All Chapters of Offered to the Cruel Alpha king: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
155 Chapters
Chapter 41
~AthenaThe tone of Richard's voice, though calm, hinted at a problem. He was different. The man talking to me right now was not the same man I knew. This was the first time I was seeing this part of him."Are you there?" he called out, wanting to make sure he still had my attention."Yes, I am," I managed to say, my voice coming out a bit hoarse as there was a lump in my throat."Okay, I would go straight to the point," he stated matter-of-factly.My heart went into my mouth."I just got a call from Jessica," he paused.I swallowed hard, knowing where the discussion was headed."According to her, there is an urgent matter I need to attend to. She has even involved the council members. That woman is really getting on my nerves at this point," his voice was hard as he said his last words.I kept quiet, not knowing how to respond."Why are you quiet, Athena?" he asked.I thought hard about how best to reply to the question; the best I could come up with was, "Nothing really, I am just w
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Chapter 42
~AthenaI hardly slept all night. I tossed back and forth restlessly, waiting for the dawn of the day. I had endless conversations with my wolf who was as eager as I was to see Richard again. Unlike her though, I had an unsettling feeling within me. My insecurities were rearing their ugly heads again."Richard is too good for me. I don't belong here. I don't deserve this life; I don't deserve someone like him. What if he finally gets to see it?"When morning came, Tracy knocked on the door lightly before slightly pushing it open and peering in to check my state. If I was sleeping, she would have gone back out.I lay grumpily on the bed, staring at her. Seeing that I was awake, she smiled and got in, shutting the door behind her."Good morning, my Queen. Arise and shine for it is a beautiful day."I groaned and got into a sitting position, stretching myself. It had been a very rough night. My bones were sore and aching.I could really use a proper massage right now."Morning, Tracy, ho
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Chapter 43
~AthenaEveryone rose to their feet as soon as Richard and I walked in and bowed curtly in greeting. I stared at the faces that stared back at us. Sabrina and Jessica were together, occupying the two front seats on the right-hand side. The two front seats on the left were empty. Shrewd-looking elders filled the seats from the second row to about the sixth one.I could feel several pairs of eyes glaring daggers at me. If only looks could kill, I would have probably dropped dead the second I walked in.I looked at the podium, and there were two seats there. This was my first time being in the conference room. I wondered whether there had always been two thrones or if another was added because I was going to be here today.The room was painted white and had two windows draped with beautiful blue curtains. The ceiling was very high with a chandelier dangling in the middle, being the most prominent source of light illuminating the room. Other tiny fluorescents surrounded the four corners o
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Chapter 44
~Sabrina"Your Majesty!" James shouted as he rushed towards Richard.Ignoring him, Richard growled at me, "I have had enough of that smart little mouth of yours! How dare you?!" His eyes glowed a dark red; he was allowing his monstrous wolf to get the better part of him again.I scratched at his hand helplessly, hoping, praying he would let go as I was choking so badly it was difficult to breathe, but he wouldn't budge."You might strangle her to death at this rate!" James whispered to him, but Richard still didn't react. Was that how much he hated me? I thought we were friends. Horror filled my eyes as I saw my death nearing. I was strong, but I was no match for him. Richard had a unique ability, one that made everyone around him weak if he wanted to, one that suppressed one's wolf if he didn't want it to be let out.I clawed at his hand, my legs kicking helplessly. I was becoming weak. Was this how I was really going to die?I saw the little witch approach him, wrapping her arms ar
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Chapter 45
~ RichardAthena asked me to go and apologize to Sabrina for what happened in the conference room. I told her I was going to do that later, but she insisted I find Sabrina and do it at that moment, as leaving it to prolong might foster animosity in her heart towards me and, in extension, towards her too.I went outside hoping to see Sabrina lurking around somewhere or just basking in the sun like she loves to, but she was nowhere in sight. I even asked James and Michael, who were outside, if they had perhaps seen her around; they all answered in the negative.There was now only one place she could be: her room.I decided to go up to her room and apologize. Just after I had apologized and she accepted amidst tears, I pulled her in for a comforting hug, and that was when it happened.She covered my lips with hers, causing my eyes to grow wide. Her lips were so soft and succulent. I opened my mouth to hers and savored it for a bit. Her hand slid down to my manhood, which had become hard a
