All Chapters of His Marvelous Life Starts After Divorce : Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
386 Chapters
Chapter 271
As the cruise ship ventured further into the deeper sea, anticipation grew for the upcoming auction. Albert discreetly met with Grace and Priscilla. "As my nephew's girlfriend, I have a favor to ask."Eager to foster a connection with the head of the Harmon family, Grace readily agreed. "Of course, what can I do for you?"Albert produced the auction catalog and turned to the final page."I need you to bid on this ruby ring for me. Certain circumstances prevent the Harmon family from bidding directly. If you win, the family will cover the cost and assist you in regaining your position in Jenaire City." Albert's words were music to Priscilla and Grace's ears. He had clearly done his research and understood their predicament. The Harmon family's influence rivaled the Monroe family's, and purchasing a ring seemed a small price to pay for their support. While Grace was elated, Priscilla remained cautious. "How much should we be prepared to spend on this ruby ring?"Priscilla was w
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Chapter 272
To Frederick's surprise, Wayne's demeanor had shifted.Instead of his usual respect, he gave Frederick a dismissive look and spoke sharply. "Mr. Sirius has always been tolerant and respectful toward you. I trust you won't abuse his kindness and cause further trouble for him."With that, Wayne turned and walked away. He was convinced of Frederick's lack of medical skills and harbored resentment for the slap he had received from his master due to Frederick's actions.Frederick was perplexed by Wayne's sudden change in attitude. He had always been treated with respect, leaving him to wonder what had prompted this shift.Just then, Grace's voice dripped with sarcasm from the side."Well, well, where's Vivianne today? Did she flee early to avoid exposure? She left you, the grand imposter. So, how dare you shamelessly linger here?"Bewildered by Grace's animosity, Frederick inquired, "What are you talking about?"Grace let out a mocking laugh. "You think we're unaware? You heard about
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Chapter 273
Priscilla's anger flared at Frederick's words. She had offered him kind advice, only to be met with criticism. Her good intentions felt utterly misunderstood."What's there to verify?" she retorted sharply."My mother witnessed you hitting my brother. I saw Viviane suing me. I caught you molesting June. These are facts, not fiction." Frederick nearly laughed at her outburst. Priscilla had always been quick to judge, never delving deeper into the truth."Forget it. It's pointless to argue," he said, cutting the conversation short.As their argument escalated, June anxiously interjected."Pris, please listen to Frederick's side of things. You never do, and it leads to these misunderstandings."Priscilla glared at June. "Frederick? I'd rather forget our marriage ever happened. It's like being bitten by a dog."Frederick was weary of the bickering and simply ignored her.Priscilla longed to retort, but the auction had commenced. A graceful woman took the stage, her smile captivat
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Chapter 274
The evaluation hinged on who could bring in the most revenue. Valyr City was a prime location and had already been claimed by others.Isabella, as a more distant Smith relative, was simply sent to Graceland Province.As a member of a prestigious Valyr City family, Isabella had expected Graceland Province to be less affluent, but not this destitute.The bidders were unaware of Isabella's true wealth and offered sums they believed were generous, yet Isabella found them unimpressive. Observing this, Grace took the opportunity to taunt Frederick. "Why don't you just go? Nothing here is within your budget. Standing here without buying anything shows you really have no shame."Frederick looked scornfully at Grace. "You haven't bought anything either, so what gives you the right to taunt me?"Grace's anger ignited. "That's because I haven't found anything I like yet. I am not like you, who can't afford anything at all. There's a big difference. Even the auctioneer's gavel, made of ra
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Chapter 275
Isabella soon unveiled the final auction item, harboring little optimism about its potential value.She knew the most desirable pieces had already been claimed by other family members. This remaining ring was unremarkable in her eyes.Its only distinguishing feature was the family appraiser's failure to determine its precise age or composition. How could such an ambiguous object garner a high bid? It would take a fool to offer a substantial sum!In truth, this was just another instance of her family members taking advantage of Isabella's less-favored status. Despite this, Isabella professionally introduced the ring."Ladies and gentlemen, our final auction item is quite unique. A mysterious ring of unknown age and unknown materials, starting at 30 million dollars."The crowd reacted with skepticism. What did she mean by unknown age and unknown materials? It could be made of anything!However, seeing a potential opportunity to gain favor with the Smith family, many began to bid.
