All Chapters of Offered to the Cruel Alpha king: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
155 Chapters
Chapter 21
~Sebastian"What brings you to my pack, Alpha Sebastian?" the shrewd-looking man said in a voice tinted with hostility.I felt a surge of rage swirl within me, directed at Athena as this was all her fault. If she hadn't run away, I wouldn't be here right now in front of this buffoon of an Alpha.I sighed and locked gazes with Scott, Alpha of the Moon Crescent Pack. "I come in peace, Alpha Scott. I am here in search of a girl who fled from my pack," I said, doing a good job of hiding the disgust and anger in my voice."It has been years since we last saw each other, Alpha Sebastian, despite sharing borders," he smiled and arched a brow, his demeanor becoming more fierce as he asked in a serious tone, "You mean to tell me that after all these years, you are visiting my pack right now because of a girl?"I shut my eyes, trying to pacify my wolf that was threatening to surface. How dare he? How dare he try to question me in such a manner? Has he forgotten who I am? Or does he think that I
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Chapter 22
~ RichardAs soon as I left Athena and stepped outside, falling in step with James, I asked curiously, "What is the problem, James?"James and I had gone to my stable earlier to race each other. I had ridden my favorite Stallion, Mike, while he had ridden Josh.I had emerged victorious as always, after which we had come back all sweaty and had to go and refresh. There was no problem then; how could there be a problem in less than thirty minutes upon our return?"We received a phone call from our men at the border," James said, halting to look at me. I arched a brow up inquisitively."It is Alpha Sebastian; he wants in," James continued, "says he wants to see you. They want to know if they should let him in."I clenched my fist and felt rage boil within me as flashes of all Athena had said about him flooded my mind. I repeated James' words to myself, "Sebastian is here?"He continued walking, "Yes, Richard, and we both know the reason why.""He is looking for Athena; I swear I would st
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Chapter 23
~RichardI ran after her, cursing under my breath at James. It was all his fault. If he hadn't gotten me all riled up, I wouldn't have said any of the things I said.Members of staff stared at me as I ran past, but I didn't care. My mind was focused on reaching Athena and explaining things to her."Athena! Where the hell are you?" I called out, my voice laced with a mix of anger and concern. Anger at myself for acting out of control and saying things I didn't mean, and concern for her as I could feel the pain coursing through her body. Sometimes this bond was a curse and sometimes a blessing."Athena! Athena!" I called out, wandering through the trees, peering in every corner in hopes of catching a glimpse of her.No response."Ath…" I was about to say before I saw her sitting on the floor, hugging her legs tightly as if she was cold and rocking herself to and fro.My expression softened. I took purposeful steps towards her and sat on the floor beside her, placing a hand around her sh
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Chapter 24
~AthenaI was still with Richard and James in the Secretary's office when we were approached by a guard."Good morning, Your Majesty," he greeted, bowing curtly.Having drawn the attention of everyone, we averted our gazes to him. He regarded me briefly and looked hesitant to speak. "What is it?" Richard inquired, his voice cold as he stared at the guard with a raised brow."Your Majesty, i came to tell Beta James that the conference room is filled with elders and Ms. Jessica. They are seeking an audience with you," he lowered his head after he had spoken. He had obviously come to deliver the message the the King's beta and was surprised to also see the king and myself there.James and Richard exchanged knowing looks before he averted his gaze to the guard, instructing him, "Tell them I will be with them shortly."The guard bowed in response and scurried away.After he had left, Richard led me aside and said in a soothing voice, "Athena, you need to go back to the room, freshen up, a
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Chapter 25
~RichardI walked into the conference room wearing a stern look and felt all their gazes on me.I went straight to my seat and sat down, letting my eyes sweep through their sullen faces and sighed."What is it you all want to talk about?" I inquired coldly. "It had better be important and worth my time," I added, despite knowing exactly why they wanted to see me.Rarely in my pack do the elders summon a meeting. It is the king who calls for a meeting and not the other way around. For the elders to summon the king, it signifies that there was a dire issue or problem affecting the pack which they needed to bring to the king's notice.I saw them exchange glances with each other as they hoped someone amongst them would summon up the courage to speak.Just then, the ever brazen Jessica stood up and cleared her throat."Here we go again!" I internalized as I let out a slight yawn from boredom."Your Majesty, myself and the elders have called you here this morning to discuss an issue of grea
