on the verge of being called off so he vented his anger on his daughter, Giselle the next day. Giselle was not pleased when she heard her father taunt her for being unable to keep a tight leash on her fiance, making her the joke of the pac
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Hunter's Sweet Confession To Anna.
Anna's heart pounded in her chest as she faced her friend, Hunter Cardinal. She had initially dismissed Kodiak's warnings about Hunter, but now she could see that he was right. Hunter had changed, and it was not for the better.His once calm eyes now burned with an intense, almost feral, look that made him seem dangerous and unpredictable. His red eyes were so light that they almost seemed to be turning pink, which only intensified Anna's growing fear.As Hunter took a step towards her, Anna instinctively stepped back, her heart racing faster than ever. Hunter paused and stiffened slightly when he saw her reaction, and he spoke in a low voice, "It's me, Anna. I'm not going to hurt you."Anna struggled to keep her composure, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she asked him, "What happened to you?"Hunter seemed genuinely puzzled by her question, his gaze flickering down to check himself. "Me? I'm okay, Anna. There's nothing wrong with me."Anna bit her lip hard, nodding slowly as sh
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A Visit To The Hospital.
“I want to see Anna.” Kodiak had come to Mrs. Hoyles' house, hoping to see Anna but the old woman suddenly became furious at his request and hit him with her walking cane. Despite the pain, he stubbornly endured her beatings and refused to leave the place until he saw his mate. “How many times have I told you that Anna doesn't want to see you?” The old woman glared at him with anger and resentment. If it was anyone else had been seen treating Kodiak this way, they would have ended up in prison but the old woman had practically looked after him when his father died so she was like his family. “Then where did she go?” Kodiak began to feel worried when he found out that she was not there. He had also visited the tailor shop earlier but Catherine and Vivian told him that she had come to get some fabric. He had roamed throughout the pack, searching for her but she was nowhere to be seen. “How am I supposed to know that?" Mrs. Hoyles snapped. She had been unhappy with him since the day
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Kodiak Cardinal's Life Is Placed In Danger.
Anna noticed the way Kodiak's eyes had changed when he talked about facing Hunter. It was as if his wolf had taken over, and the intensity of his gaze made her catch her breath. She wondered if his wolf could still remember her and the baby because she heard from her friends that Kodiak had been avoiding shifting from his human form for a while now. She suppressed her fear and she mustered the courage to call out to him in concern, stuttering slightly, “K-Kodiak, please calm down. I-I'm scared...”Her soft cry helped Kodiak snap out of the murderous haze that had filled his mind a few minutes ago. He had not meant to scare her but the thought of her and his baby being in danger filled him with a primal rage that threatened to overwhelm him. If it was not for the fact that he was not allowed to kill Hunter on his own accord, he would have ripped out his uncle's throat a long time ago. Running a hand through his hair, Kodiak sat down and took Anna's hand in his own. "Don't be afraid o
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Giselle Threatens Anna's Life.
“What is going on here?!" Giselle stomped her feet angrily on the ground in the empty, quiet storage room in her fiance's room. She flayed her arms in an attempt to throw a fit while screaming, “Why hasn't Kodiak called me yet? He is supposed to be yearning for me now that the spell has been done so why isn't he here yet?”She had been waiting for almost three hours to see the results of her spell but to her utmost disappointment, she had not seen even Kodiak's shadow since she left that fortune teller's shop. She should have known better than to pay that old witch before confirming the spell had worked but she had put her trust in the old woman's reputation instead. She swore to find that witch and make her pay for scamming her like this. While she was seething with unbridled fury in the room, her eyes landed on her male companion who had rolled his eyes at her childish tantrum. She narrowed her eyes in annoyance and asked him, “And what are you doing here, Hunter? I thought we agre
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Anna's Secret Meeting with Her Friend.
As Giselle left the room, Anna's heart sank. She knew she had to contact Kodiak immediately, but all her attempts to reach him failed. With no other option left, she decided to leave the hospital and return to Mrs. Hoyles's house. Upon arriving, she was met with the displeasure of the old woman and her daughter, who were not happy to hear about Giselle's visit.“Who the hell does she think she is? How dare she threaten you and the baby?” Catherine slammed the table between them before she stood up. Catherine, in particular, was fuming. She had never been a fan of Giselle and her mean friends, who had been bullying her and Vivian during women's meetings. Unlike other submissive wolves, Catherine was not easily intimidated, and she always stood her ground.Her grandmother watched her rise from her seat and hit the cane in her hands on the floor, causing the young lady to retreat several steps back. She said to both women sternly. “I will take this personally. Catherine, please take Anna
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Seeking The Pack Priestess's Help.
”What?” Anna retreated as she faced Hunter who narrowed at her actions. She had no idea what had gotten into him to think about abducting her but she was in no condition to leave. “I can't leave this place, Hunter. Did you forget what I just told you? I said my pregnancy has a risk of miscarriage!”“Don't worry, I will make sure you don't get into harm's way.” Although the savage wolf had refrained from making any comments about her baby, his thoughts about it were quite dark. “I can't let you stay in this pack anymore, Anna.”Anna's eyes widened seeing him being so resolute about his decision. She couldn't help but think if this was his true nature, something that she had failed to see because she truly thought that she could change him. “I'm not going.” Anna mustered her courage to stand her ground with him but she began to tremble when he released a low dangerous growl. ”I am not joking, Anna.” Hunter's eyes were now stern when he reached for her only for her to evade his touch.
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Saved By Kodiak Cardinal.
As Anna slowly regained consciousness, she was greeted by the sight of the sun's rays peeking through the tall trees in the forest. She winced as she tried to open her eyes, her head throbbing with pain as she struggled to stand up from the ground. Her mind was blank, and she couldn't recall how she ended up in this place. However, her attention was quickly drawn to the sound of a voice coming from the tree where she was resting."Good morning, Anna," Hunter's face appeared in her view, his lips curling into a grin. He gracefully descended to the ground, dusting off his clothes before walking towards her. "It's time for us to move now that you're awake. We can't afford to stay in this place for too long."As the memories flooded back into Anna's mind, she felt a wave of fear wash over her, causing her to back away from him until her back hit the bark of a tree. Her voice quivered with a mixture of fear and anger, looking up at him with disbelief. “You attacked me yesterday. What kind
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