All Chapters of His Marvelous Life Starts After Divorce : Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
366 Chapters
Chapter 351
Just then, a confident interviewee approached, his thick glasses framing a face well-acquainted with the sales industry.He held his resume with a testament to years of experience.However, Frederick didn't bother to look at the resume. A single glance at the thick lenses was enough for him to dismiss the candidate."With glasses that thick, you must be at least 800 degrees nearsighted. Get out, we don't need you here."The confident interviewee felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him. His years of work experience had been ignored, and he was judged solely by his glasses.Indignation rose within him as he retorted, "What gives you the right to discriminate against the nearsighted? Where in Salmasian's policy does it say we can't apply?"In an age where smartphones were ubiquitous, it was rare for adults not to be nearsighted. Many in the crowd wore glasses and were also taken aback by Frederick's words.Hearing the bespectacled man's protest, they rallied be
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Chapter 352
Olivia couldn't help but be taken aback by Frederick's straightforwardness; such bluntness was rare in an interview!Seeing Olivia's silence, Frederick pressed on, "Well? Can you?"Olivia looked at Frederick and cautiously shook her head. "I can't drink or dance. But I'm very hardworking, and I do need the job…"Her voice trailed off with a hint of desperation creeping in.Frederick heard the refusal in Olivia's words, but he couldn't bear to see her lose this opportunity. Suddenly, a chuckle escaped his lips.Olivia was bewildered by Frederick's laughter. Had she been rejected?Just then, the rhythmic sound of high heels echoed from outside.Frederick's instincts told him the real interviewer had arrived. He quickly leaped from his seat, positioning himself behind Olivia.He said in a low voice, "Stand up straight, "the interview is about to start." Olivia was dumbfounded. What did he mean that the interview was just starting? What had all that been, then?At that moment,
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Chapter 353
There was clearly something fishy going on!Being a director, Ivy wasn't easily fooled.The office was usually overflowing with candidates. How could there be only two left?She used the remote to lower the projector screen and took out her phone. Soon, the room's footage from noon appeared on the screen.Ivy fast-forwarded through the recording, the images flashing by.Frederick hadn't anticipated Ivy checking the surveillance!Soon, the footage showed the room teeming with people.Ivy's eyes narrowed as she recognized this was the normal turnout.So, where had they all gone?The footage continued and revealed Frederick seated in the interviewer's chair while his voice was clearly audible.Ivy shot a chilling glare at Frederick. So, this was his doing!Frederick's face flushed with embarrassment and he remained silent.Then, Ivy's eyes widened in horror. She saw Frederick drinking from her cup!And the worst part was she had just taken a sip from that very same cup. Wasn'
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Chapter 354
Frederick was desperate to salvage the situation and blurted out, "Resumes can be deceiving, and I'm a straightforward person. My skills and talents speak for themselves. There's no need for a fancy piece of paper."Ivy eyed him skeptically as she took in his disheveled appearance. If he possessed the skills he claimed, wouldn't he have made a better effort to present himself?A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes."Oh, so you're talented, huh? Let's see about that talent, and prepare to be tested."Reaching for her phone, Ivy fired off a quick message to her secretary."Grab a set of Advanced Mothian Language exams from the bookstore downstairs. Make it fast."Moments later, a stunning secretary in a sharp outfit entered. She then handed Ivy a fresh set of test papers."Here are the test papers, Ms. Mallin," she said with a hint of curiosity in her voice.While the request struck her as odd, her professionalism prevented further inquiry.Ivy snatched a sheet and handed it t
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Chapter 355
Ivy scrolled through the test, and her initial smirk evaporated with each correct answerFrederick aced it without a single mistake marring his perfect score. Olivia felt a cold dread creep in. Measured against Frederick's effortless display, her own Mothian skills suddenly felt woefully inadequate.Frederick scratched his head and asked casually. "How'd I do, Ms. Mallin?"His words pulled Ivy out of her shock.Frederick's relaxed and nonchalant posture fueled a flicker of annoyance. This man had waltzed through an exam designed to trip up even seasoned applicants, and now he lounged there with an air of breezing by.Internally, Ivy conceded a begrudging respect for his Mothian skills. Yet, her company wasn't searching for a master linguist. Gritting her teeth, she forced a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Your Mothian is… satisfactory. Let's move on to assessing your business acumen."Frederick's brow furrowed in surprise. He'd rushed in, drawn by the advertisement
