All Chapters of His Marvelous Life Starts After Divorce : Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
384 Chapters
Chapter 281
Isabella's patience with Grace's antics had finally run out. Even tossing her into the sea wouldn't satisfy the hatred she felt. With a dismissive wave, she snarled, "Chop them all into mincemeat!"Immediately, a group of assassins drew their gleaming blades and advanced on the three cousins.Isabella's rage was so all-consuming that she didn't hesitate to include Grace's group, the Miller sisters. The onlookers gasped as they were horrified by Isabella's cruelty.The Smith family of Valyr City was known for their tyranny, but this display of ruthlessness from the seemingly harmless Isabella was chilling. The three women were paralyzed by fear. They huddled together, never having encountered such brutality before.Grace's mind raced in confusion. Albert had promised the card was loaded, yet he now feigned ignorance, leaving them in mortal danger. Unmoved by the women's plight, the assassins raised their gleaming knives and lunged. "Frederick, save me!" June cried out instin
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Chapter 282
Without hesitation, Frederick declared, "Let them off the cruise!"Grace and Priscilla were stunned, never expecting Frederick to come to their rescue. Tears welled up in June's eyes as she exclaimed, "I knew Frederick would save me!"Still shaken, Grace whispered, "This is a powerful Valyr City elite. She'll kill without a second thought. Frederick is useless. How can he possibly save us?" As Priscilla looked into Frederick's determined eyes, her doubts wavered. At their most desperate hour, he had rushed to their aid, and memories of their past flooded her mind.Isabella hesitated to harm the three women, fearing June's potential connection to a hidden sect could jeopardize her family's position. Yet, releasing them without cause would shame the Smith family.Caught in this predicament, she saw an opportunity as Frederick approached."Why should I release them just because you say so?" Isabella retorted. "Then why do you want to kill them?" Frederick calmly countered I
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Chapter 283
Isabella's face hardened as she heard the hostess' words. Fury welled up inside her, but with no outlet on the three women, Albert had conveniently presented himself as a target. Though the Four Major Families of Stanva City might seem formidable to ordinary people, they were insignificant to the Smith family of Valyr City.With a wave of her hand, she commanded her men, "Throw him into the sea." Albert was soaked in cold sweat and paralyzed with fear. He pleaded desperately, "Ms. Isabella, I did instruct them to bid, but I never told them to bid six billion dollars! It was the York family of Valyr City who asked me to bid on their behalf. Please, spare my life for the sake of the York family!"Isabella's expression shifted.The York family of Valyr City, one of the Salmasian Ten Titans, was indeed a force to be reckoned with. However, failing to act would make it seem like the Smith family feared the York family with so many witnesses.Isabella amended her order to the men i
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Chapter 284
Priscilla watched Frederick disappear from view, a mix of emotions swirling within her.Since their divorce, Frederick had consistently plotted against her. His apparent rescue had briefly touched her, but realizing it was solely for his sister left her feeling uneasy.Had Frederick developed feelings for June after their divorce? Or had he always harbored them?The three women quickly boarded the speedboat, Grace sighing in relief as they headed toward the shore."We should never have come to this cursed auction," she muttered. On the other hand, June was still reluctant to leave and continued to look back at the yacht. "Frederick, when will you be back in Jenaire City?" she murmured. Grace turned back to her usual sharp self and scoffed. "Back in Jenaire City? Didn't you see him lying to the Smith family? Where would he get five billion dollars? He'll be minced meat. We're lucky we got out of there quickly."June remained defiant. "Frederick said he had five billion dollars,
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Chapter 285
Grace continued searching June's body, uncovering pieces of burnt paper and ashes."Why do you have these ashes on you?" Priscilla inquired curiously. June covered her mouth in shock and shouted in a low voice, "Oh no, how did my origami lucky stars become like this?"Priscilla was puzzled at her words. She asked, "What are the origami lucky stars?"June carefully collected the ash fragments and explained, "These were origami lucky stars Frederick gave you. You threw them away, but I retrieved them."Priscilla was surprised to learn that her sister had cherished those seemingly worthless origami stars.Suddenly, June exclaimed, "I've figured it out!"Both Grace and Priscilla looked at her with curiosity.June excitedly declared, "The protective talisman is the origami lucky stars Frederick gave Pris! Everything he gives her is precious, and it saved us!"Grace scoffed, "That's ridiculous. How could origami lucky stars save lives? You've clearly been reading too many novels an
