All Chapters of Mr. CEO, Please Love our mummy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
108 Chapters
Chapter Thirty ~ You can't see her
Liam “What the Fuck do you mean I can’t see her?” I seethe angrily at Dr. Rodriguez who has been refusing me access to Emily for hours now. When I went back home to check on Dad, I was told he needs brain surgery and his Doctor said he would bring the best doctor there is to make sure he’s back on his feet again. It has been a week since the preparations began and I had to make sure he was stable before I could leave for a few hours to check on Emily and see if she had forgiven me. Even if she didn't, I just wanted to hear from her what I could do to make her forgive me. When I just touched down, I went to the mall and bought the best flowers the florist recommended and chocolate to surprise her. When I was asked what type of chocolate, I realized that I don’t know much about Emily and that is another regret added to the list. I spent so much time shaming her without knowing who she actually is. When I remember how she used to prepare my breakfast without garlic, my heart clench
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Chapter Thirty one ~ Finding Kayden
Emily I stare at the screen silently as I watch the news where the Lockhart Mall is being tarnished as having been built on bloodshed. I should be happy that Liam is getting what he deserves, but I’m not. I know that despite my issues with him, his father was nothing but kind to me and doesn’t deserve this hate the media houses are throwing at him. It’s almost as if someone is pulling the strings. Nina claps her hands in front of my face and I turn to her with a smile. “They had it coming, Emily. Rich people think they can get away with anything.” She says but I shake my head in disagreement. I walk to the couch and sit, “Richngard would never hurt anyone in that way. I’ve met him and I may have spent only a few times with him, but he's not that kind of man Nina. He is ruthless in deals but that’s about it. So whoever is doing this, is just doing it to spite him.” She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, “Richngard huh?” “Anyway. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.” I change the s
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Chapter Thirty two ~ Are you my Daddy?
Liam “Hello Sir, where can I report a missing child for an announcement to be made?” A voice I would recognize anywhere asks. “Let me take you there, miss.” Someone responds behind me and I’m itching to look back. I’m here with John Milan to show him what the mall we will build in Seattle will look like to keep his legacy going as we promised. It’s been five years since we signed the deal but it seems someone has been whispering things in his ear and I'm more than happy to calm him down. It’s a good thing I’m a patient man and my father is really counting on me to pull this off. The last thing I want is to have court issues to reverse a deal I worked so hard on. Not that I'd lose, but I'd rather he doesn't see my powerful side. When John looks away from me, I quickly look behind me but I don’t see anyone there. Just normal people moving around. “Did you see her too?” I ask Jake in a whisper. “See who, sir?” He asks me confused and I brush him off. I must be missing her so m
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Chapter Thirty three ~ Surgery
Emily As I enter the sterile environment of the operating room, the familiar scent of antiseptic and the low hum of machinery creates a backdrop to the seriousness of the surgery at hand. Each time I enter the operating room, my mind thinks about the patient’s life and their family waiting back home. It always serves as fuel to help me do my very best. Yesterday I was lucky I found my son on time. As I was on my way up to the control room, Nina had given me a call about how they met Kayden with a strange man but he turned and left too quickly for her to either say thank you or look at his face in case we bump into him. Instead of eating from the restaurant, I ordered takeaway so they would eat from home. “The man looked exactly like me. Mummy! Can he be my Daddy?” Kayden asked and begged me all night long until I ran out of excuses to give him. Could it be true that it was actually Liam that he met? But what are the odds of that happening? Then again, the texts suddenly bother
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Chapter Thirty Four ~ We can't be together
Liam “This is very inappropriate and if you don’t step away from her, I will call security.” The bastard who I saw hugging my wife in the picture I received says. The moment my eyes landed on him, I knew I'd seen him somewhere. Just looking at him, I can tell he's the type that wants to take advantage of a misunderstanding but I’ve had my fair share of such assholes. I cock my head to the side as I smirk, “Says who and as her what?” “This is a hospital-” “So because it’s a hospital I can’t smile at my wife? You didn’t hear me call her Mrs. Lockhart, did you? Well, the man inside there is her father-in-law. So if anyone is overstepping, it's you and I would really like to demonstrate in case I’m not clear enough.” I seethe and he stares at me with angry eyes but seeing how he’s no match for me, he remains silent. With a heavy sigh, Emily finally speaks up. “I’m so tired Liam. Can we go to my office so I can run you through it?” She just called me Liam! There is progress. I sm
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Chapter Thirty Five ~ I warned you
Emily “I warned you to stay where you were but you just don’t listen do you?” The message reads as my blood runs cold and my face pales. I was sleeping and resting after today’s surgery. I didn’t expect to see Liam or for my patient to be Liam’s father. I must admit, he did get under my skin and I hate myself for that. I’m so glad I made the decision of never to see the name of my patient as it helps me be emotionally stable before the surgery. When he followed me to the office and told me that he didn’t send me the papers, my breath got caught and I couldn’t speak. I knew I had to get out of there because of how my stomach was flipping every time he insisted that I was still his wife. It made me so angry seeing how much control he still has over me. But I’d rather burn alive than let him see me blush at his words. When I drifted off into sleep, my phone kept on vibrating and ringing non-stop until I switched it off. I needed to have enough rest for me to do the next surgery.