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Chapter 356
A lightbulb went off in Frederick's head. "Ah, I see! You're not just asking me to look for an appreciation of the models, but a critique of the fashion itself!"Ivy's arched eyebrow shot up in disbelief. Was he thinking of critiquing the models' appearance? In his wildest dreams!"Cut to the chase, let's hear your thoughts on the fashion."The models exchanged a look of silent exasperation. Used to admiring glances and compliments, they shifted uncomfortably under Frederick's extended scrutiny.After a tense pause, Frederick finally asked with a smile, "May I ask who designed these garments?"Ivy was momentarily thrown off guard and gritted out, "Our in-house designer, of course. These are pre-launch samples, under consideration for mass production."Frederick shook his head helplessly and said, "The designer behind these models needs a serious course correction. If these go into production as-is, they'll be a financial loss to the company. Cut your losses and find a new design
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Chapter 357
Frederick's words struck a chord with everyone in the room.Even Olivia, who was fashionably clueless, recognized the validity of his point. The clothes were undeniably Dawnward-centric. The models themselves couldn't help but steal surprised glances at Frederick, impressed by the keen eye of this unassuming man.A sliver of doubt wormed its way into Ivy's steely resolve. Perhaps there was more to Frederick than his initial appearance suggested.After all, he'd demonstrably conquered the unexpected fashion assessment she'd thrown his way. To dismiss him now would be illogical.Ivy said with a grudging sigh, "You passed the interview. Welcome aboard. You may start tomorrow."A spark of hope ignited in Frederick's eyes. It was a new beginning for me. However, Ivy wasn't ready to let him off scot-free. While the fashion project remained on hold, she'd assign him a regular role, allowing him to polish his social etiquette.There was also the matter of a certain water cup incident
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Chapter 358
"Even you, Ms. Mallin, probably didn't have the ability to earn a living back in high school," Frederick said.Ivy frowned at his remark, but she had to concede that Olivia's work experience did demonstrate a hardworking and resilient young woman. Initially, Ivy had worried that someone as young as Olivia might struggle under pressure, but it seemed she was worth a second look.Frederick continued smoothly, "A hardworking young woman like her deserves a chance, wouldn't you say? Moreover, her qualifications fit the bill, and I'll personally mentor her once she's on board. If she makes any mistakes, you can deduct my salary instead."Olivia's eyes widened at Frederick's unexpected support.Why was this stranger advocating so strongly for her?Ivy seemed perplexed as well. "Is she your girlfriend?"Olivia flushed crimson and shook her head vigorously.Frederick also shook his head like a rattle. "I have a wife, and she's beautiful. She's a CEO!"Ivy arched an eyebrow as she found
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Chapter 359
Exiting the company building, Olivia hurried to catch up with Frederick.Her face was slightly flushed. "Mr. York, thank you so very much for your help today."Frederick replied with a playful joke, "Don't mention it. If you really want to show your gratitude, just buy me dinner after your first paycheck."Olivia was briefly taken aback, then the realization hit her. Landing this job was entirely due to Frederick's intervention and treating him to a meal seemed like the least she could do.Still, she hesitated, imagining the cost of a decent dinner—likely 200 or 300 dollars.In a near whisper, she inquired, "Could we have the kebab at the place downstairs from my apartment?"Her voice was barely audible. Frederick had done so much for her, and all she could offer was a kebab. Would he think she was stingy?Frederick was surprised; he'd never encountered such a frugal person. But his dinner invitation had been a jest, so he chuckled and said, "Absolutely, I love kebabs."Heari
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Chapter 360
Grace struggled to accept her dramatic fall from her high horse.She had been dreaming of reclaiming her former prestige, but she lacked the talent to do so alone. She knew her only hope was to rely on her beautiful and capable cousin, Priscilla.Grace had waited two months for an opportunity, and then the company's plan to launch a fashion business emerged. Recognizing a golden opportunity, she had Priscilla design two outfits to gauge the market's potential.Grace had been eagerly anticipating the fashion line's launch, hoping Priscilla's success would also elevate her standing. However, today's events had been a catastrophe, all thanks to a new interviewee.Shirley merely offered a disdainful smile before turning to leave.Priscilla was frozen in place as she was feeling utterly dejected. She had toiled away late into the night for a week, pouring her heart into the designs and employing all the high-end fashion principles she had learned at university. Now, why were they
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