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Chapter 286
"Even as a distinguished guest of the Monroe family, Frederick isn't safe this time. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Sirius?"Sirius shot a fierce glare at Nelson. This damned blind man really knew how to press his buttons, but Nelson couldn't see his murderous gaze.Isabella glanced curiously at Sirius after hearing Nelson's words.Sirius stepped forward and said, "Frederick's status as a distinguished guest of the Monroe family is a misunderstanding. I was deceived, anything involving him has nothing to do with the Monroe family."It was evident that Sirius was distancing himself from Frederick to avoid being involved in the situation.Frederick felt helpless and wronged by Sirius's assumptions.He had no intention of deceiving Sirius; it was all just Sirius' wishful thinking.Frederick chose to ignore Sirius and Nelson, the opportunist and the blind man. His only concerns were reclaiming his father's relic and waiting for the York family's arrival to address his father's affairs.Th
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Chapter 287
The hostess's words stunned everyone. How much money could Frederick possibly have that required counting digits?She pointed at the screen and carefully announced, "4,999,999,997 dollars."A hush fell over the room. Could Frederick truly possess such a staggering amount?Sirius walked over to the computer screen in disbelief. He counted twice, then murmured in astonishment, "It's real."Isabella stared blankly at Frederick. He was a mere three dollars short of the five billion dollars!Frederick suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I forgot! When I got this card, they mentioned a three-dollar service charge for the first deposit." Everyone stared at Frederick in shock.A three-dollar fee almost cost him his life! He indeed had a very strong heart!However, their doubts lingered. Could Frederick possess such a fortune?Five billion dollars surpassed the Monroe family's entire wealth!Silence enveloped the cruise ship until the hostess softly offered, "Perhaps I could cover
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Chapter 288
Nelson shouted in a fit of disbelief and rage, "Impossible! Frederick, you must have tricked Ms. Isabella with some foolish tricks! Ms. Isabella, don't be fooled, this man is a master of deception!"Isabella retorted angrily, "You're the fool here! Take this blind idiot away and break his legs!"She had finally reached her breaking point!As the men dragged Nelson away, he continued his frantic cries. "Frederick, you must have used some trickery! Ms. Isabella, you have to believe me!"…With the transaction complete, Isabella personally handed the ring to Frederick.She said, "Mr. York, the ring is now yours."A mix of emotions stirred within Frederick as he examined his father's relic. Gently sliding the ring onto his finger, he felt an almost tangible connection to his father.Isabella was elated by the unexpected windfall and she was filled with a sense of accomplishment. This successful auction, thanks to Frederick, would make her return to her family a triumph."I hereby
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Chapter 289
Despite the chaos, Vivianne remained unharmed.Tyger and Jacob had fought valiantly to ensure her safety and that of her father, fulfilling their promise to Frederick.However, Frederick noticed Scarlett's normally fair skin had turned black, a sign the venom had reached her vital organs.He quickly instructed, "Uncle Tyger, Jacob, put Scarlett down! Let me detoxify you all."They immediately complied, their own lives secondary to Scarlett's well-being.As Frederick prepared his silver needles for the detoxification, an arrogant voice boomed through the air."Hahaha, trying to escape?"Kendrick was covered in blood and leaving a gruesome trail behind him. He approached Vivianne. Several badly injured Monroe family security personnel followed him. They had tried to stop Kendrick's attack but were mercilessly cut down, their blood staining him.The security personnel in charge of the Monroe family's main hall saw the blood-soaked Kendrick approaching them and rushed to intercep
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Chapter 290
Kendrick merely gave a cruel smile and said to Vivianne, "Go ask the Reaper about that."He quickened his pace and moved toward Vivianne.Suddenly, a powerful voice boomed, "You won't lay a finger on anyone Mr. York entrusts to me while I still draw breath!"Tyger, who had seemed weak moments before, now stood invigorated. Though bearing minor wounds, they didn't hinder his strength.Jacob also rose, his condition restored like Tyger's.However, Scarlett remained frail with weaker cultivation but out of immediate danger.Seeing their recovery, Kendrick's eyes widened in shock.He watched Frederick withdraw his silver needles and exclaimed, "You cured them of the parasitic poison! Are you the miracle doctor who foiled my plan three years ago? But... You couldn't cure Theodore..."Three years earlier, Kendrick had poisoned Theodore in Jenaire City. When the poison was neutralized, Kendrick fled, knowing a skilled doctor must be protecting Theodore.This time, Kendrick grew anxio
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