All Chapters of Mr. CEO, Please Love our mummy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
108 Chapters
Chapter Fifty ~ I've missed you
Emily “Your food is here. I’m so sorry about the delay.” The waitress says apologetically as they begin to put the different food trays on the table. It is a variety of food I’ve never seen before. We don’t even wait for them to finish serving, we all laugh at how impatient we are as we start getting some on our plates. As I pick up the cup to sip on my wine, I can feel Liam’s eyes on me and as if to confirm my suspicion, I turn to face him only to be met with his hot gaze. “Do you know each other with Mr. Lockhart?” Someone at the table asks and all eyes turn to face me. I shift uncomfortably as I avoid the eyes looking at me waiting for the answer. “Why do you ask?” “Well, he's not taken his eyes off you since he walked in and I’ve not taken my eyes off him so you know.” She winks and I laugh despite my fast-beating heart. “Are you okay Dr. Harper?” Lily asks and I nod. “Yes, I am. I just need to use the restroom. Please excuse me.” I smile as I stand up. I can still feel
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Chapter Fifty One ~ Caught in the act
Emily “No, I wasn't. Let’s go.” I pull her by her wrist even though I know she wants to use the bathroom. I’m so flushed and bothered and I can’t believe I let myself get so far. The most scary part is that I have no regrets and that worries me. “Dr. Harper. We were about to send a search party for you.” The team jokes when we reach the table and I laugh nervously. “I’m so sorry, I had to make some calls.” I lie and they seem to buy it because everyone goes back to chatting and when I look at the time, it’s 10 PM. My eyes pop out of my socket, “Oh now, I need to go. You should too, tomorrow we get to serious work.” I wave at everyone. “You got it Doc!” From the corner of my eye, I can see Liam start to bid farewell and that makes me almost sprint out the door. I double my step when I bump into someone, “I’m-” “Emily?” William says with shock evident in his eyes. “Hi William, I'm in a rush right now. Let’s talk later” I wave but he stops me by pulling my wrist. I frown as
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Chapter Fifty Two ~ They're my kids too
Emily My eyes widen in shock as I push Liam off me and turn to his sleepy face. “Nothing baby, why are you up?” “Oh okay, I couldn’t sleep, you didn’t kiss me goodnight.” He rubs his eyes with his tiny hands and my heart warms. I was actually surprised they slept, usually, they’d dozz but never sleep because they’d stay up waiting for me even if I had called that I’d be late. “I’m sorry baby. Come.” I take him into my arms and lift him when he says, “Wait a minute Mummy.” He comes down from my arms and runs to Liam. “Goodnight Daddy!” He says and I watch in shock. He runs back to me and I can’t help but feel guilty. Will I be able to leave once Richngard gets better? The next morning, I wake up early to the sound of Kayden's gentle snoring. He is still deep in slumber beside me. Gently, I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb him. It’s our first night all together under one roof but it feels like we’ve been doing this forever. When I brought Kayden to put him to sleep, I end
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Chapter Fifty three ~ Our one shot
Emily As I sit in my office looking at the list of families that are interested in medicine, I can’t help but think back to this morning and how we ended our conversation. I’m feeling terrible and no matter what angle I look at it from, he was right and I’m being unfair so I take my phone and dial his number which he picks up on the first ring, “Hi.” I breathe. Suddenly not knowing what to say or how to address the issue, I get tongue-tied. “Yes baby, do you need something?” He asks patiently and his calm voice makes me even more nervous or is it the way he calls me “baby” even when he’s angry? “I just wanted to apologize for earlier, you’re right. They’re your kids too so I shouldn’t be selfish.” I breathe again and he sighs on the other end. “Okay. Thank you for telling me.” He says. “Okay, then,” I respond and cut the call. My palms are sweaty and my heart is beating so fast. There is a knock on the door and Lily’s frame coming into view makes me breathe a sigh of relief. Fi
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Chapter Fifty four ~ Revenge for mummy
Kayden We knocked off early from school because of a virus outbreak. Hayden and I were expecting Mummy to show up but it was Daddy instead. I nudge Hayden on the side with my elbow. “Look It’s Daddy!” I excitedly shout. The car comes to a stop and he steps out looking as dashing as always with his powerful aura, “It feels good to look alike with this man.” Hayden says and I nod in agreement. “It’s like seeing the future.” I grin. “Hey, boys! Hope you don’t mind me picking you up today.” He says as we shake our heads in unison. “Not at all. We love it when you pick us up but just don’t tell mummy.” Hayden whispers and I laugh. I know he’s joking so I let him get away with it. “She will definitely make us all sleep under a tree if I tell her. So, I’ll keep your secret.” He ruffles our hair as we walk to the car. Hayden and I nudge each other, grinning from ear to ear. We're proud to be Liam Lockhart's sons. The car ride home is always exciting even with Aunty Nina, and today is
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Chapter Fifty Five ~ You donated all your money!