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Chapter 26
When James informed me that Sebastian and his men had arrived, I asked that they be kept in the conference room. Just to spite him a bit, I made him wait an hour before I joined him.When I stepped into the conference room with James, I saw Sebastian seated while at least 7 men stood guard behind him. The sight was funny to behold; I scoffed.If I wanted to kill him, not even 20 of his men could stop me from doing so.Upon seeing me, he stood on his feet. I raised my brows and walked towards my seat with an air of arrogance about me."Your Majesty," he bowed, "thank you for allowing me to visit your pack on such short notice," he smirked.All I wanted to do at that moment was to smack that smirk off his face. I felt my wolf rumble within me."Calm down, Ralph," I advised my wolf. He grunted and heeded my advice.I returned Sebastian's smile. "Please sit, Sebastian," I sighed. "I have been so busy; I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long?"Not detecting the mockery in my voice, h
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Chapter 27
~ RichardStanding at the doorway was Sabrina. My heart sank just because I might have to kill Sebastian after all. I immediately exchanged glances with James, inquiring whether he had also informed her about not speaking of Athena to any of the guests we would have today.He shook his head.Sabrina strutted seductively and asked again, "Who is it you speak of?"Sebastian looked at me in surprise, probably wondering why a lady would just dash in when the king was having a meeting with a guest and even go ahead to ask questions.I didn't want to act rashly with Sabrina in his presence so as not to act in a suspicious manner that would tip him off about what exactly was going on.I smiled and replied Sabrina, "This is Alpha Sebastian. He is here in search of a slave girl named Athena, but I just let him know that she is not in my kingdom.""Oh, I see," she replied, understanding my message clearly.Feeling the need to tender an apology to Sebastian for Sabrina's rude behavior, I smiled a
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Chapter 28
~Athena I quickly recovered and forced a smile."Of course, I want you to plant your seed in me," I raised my hand to his face and gently caressed him, "I want to carry your child, Richard."He flashed a warm smile and pulled me closer to him, holding me tightly."I will do that, but first, we need to get properly wedded as it is our custom."I nodded in response.A couple of hours later, there came a knock on the door. It was James, he had come to inform us that dinner had been served.I panicked as I made a mental assessment of the people that were likely going to be there. It was probably going to be filled with people who hated my guts."I can't go with you, Richard; have dinner without me," my voice was a bit shaky as I spoke, hinting at the underlying nervousness.Richard frowned and raised a brow, "You know there is no way in hell I am going to do that," his voice sharpened, "You have nothing to be scared of, Athena; I am going to be right next to you," he assured, coming clos
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Chapter 29
~AthenaHis facial expression immediately changedMy heart sank.The guilty look on his face confirmed my fears."Sit down, Athena," he said, his tone serious. I sat on the bed beside him. He placed his hand on my legs, and I felt the urge to push them away, but I refrained from doing so."You have, haven't you?" My voice was on the verge of breaking. His brows furrowed.Ignoring my question, he threw one at me, "Why did you ask me this question all of a sudden?""I saw the way she looked at you! I saw how jealous she was when you offered to dish food into my plate! I am a woman, Richard! I know when a woman is in love with a man!" I snapped. This couldn't be me; I hardly ever had outbursts like this. This was definitely my wolf's doing."You need to control yourself, Elsa! This is the king!" I snapped inwardly at her."And he is my mate!" she retorted."Don't even pretend you are not as pained as I am! I am only saying the words you don't have the balls to spill!" She snapped furious
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Chapter 30
~ Sabastian"Massage me properly," I snapped at my masseuse."Al..alright, Alpha," she stuttered and applied more effort."Mmhhh," I moaned softly as she hit the right spots. I was so stressed out.After visiting the three neighboring packs without any success in my agenda, my body craved a full-blown massage to ease my stress.As I lay down on the massage table in my massage parlor, butt naked, and allowed the masseuse to do her job, I couldn't help but ponder over what had transpired at the Black Knight pack.I was writhing with anger within me all the while I was at His Majesty's pack. He had completely wasted my time. First, he made me wait several hours after he was informed I wanted to come see him. Next, he disrespected me in his mansion by making me wait an extra hour after my arrival.A whole me! A whole Alpha Sabastian whom every werewolf fears. I just didn't blame him; it was all because of Athena. She is the cause of all this."Pray ye, Athena, that I do not get my hands o
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