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Chapter 46
~AthenaI knew immediately I walked in and saw the demeanor on his face that something was wrong. My fears resurfaced, the fears I have been having ever since he chose me as his mate. Regardless of how much I tried to pretend that I could be queen, I knew deep down that I wasn't good enough.I just waited for the day he would realize it too and decide it was time to let me go. The day my world would finally be shattered, the day I would give up on love and life.He asked me to sit, and I obeyed, waiting to hear him say the words that I had been dreading, but when he spoke, it wasn't exactly the words that I expected that his lips uttered; they spoke words that were different but similar. Words that led me to believe that the scales had fallen off his eyes and he now wanted to be with another woman whom he deemed more suitable to be his queen."I made out with Sabrina."I bit down hard on my lower lip, telling myself crying was of no use despite how shattered I felt on the inside. The p
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Chapter 47
~AthenaBlissful days passed, and finally, the long-awaited day arrived: the day of the feast. The garden was bustling with a large number of people, with lots of food and drinks served to pack members. It was a very busy day for the members of staff.The day before, I had helped Ms. Sandra in selecting the different types of food that would be on the menu, and the cooks had gone to work preparing it. I had also assisted with menial jobs in the kitchen. Richard, James, and Michael had made sure all the drinks that would be needed were supplied in large quantities.To my surprise, even Jessica and Sabrina had helped as well. They assisted in the decorations of the garden where the pack members would stay and even inside the large hall in the mansion where the king, his council members, and some dignitaries in the pack would be served during the celebration.All hands were on deck. Everyone saw to it that the celebration would be a success. Sabrina had been suspiciously nice to me in th
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Chapter 48
~SabrinaI was so restless, pacing back and forth in my room. I could still feel the rage in Sebastian's voice when he queried me about his findings regarding Athena before the line went dead.Dread for his next line of action made me very uneasy. What was he going to do at this point? Was he going to come instantly to reclaim Athena?Sebastian is a very irrational man; at this point, he could do anything. I tried his line again…No answer!He probably thinks I'm unreliable for keeping such information from him. How the hell did he know though? I wondered. Do we have a snitch amongst us? That seemed like the only possible explanation, but who could that be?I sighed and sat on my bed, placing my head between my legs as my hands dug into my hair. I was so worried it showed. That night I could barely sleep. I kept tossing and turning on the bed, dialing Sebastian's line repeatedly until his line turned off.Soon enough, it was morning. I quickly had my bath and got dressed in casual out
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Chapter 49
~SabrinaI blinked as his words sank in. James? In love with me? I stared right at him in confusion as I tried to make sense of everything.He ran his hand through his lush, thick brown hair and pinned me with a subtle gaze as he added, "I have been in love with you since we were kids, right from the moment I was old enough to know what love was." He swallowed and managed a nervous smile, one I didn't return as I was still in a state of surprise, trying to soak it all in.It all finally made sense. All those times I got treated specially by James, it wasn't just because we were close childhood friends as I had thought; it was because he loved me.The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I already knew what my response would be, but I didn't know how to break it to him. I didn't know how to tell him that I was in love with someone else. I didn't know how to tell him that I have never seen him as anything but a friend. Those revelations will shatter him.Despite being someone who s
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Chapter 50
~AthenaI woke up feeling very grumpy. When my eyes fluttered open, Richard was not in bed beside me. I could hear the water rushing in the bathroom and knew he was taking his shower.It was today. The day he finally travels, leaving me all alone here for two weeks. I shut my eyes and massaged my aching forehead. How was I going to survive even a day without him?Just then the water stopped, and he got out, tying a towel around his waist. The first thing he did as he got out was to glance in my direction to check if I was still asleep. Upon meeting my half-open, tired eyes peering at him, he flashed me a heart-melting smile that caused my heart to flutter."I see you are awake," he said in high spirits as he walked towards me.I returned his smile, "I just woke up, it was a hell of a night," I whispered as he got close and bent down, kissing me on the forehead.He chuckled at my words. I meant that in a good way. We couldn't get enough of each other last night. We literally made love
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