Victoria I decide it's time to throw a party, something extravagant to show everyone how fabulous my life is. After all, it's been ages since I hosted one, and what better occasion than the return of my longtime friend Kate? New York deserves to witness the glamor that is Victoria Smith. It seems Liam has blocked me and after working so hard to get that bitch out of his life it has been harder because no matter what I do, she just won't stay away. She’s like a moth drawn to a flame and eventually, I will burn her to the damn ground. Seeing that interview Liam did to clear her name drove me so crazy I had to fire ten people that day! I sigh as I sit up, I know how desperate she will be for that deal and eventually, that brave face she wore yesterday will be wiped off her face as she begs me for the deal. I smirk at the satisfaction of seeing her beg for my mercy while Liam has abandoned her and is by my side. Everything will soon be in place. I know that for sure. With a smile on my
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Chapter Fifty Six ~ I have news!
Emily There are certain mornings when I’m not feeling the best or motivated and one of those days is today. So, I decide to call in that I’ll be a bit late so that I can get my head clear and plan my next move. Victoria ruined our best shot yesterday and William managed to ruin every other option we could have had and just thinking about it makes me sad. My phone vibrates and It’s the hospital director. “Dr. Harper!” He says in a cheerful voice and I shake my head in wonder. What could have happened to make him so happy? not that it’s a bad thing. “Good Morning Director,” I respond as cheerfully as I can. “How has been the institute so far?” He asks and I massage my temples from a headache that’s starting to form. “Not so good.” Is my response knowing very well he’s aware of what mess William has created but hasn’t done anything about it! “I understand things must’ve been very difficult for you. I also know your preferences but this one you will have to make an exception because
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Chapter Fifty Seven ~ She is incredible
Liam “Well, we saw how she talked to you!” Kayden speaks first and is backed by Hayden. I’m highly impressed because I didn’t know my twins were this intelligent. I mean hacking a company is another thing but watching the meeting and hearing the audio is a whole skill to another level. I will have to ask them to tell me more when we’re alone because it seems that Emily has been hiding things from me. I can’t believe I didn't know that Victoria tried to sabotage her new collaboration. I will teach her a lesson she won’t forget. I grind my teeth in irritation but quickly calm myself down as I don’t want to scare the kids. “You may go.” I turn to Jake. A fuming Emily is about to nail the twins with her gaze. “We told you, we’d protect you, mummy.” They add in unison and I can see her anger vanish from her eyes instantly. “Well, that was a lot of money. Can you transfer it back?” She asks with worry in her voice. “What if they trace you and you get in trouble? She is not a very kin
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Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Your life will be over!
Emily “You don’t say!” Nina holds her mouth in shock as I narrate what Kayden and Hayden did. I burst out laughing trying to picture the face she had on when she was told she had no money. “I did speak to them but deep down I’m proud of them. I’m such a terrible person.” I place my face between my hands when Nina shocks me with her next words. “ I have an ex, I want to teach a lesson -” “No Nina. They won’t help you. Besides, they are grounded and won’t use any computers for a while.” I smile as I try to suppress my laughter. The kids are only six years old. I'm afraid of what they will be able to do at eighteen. The knock on the door brings us back to reality as Lily walks in, “The appointment is confirmed and you can now go there.” She smiles and I nod. “Thanks, Lily. Do you need a lift, Nina?” I ask, turning to her and she nods. “Hell yes. How else will I get home madame?” She rolls her eyes but I ignore her while I pack my testing kits and everything I’ll need. **********
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Chapter Fifty Nine ~ You need a break
Emily I turn to Liam, grateful for his defense. "Thank you," I say quietly. He nods, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and frustration. "Focus on what needs to be done. I'll handle the rest." As the door closes, I take a deep breath and proceed with the tests hoping to find the answers that I seek. Hopefully, I will be able to diagnose her sooner than later. I look at Theo, "Theo, I need your consent to remove her from the machine so that we can begin the treatment. It's the best chance she has." He nods, "Do whatever it takes, Dr. Harper. We trust you. I’m so sorry about my sister I will ask her to apologize" “That won’t be necessary.” I move slowly and carefully, disconnecting the machine and carefully monitoring her vital signs. With Liam’s help, we shift her to a more comfortable position. I begin the initial treatment, administering medications that will hopefully help reduce the effects of the chemicals and provide some relief to her weakened body. Theo’s phone ri
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