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Chapter Thirty Six ~ I will protect you.
Liam “Daddy!” Kayden shouts as he runs to me. I open my arms wide open so I can lift him in a huge hug. “Please save us. We were just protecting mummy from the nasty things Joe said.” I furrow my brows as my eyes land on my lifeline and my breathing stops. Emily is the mother? So I was mistaken earlier? She is the mother? Kids that look like me. Could it be? Am I a father? “Your judgment is unfair and biased. I will take the two boys out of this school but be rest assured, My investments are coming along with me. Oh, what was that you said about putting in a word to others, I will do that for you too.” I only met the boy once but if Emily is the mother, I know he must have been provoked especially with the mess from yesterday. Expelling both including the brother and blackisting them is what made me angry and my blood boil. But when Victoria is involved, you expect all sorts of games but targetting Emily, I can never let that slide. Victoria looks like she’s seen a ghost a
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Chapter Thirty Seven ~ Confrontation
Emily The drive back home is a silent one as my mind keeps drifting back to the school but I end up right here with this same feeling. Confused and lost. He protected my kids and my heart is warm and grateful. But I will never allow him to find them a school. I’ll be damned if I let that happen. From the way that everything unfolded to the way my feelings have been twisted, was I wrong about Liam and Victoria? But what about that phone call and the sex they had? That is probably around the same time that I must have gotten pregnant. One thing I also can’t put my finger on is the divorce. Is it another excuse to brainwash me? Everything is so confusing but I decide not to dwell on it as it doesn’t matter. It’s his life and he should live however he wants to. I turn to look behind me and find my sweet angels asleep and I smile but when I remember Liam’s question, my smile fades. Did he read through me? The two are his spit image. Sometimes I feel like changing their faces so I ca
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Chapter Thirty Eight ~ A love declared in public
Liam “How’s everything back at the office?” Dad asks and I look him in the eye with a half smile. “Why? Don’t trust my leadership?” I raise my brow and he chuckles slightly as he tries to sit upright and I help him sit up. We grew closer over the last five years and I may not completely understand certain things he may do, but I know that he’s a good father. The last thing I want is to worsen his condition. So, I bring up the one thing that will drive his attention away from work. “You know I do, You’re my son Liam.” He says a little more seriously than I’d like. Before I can respond, the door opens and Emily walks in. We lock eyes for a few minutes before she ignores me and focuses on Dad “How is my favorite patient doing?” She asks as she checks the vitals and whatever shit doctors do. My eyes are so focused on watching what she’s doing that I don’t even notice Dad hasn’t said anything at all. Can’t he recognize her? “I’m doing very well, pretty lady. How are you?” He asks and
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Chapter Thirty Nine ~ Lines drawn
Emily I’m still touching my lips from the kiss as I sit in my office. It was unexpected and the way my heart stopped and stomach fluttered when he placed his lips on mine should be illegal. How can he make me feel this way when we’ve been apart for a long time and I hate him? Right? My thoughts are cut short by my door opening and it’s the Hospital Director! I jolt up from my seat at the unexpected visit, “Dr. Chen!.” “My goodness Dr. Harper, please take your seat, I’m your guest here.” He says and from the rumors I’ve heard about him, he is acting very strange but I play along. “Thank you,” I respond as I don’t know what else to say. “I came to apologize.” He says uncomfortably. And I eye him closely waiting for him to continue. He doesn’t meet my gaze but after a few seconds he continues, “The hospital should have stood by you when those rumors came out. The office we gave you as well is not of standard so please allow me to clear my conscious.” The moment he said rumors I fe
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