All Chapters of Daddy's Sweet Kitten: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
Untamed Desire
 Angelina's POV I collapsed onto Kade's chest, panting hard. His short, sharp breaths mirrored mine, until together we stopped panting and merely held each other. I felt sated and spent, and I could feel my eyes slowly drooping in sleep. "You should come inside." Kade murmured, as though he'd read my thoughts. "You're sleepy." I raised my head to look into his eyes. "But Elva is inside, is she not? What will she say when she finds me with her dad early in the morning tomorrow?" Kade's brow shot up in amusement. "Who says she'll find you here?" "What are you— Kade!" I protested. Kade had stood to his feet, lifting me into the air while I still straddled him.  "You will sleep in my bed tonight, Angel." He grunted, as he led the way inside the house. "Tomorrow morning, before your friend wakes, you'll be gone." I gave
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 Angelina's POV Before I knew it, Kade began to back me towards the bed, his lips still on mine. I let myself go pliant underneath his roaming hands as he lifted me by my thighs so easily. He carted me over to the bed despite his limp, and gently laid me down on its surface. "Stay still," he growled in command. I wasn't sure I would listen; every fiber of my being wanted to run my hands all over his body.Kade must have known what I was planning to do.  He grabbed both of my hands in one of his in a viselike grip above my head, holding them against the headboard. Then he pinned the rest of me to the bed using his hips. Holy fuck!  His other hand gripped my hair and yanked down, pushing my face up, as his lips assaulted mine. It was as erotic as it was painful, and soon I started to feel myself grow moist again. I moaned over and over again into
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A Promise
 Angelina's POVI turned towards the sound of my mother's voice, my heart racing. Her silhouette emerged from the shadows, arms crossed, eyes narrowed with suspicion.  My mind scrambled around for a believable story. "Um, I was just... out for a walk," I stammered. "A walk?" she repeated, incredulous. "At this hour? Try again, Angelina." I bit my lip, thinking fast. "I couldn't sleep," I said, the lie coming out smoother this time. "I thought some fresh air might help clear my head." She took a step closer, the moonlight casting a stern glow on her features. "And you didn't think to tell me before you left?" I shifted uncomfortably. "I didn't want to wake you," I murmured, avoiding her piercing gaze. My mother let out a short, humorless laugh. "How considerate of you," she uttered dryly.  "And where exactly d
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Protecting his Angel
 Angelina's POVThe rest of that day was spent in a mix of dread and eagerness for what was to come. Even Elva must have noticed my jumpiness, as she kept sneaking worried glances at me.Finally, our last course for the day ended.  I shot to my feet, glancing at my phone's clock. Twelve minutes past two in the afternoon. Kade should be here at any time from now. "Hey, I have an after-school thing with my buds from STAT 199," Elva told me, as she pushed her laptop into her bag. "My dad is coming to pick us up, so you might as well just follow him home instead of catching the bus." "Oh, okay." I murmured, keeping my eyes on my phone. I hated to admit it, but I was waiting for a text from Kade. Elva paused, then wagged her fingers between my phone and my face. "Hello? Angelina, are you okay?" "What?" I glanced up, then gave her a stiff smile. "Yes, I
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Kissing her
 Kade's POVMy hand closed in around the boy's neck, forcing him to the wall. In a corner of my mind that wasn't already hazed out by rage, I heard Angel call out my name and tell me to stop. But I was too far gone. "What do you think you're about to do?" I asked, my voice low and yet dangerous. "Step aside, man!" The college boy choked out. "How is this....any of your business?" The boy tried to throw off my hand, but I was bigger and stronger. My grip tightened, and his eyes bulged as the breath caught in his throat. I leaned into the boy's face, until we were merely inches apart. My voice was as venomous as ever as I spoke. "Touch Angel again, and I swear to God, it will be the last thing you do." The boy opened his mouth to speak, but with one swift motion, I released his neck. He staggered forward and landed on his knees, coughing and spluttering and grip
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Sex toys
 Angelina's POV"I have something else we can try," he murmured into my ears, as we sat together exhausted. I glanced up, frowning in confusion. "What's that?"Kade's eyes twinkled with something close to mischief. "Toys?" I thought hard, but my mind drew a blank. "Kade, I'm not sure what you—" "Sit back." With one quick, easy motion, he lifted me into the air by my thighs and placed me gently down on the passenger's seat. I had an idea of what he meant, and my core quivered at the thought. I was already sore between my legs, but my body was gearing up for more. "I bought something for you," Kade explained. Then he opened the glove compartment of his car, pulling out a large, packaged cardboard box. Tense silence reigned in the car as he tore the package open and pulled out what was inside. Laid side by side against a packagin
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