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Chapter 276
Grace spotted familiar faces among the crowd—the CEOs who had dismissed her at Sirius's banquet for Priscilla.They had belittled her as a mere attendant when Sirius stormed out, eager to trample on her dignity."Mr. Hudson." she addressed one of them pointedly. "Didn't you call me an attendant? Yet you can't afford what an attendant can buy?"She continued, "Mr. Lawrence, how about you? Why don't you raise the bid? If it's worth it, go for it. Otherwise, just admit you lack the funds." One by one, Grace called out the business tycoons, and their faces flushed with anger. These men were used to dominating the business world and had never been so humiliated, especially by a secretary. Their pride wounded, the CEOS began bidding out of spite."120 million dollars.""150 million dollars!"On stage, Albert was seething with rage. The ring could have been secured for a mere 100 million dollars, but Grace's showboating had forced their hand.Furious, he turned to Nelson. "Where
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Chapter 277
Initially, Mr. Lawrence was just fueled by anger toward Grace and sought refuge in the restroom to escape further embarrassment. Unfortunately, his rage-induced stammering led to Grace interrupting him repeatedly. Finally articulating his intentions, he rushed off to the bathroom.His words triggered a wave of laughter throughout the hall."Haha, she's still raising the bid while Mr. Lawrence needs to relieve himself!""Mr. Lawrence's bathroom break costs 300 million dollars!""A truly golden shower. This is going to be a legendary story."Priscilla blushed with shame as she was mortified by Grace's antics.Grace felt embarrassed as well. She had relentlessly raised the bid on a man who merely wanted to use the restroom.To mask her embarrassment, she rationalized that it wasn't her money anyway and decided to maintain her extravagant facade."An extra 300 million dollars is nothing. Money comes and goes, but my preferences are priceless!" The crowd was impressed by her see
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Chapter 278
Frederick furrowed his brow. "I bid three billion dollars!" He leaned in toward Grace, his voice low and urgent. "I strongly advise you to stop this reckless bidding. Don't drag June into this mess!" Priscilla was frantically trying to restrain Grace as well, her panic rising with each passing moment. She wasn't as blinded by the excitement as Grace.Even liquidating all of the Harmon family's assets would barely yield four billion dollars. Grace had already bid half of that; there was no way anyone could cover such an astronomical amount.She saw Albert's anger rising, confirming her worst fears.But Grace was oblivious to Priscilla's pleas. She shook off her hand and shouted, "I bid four billion dollars!"The room spun around Priscilla as she envisioned the disastrous consequences of such an outrageous bid at the Smith family's auction.Frederick was initially determined to reclaim his father's relic but found his efforts thwarted by Grace's foolish actions.In a strategic
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Chapter 279
A stunned silence fell over the room as all eyes turned to Grace.It was obvious to anyone with a shred of common sense that she couldn't possibly afford such an exorbitant sum.The nonchalant way she tossed around billions as if they were mere pocket change was utterly bewildering.Anxiety overwhelmed Priscilla, tears streaming down her face.This was a disaster. If they couldn't produce the funds, the Smith family's retribution would be swift and severe—they might even throw them to the sharks.Noticing Priscilla's distress, Grace questioned, "Why the tears, Prissy? Shouldn't you be celebrating my triumph?"Priscilla could only stomp her feet in frustration.Grace's naivety was astounding! If this led to their ruin, Grace would soon understand the gravity of her actions."Grace, we're talking about 6 billion dollars! Where are we supposed to find that kind of money?"Grace sighed. "Oh, Prissy, isn't there money in the card? How could you overlook something so important? Give
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Chapter 280
This was no ordinary card reader; it was a specialized device designed for elite families like the Smiths.Grace swiped her card with an air of confidence, which then emitted a series of beeping sounds.Everyone present recognized the familiar sound of insufficient funds. Who could realistically have 6 billion dollars in their bank account?Grace's expression hardened."Did you make a mistake? Why isn't it working?" she asked.The hostress felt deeply wronged but dared not speak up in front of someone wielding such immense wealth. Nervously, she explained in a low voice, "I assure you, madam, I did not make a mistake."After all, a card reader was a simple device, how could she have erred?Grace took the card reader, confidently punching in 6 billion dollars and adding two sets of zeros for emphasis.She then turned to the hostess and said firmly, "This is how one enters 6 billion dollars. This is how to operate a card reader!" With a flourish, Grace swiped her card, the move
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